The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 334 I also have a white jade pendant with flowing water patterns

Chapter 334 I also have a white jade pendant with flowing water patterns

"Big treasure!"

"Big treasure!"

"Big treasure!"

"Big treasure!"

Four shouted.

"What are your names?" Dabao finally raised his head from the cup.

"My name is A Feng."

"My name is Ahong."

"My name is Yueyue."

"My name is Bingyu."

"You guys are so good-looking!" Dabao said with envy.

"You look very good-looking too!" The four little ones comforted it.

"Hey hey hey!" Dabao was a little shy and covered his eyes with his big fluffy tail.

Seeing this, Li Yaozhi and You Zongze couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, it's getting late, we should go too."

"Yeah." You Zongze said.

The two of them put their spiritual pets back into their spirit animal bags (or spaces).

After going downstairs and paying for the tea, the two returned to the inn.

When she entered the inn, she happened to remember that there was a room next to her that was not occupied, so she asked You Zongze and the shopkeeper to rent this room.

After sending You Zongze into the guest room, she said: "Fellow Daoist You, wait a minute, I will use the alchemy furnace to brew some medicine for you."

"Thank you Li Daoyou!"

"You are Welcome!"

Li Yaozhi returned to the room and took out the alchemy furnace. The furnace naturally became larger when it hit the ground.

Put the elixir fire under the furnace, take out the elixir and throw it into the elixir furnace, simply remove impurities, pour it into the spiritual spring, and boil it.

After half an hour, the inside of the furnace will turn into a thick black soup.

Pour it into a small gourd, go out, go to You Zongze's room, and hand the gourd to him.

"There are ten kilograms of decoction in it. If you drink one bowl three times a day, it will last you about 10 days. Of course, if you prepare it in advance, you don't need to drink it anymore."

"Okay, I see."

Li Yaozhi looked at the sky through the window: "Fellow Daoist You, I'm going out soon, and I don't know how many days I can come back. This is the key to my room, and this is the formation flag for entering and exiting the formation. If you have an enemy looking for it, Come on, it's better to go in and take shelter. Also, you'd better not use force for three days, and you need to be healthy."

"I'll write it down!" You Zongze took the key and the formation flag.

"Okay, it's getting late, I'm leaving."

You Zongze held a salute with both hands: "I wish Li Yao and his party a smooth and safe trip."

Li Yaozhi also saluted: "Thank you very much!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she disappeared from the room.

When she appeared at the city gate again, her appearance had changed.

She transformed into a handsome and tender-faced young man, whose cultivation was in the middle stage of foundation building.Seeing brothers Zhang Cai and Wu Sheng waiting for Chang An under a big tree, she walked up and struck up a conversation: "Are these two fellow Taoists waiting here?"

The two of them looked her up and down, "Not bad, what can I do for you?"

She took out a white jade pendant with flowing water patterns from the storage bag at her waist.

He smiled and said, "I have a piece of jade here. The person who sold it to me said it was the key to a certain fairy palace, so I wanted to find a few companions to hunt for the treasure together. I saw the two Taoist friends looked kind and repaired. It’s not low-key, so I’m here to invite you. What do you think?”

When the two saw Bai Yu, they were immediately stunned.

Wu Sheng looked at her suspiciously: "How do you know whether your jade is real or fake? Maybe that person is lying to you?"

Li Yaozhi glanced at him specifically: "It must be true. I have a special feeling every time I get a real treasure, so if it is true or false, I will know it as soon as I get it in my hand."

"real or fake?!"

The two of them heard what she said was mysterious, but when they thought that this jade was exactly the same as Chang Sheng's jade, it was really hard to believe!
I saw that her whole body exuded an aura of innocence, and I felt sour for a moment.

It’s true that stupid people have stupid blessings. I guess the people who sold him things didn’t know that this was indeed the key to the fairy mansion!
The two looked at each other.

(transmitting messages to each other)

Wu Sheng: Brother, that kid Chang Sheng probably doesn’t know that there are two keys to the Immortal Mansion. We have to trick this kid into getting his jade.

Zhang Cai: Don’t lie, he didn’t invite us to go with him. It would be nice to have multiple scapegoats when the time comes!

Wu Sheng: What should Chang Sheng do?And this guy doesn’t seem to have a map!
Zhang Cai: Then let’s go together. It will be lively when there are more people!

Wu Sheng: Brother, you are still smart!

The two agreed.

Wu Sheng said: "Since you kindly invite us, we brothers can't refuse, so we will let you join our team. However, you are such a jade..."

"Of course I have to hold this jade myself. After all, I spent 1 middle-grade spiritual stones to buy it."

"A thousand middle-grade spiritual stones?" Wu Sheng's eyes widened.

The two of them once again confirmed that this was a rich man who had been taken advantage of, and they must take him with them.

"Well, you can keep the jade yourself. We don't want to force it on others." Zhang Cai said to her in a good voice.

At this time, Wu Sheng sent a message to her: "Brother, we still have a few people who are not here. To tell you the truth, that person not only has a piece of jade like you, but they also have a treasure hunting map. When that person comes, you Don't let the jade leak out.
I’m not trying to scare you. He’s so cruel and scheming that neither of us can play with him. If you let it out, you and Yu will probably be gone. "

After Li Yaozhi heard this, he quickly thanked him and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for telling me. I've written it down. My surname is Wu and my given name is Zimu. I'm from Hongli Island in the south. What do you call me?"

"My name is Zhang Cai, and this is my cousin Wu Sheng. It turns out you are from Red Carp Island. No wonder we haven't seen you in Fangshi."

"Yes, Hongli Island lacks cultivation resources and there are not many practitioners. I have no choice but to go far away in order to gain experience. Fortunately, I have a way to make money, so I am able to be where I am today!"

Wu Sheng chuckled: "Brother Wu, I wonder if you can reveal a little bit about how you make money. It doesn't need to be too much, as long as it allows my cousin and I to earn some pocket money to spend."

"There's nothing that can't be said about this. It's actually very simple. It's just buying and selling. I use my ability to pick up the things and then sell them at a high price."

Seeing how relaxed she said it, the two of them felt even more uncomfortable. God, it's so unfair. How could such a good ability be given to this useless boy? !
Wu Sheng sent a message to Zhang Cai: Brother, if this person can be used by me, we will release him.

The two smiled at each other.

Zhang Cai patted Li Yaozhi on the shoulder and said proudly:
"Fellow Martial Arts Fellow, you are truly blessed. You are able to tell us such hidden things without any concealment. This shows that you do not treat us as outsiders.

In this case, we can't let you down. From now on, the three of us will be brothers. If you need help with anything in the future, just say it and your brother will definitely help you. "

Li Yaoyi looked touched: "Thank you two brothers, we will be brothers from now on. I think these two brothers are smarter than me. When we have money in the future, we will make money together. I will be responsible for buying, you two will be responsible for selling, and we will sell the spiritual stones." How about everyone getting one?"

"Of course it's great. We brothers are here to thank Wu Di for his generosity." Zhang Cai said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Li Yaozhi waved his hand generously.

(End of this chapter)

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