Chapter 346

Li Yaozhi smiled and said: "I can't leave yet, my friends haven't had enough fun yet!"

The old man in white's beard trembled with anger: "Don't bully others too much! Don't blame me for not reminding you. If you don't leave now, it will be too late for you to leave later!"

"Hmph, are you still a human being now? You are an old man who has grown into a spirit. Do you think you are still alive?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the entire hall suddenly seemed to have faded, becoming particularly desolate and dilapidated. It turned out that everything just now was an illusion.

Looking at the feet, the ground originally paved with stone slabs had turned into blood-colored soil. Looking around, it turned out that all of them were in the middle of a huge magic circle.

The huge stone pillars in the temple are part of the formation, and the eye of the formation is the white-haired old man, no, it should be said to be the skeleton man in white!
Li Yaozhi asked: "Who are you? Looking at your appearance, you must have been dead for at least a hundred years, right?"

Fortunately, the skeleton man in white no longer pretended to be seen through. He laughed a few times: "You are right, and if it weren't for you, I would have been resurrected now. Since you don't want to leave, then do it for me." Sacrifice, it is your honor to become part of my flesh and blood, Old Shengyun."

He shouted loudly: "Array up!"

The formation on the ground lit up, enveloping everyone, accompanied by heavy pressure.

A strange red wind blew in the hall, accompanied by a thick smell of blood, wrapping them tightly in the formation and threatening to sweep towards them.

Ah Feng left the Mao Zongs who were beaten to death and ran over and said, "A Yao, what should I do?"

Li Yaozhi comforted: "Don't be afraid. If he could kill us, he would have done it long ago. This skeleton man did not move. I am afraid it is because his real end is approaching and he was afraid that if he moved, his skeleton would fall apart, so he sat like this the whole time. He just moved his mouth and summoned Mao Zheng to fight for him."

Ah Feng smiled and said: "Then I will send him back to the west right away and burn him to ashes!"

Li Yao said: "Okay, I wanted to use the hurricane technique to send him away. It would be better if I had your fire!"

Ah Feng said excitedly: "Okay, let's send him back to the west as soon as possible. He looks really scary. By the way, we will also burn those bad hairy things to death."

A white hurricane emerged out of thin air with icy cold air, and became colder and more intense with her constantly changing gestures. The soil on the ground and the surrounding gravel were inevitably swept into the hurricane.

The red strange wind enveloped the white hurricane, and the wind circle became smaller and smaller, squeezing towards the white hurricane.

The white hurricane remained unmoved, and the wind circle grew bigger and bigger
Outside the two layers of wind circles, the few hairs remaining on the head of the skeleton in white were completely blown away by the wind.

Several subtle "clicking" sounds were heard, and several small cracks appeared on the skull of the skeleton.

In the hall, there was a "boom", and the white hurricane and the red strange wind collided together.

The two red and white wind circles didn't let anyone go. One expanded outwards and the other squeezed inward. They rubbed against each other and made an extremely harsh sound.

Through the wind circle, she saw that the body of the skeleton in white was covered with cracks the size of a hair.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly: "You have lived like a ghost for so long, and you deserve to die. Today, I will send you back to the west!"

There was a loud sound in the hall, and even Senior Zhao outside the cave could hear it clearly.

She frowned slightly and thought to herself: I hope they can come out safely!

(End of this chapter)

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