Chapter 335

The three of them were chatting just right, when Chang An brought the two of them over.

One of those two people is in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and the other is in the late stage of the Golden Core.

Chang An smiled and said: "Brother Zhang, Brother Wu, these two are Senior Zhao and Senior Zhou. They agreed to hunt for treasure with us this time."

Zhang Cai and Wu Sheng quickly stepped forward and respectfully said, "Senior Zhao, Senior Zhou."

The two seniors just nodded slightly and agreed with them.

Zhang Cai pulled Li Yaozhi over: "Brother Chang, two seniors, this little brother Wu Zimu is the brother we just recognized not long ago. He wants to join us this time. What do you think?"

Chang An looked her up and down, and seeing that her cultivation was not bad, he said, "Then let's come together!"

At this point, the six of them hit the road together.

"Brother Chang, where should we go next?"

"I have studied the map. It shows that the Immortal Mansion is in the north. We can just go north."

As soon as he finished speaking, senior Zhao Zhou picked up his flying spiritual weapons and flew north.

The other three people also threw out the aircraft.

Li Yaozhi threw the shuttle into the air and was about to use the teleportation technique to directly reach the shuttle, but he gave up the idea when he remembered that he was currently in the foundation building stage.

With her hands behind her back, she jumped up and stepped onto the shuttle.

The six people flew all the way north and did not stop for five days.

On this day, several people landed on a small island to meditate and replenish their spiritual power.

When everyone had replenished their spiritual power and stood up to leave, Wu Sheng complained and shouted: "Brother Chang, how many more days do we have to fly?"

Chang Anhaosheng said: "Brother Wu, don't be anxious. After all, good things come hard. This is a good sign. If it were closer to the city, I'm afraid this Immortal Mansion would have been discovered long ago before we could find it. Do you think so? ?”

Zhang Cai stepped forward and patted Wu Sheng on the shoulder: "Cousin, do you think you are too tired from flying with your weapon? Why don't you sit on my lotus leaf boat? I happen to be a little tired too, so we can all take a break. .”

He looked at Li Yaozhi again: "Brother Wu, are you tired? If you are tired, come to my brother's side."

"Thank you for your kindness, Brother Zhang. I come from a poor family. This hardship is nothing. I can still hold on. When I can't hold on any longer and have to take Brother Zhang's lotus leaf boat, please don't refuse!"

"No, no, of course not." Zhang Cai said with a smile.

While the four of them were talking, the two seniors had already flown away with their weapons. Seeing this, they hurriedly followed.

On the eighth day, the three of them landed on an island.

This island is very large. The spiritual energy on the island is thin, foggy, the sky is dark, and the dark green forest stretches for thousands of miles.

Everywhere they went, they could scare away dense swarms of snakes, rats, insects and ants.

Spiders larger than human heads hang in the trees and weave webs, or lie quietly on them, waiting for prey to arrive.

From time to time, you can see a black bird as big as a 5-year-old child flying through the forest, holding a crazily twisting triangular snake in its mouth.

Several people had already taken antidote pills, but they were not afraid of these poisons.

"Brother Chang, what does your map say? Where should we go?"

Chang An unfolded the map and looked at it, as if he didn't understand it. He put it in front of the two seniors: "Senior, where are we going?"

The two took the map.

Soon senior Zhou said: "Go west!"

Li Yaozhi walked behind everyone.

Ever since she entered the forest, she had a vague feeling that this treasure hunting trip would not go smoothly.

With a thought, the Black Ice Sword appeared in his hand.

As everyone went deeper and deeper, the monsters they encountered became larger and larger.

The mortal creatures I met when I first came in were not yet enlightened, and they did not dare to approach the immortal cultivators, let alone attack them.

But the eyes of the monsters deep in the forest glowed green when they saw them, as if they were seeing a piece of bleeding flesh.Rushing towards them.

Li Yaozhi calmly activated the phoenix bracelet on her wrist, and five phoenixes with clear wings flew out of it and flew towards the herd behind her.

After several loud noises, there was a hole in the beast herd, but other monsters immediately filled it.

Seeing this, she sent out several more phoenixes to attack the herd.

This time the herd was slower to catch up.

"Brother Wu, what a trick!" Zhang Cai said.

After saying that, the four of them used their own methods to attack the herd of beasts.

The two seniors stood motionless, just watching everyone fight.

Maybe they feel that the level of these monsters is too low and they don't bother to take action.

Li Yaozhi took off the phoenix bracelet and threw it over the beasts behind him.

Phoenixes flew out one after another and attacked the beasts below, quickly scattering the beasts.

Everyone who could run ran away, and those who didn't have time to run lost their lives.

Wu Sheng was originally the person with the lowest cultivation level among the people. At this time, he was covered in injuries and was in a very embarrassed state.

He gritted his teeth and raised his sword high to chop off the head of a monster beast.

He shouted loudly: "Anyone of you, come and help me, I can't hold on anymore."

Li Yaozhi used her body skills to dodge to his side: "Hold on, I'm coming!"

The sword in her hand was as fast as lightning, white light and shadow flashed by, and the corpse of the monster beast was already lying on the ground in front of her.

"Thank you, Brother Wu, if it weren't for you, my hand would have been bitten off by a monster!"

"You go and have a rest first, leave this place to me." Li Yao said.

Wu Sheng gasped and said hello repeatedly.

Afterwards, Li Yaozhi did not use the sword, but used the phoenix bracelet to completely disperse the beasts, fleeing and dying.

The scenes between Chang An and Zhang Cai over there were even more miserable, and of course the miserable ones were the monsters.

Chang An used fire spells and magic weapons, and there was already a sea of ​​​​fire over there, with the howls of monster beasts.

Most of them were directly burned to death.

Zhang Sheng made a big deep purple snake. Some of the monsters there were swallowed, minced by the snake, and some were killed by Zhang Sheng using magic and sword.

Soon, the battle between the two ended.

Find a place to take medicine to heal your injuries.

Upon seeing this, Li Yaozhi pretended to be injured and found a big tree to meditate.

As night fell, the forest was pitch dark, and it was hard to see anything. Fortunately, a few people were cultivators and were not affected at all.

The injuries on everyone's bodies have almost healed, and the spiritual energy in their Dantian has also been restored to full capacity under the influence of the elixir.

Zhang Cai walked up to Changsheng: "Brother Chang, in today's battle, although the monster beasts are not of high level, there are too many of them and it is not easy to deal with them. We don't know what is waiting for us in front now. Besides, , night is when most monsters hunt, if we go in today, we will be the prey, so how about we go in again tomorrow?"

Chang An did not speak, but looked at the two seniors: "What do the two seniors think?"

The monsters in the forest were restless, and various roars filled everyone's ears.

"Then come back tomorrow!" Senior Zhou said.

"In that case, let's all rest here. After all, there may be a tough battle to be fought tomorrow!" Chang An said.

Today's battle caused a strong smell of blood all around, which also indirectly told the monsters nearby that these people are not easy to mess with!

So they don't dare to attack!

(End of this chapter)

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