The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 22: Practicing the nameless body training technique

Chapter 22: Practicing the nameless body training technique
(Li Yao’s cave.)
Li Yaozhi had already memorized the first level of the nameless body-training technique, a total of 36 movements, and wanted to practice it immediately.

The nameless body-training technique, although it is a technique that acts on the spiritual roots, is the same as the ordinary body-training technique. It is the practice of adding mental skills to the body.

The mental technique was okay, she had already memorized it, but the physical technique was a bit difficult.

Li Yaozhi silently recited the mental method in his heart and learned the movements of the villain in the exercise. From the first movement, he felt a faint pain in his body like when soaking in spiritual liquid. The outside world also felt a sense of pressure on his body. As he moved, As the progress progresses, that feeling becomes more and more obvious.

"Why is this? This skill can't be fake, right? Is it because the physical skills are not in place?"

Although she said this, she still felt in her heart that this technique must be true, and it could only be true...

Li Yaozhi concentrated her energy and kept her mind intact, and continued to endure the pain and pressure to slowly practice her physical skills. Unknowingly, she felt the black, green and red spiritual energy around her penetrate into her body bit by bit.

After going to the white space, the three-color spiritual energy gently wrapped around the spiritual roots that matched it, and slowly, slowly penetrated.

"Well..." The familiar pain came again, but she knew that she could never stop practicing the physical skills.


Seven days later, Li Yaozhi finished practicing physical skills.

She already had some experience with the first level of the nameless physical training method. Mental methods and physical skills echoed each other and were intertwined. Each mental method corresponded to a physical skill movement. She discovered this. The latter part is a little easier.

However, I only practiced the ninth movement, and I couldn't practice the tenth one. The mental method and movements clearly appeared in my mind, but they were like the moon in the mirror in the water, as if they were fake.

Is it because she only has the third level of Qi training now?There are 36 movements in physical skills, and there are twelve levels in the Qi training period. Does each level correspond to three movements?
That should be it.

After figuring it out, Li Yaozhi stopped worrying and used the cleaning technique to eat a spiritual fruit.

After getting on the flying magic weapon - Xiaobaiyun, we went to Danyun Palace.

Li Yao took off the flying magic weapon and greeted: "Senior Brother He, morning?"

"Junior Sister Li, Master has arrived, please go in quickly!"

"Yes, Senior Brother He."

Li Yaozhi hurriedly entered the palace and saw Master Danxia sorting out the spiritual herbs in the jade box.Just as she was about to be greeted, she saw the real person brushing his sleeves (meaning: no need to be polite) and asked:
"Li Yaozhi, how did you come up with the idea that day that you didn't have enough spiritual consciousness to make alchemy, so two people could do it?"

"Ah, Master Danxia, ​​I just thought, if one person can't do the work, how about one more person?" She indeed thought this way, but whether Master Danxia used it or not was none of her business.

"Oh, it's true that the authorities are obsessed with it. Since ancient times, how many people have wanted to transcend the level of alchemy. Even if they reach the realm, they can't do it because they don't have enough spiritual consciousness. Today, this problem has been solved by you. I have reported your idea to the sect. The merits and rewards have also been received, but... we can’t make them public yet, can you remember?”

"Yes, Master, I remember it." Unexpectedly, there would be a reward, and Li Yaozhi was extremely happy for a moment.

"Well, there are two rewards. One is that you can go to the library to choose an advanced technique, and the other is that after you build the foundation, you can choose a master. Which one do you want to choose?"

As for the exercises, in addition to the ones she was practicing, she also had some leftover by Bai Xiaoxuan, so there was no shortage of them.

But there is a lack of a master. After the formal disciples build the foundation, they are automatically promoted to inner disciples. There are countless inner disciples in the sect. If you want to become a direct disciple, you have to become a master in order to obtain more training resources.

The important thing is that with a high status, her safety is more guaranteed, and she can boldly trade some things in the space for spiritual stones.

Besides..., after becoming a master, do you want any skills?

Thinking of this, Li Yaozhi had the answer in her heart, but she was still a little worried. After all, she was a female supporting character, and Li Yaozhi in the book never became a disciple from beginning to end.

"I dare to ask the real person, what if I choose the second one and the master I choose doesn't want me?"

"Then you can only go to the Library Pavilion to choose an advanced technique."

"Master, I choose the second one." Li Yao said firmly after hearing that he could choose the technique again without any loss.

"If my five disciple seats were not full, I would have accepted you as my disciple." Master Danxia said with some regret.

"I can only blame my disciple for not having such good fortune."

"Follow me. That was the reward given to you by the sect just now. I haven't given you my reward yet. I see that you have always wanted to learn alchemy, so I only talk to you a few words on weekdays. Today I will make an exception and let you Watch and see how I make elixirs. How much you can understand depends on your understanding." After saying this, Master Danxia's tone became a little happy and said:
"From now on, you won't have to come. Because I had an idea the day before yesterday, I want to practice in seclusion."

"Thank you so much for your love, I wish you an early breakthrough to the Nascent Soul." Li Yaozhi congratulated happily.

(End of this chapter)

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