Chapter 347

At this time, the main hall had completely turned into a charred ruin, and the original skeletons in white and Mao Zhan had disappeared.

Li Yao said: "There is nothing here. Yueyue will take these three people on the ground and we will go out immediately. It is also my habit to hide my clumsiness, otherwise they can go out on their own!"

Yueyue smiled and said: "Now that the master's strength has greatly increased, we no longer have to be afraid of others!"

Li Yaozhi smiled and said: "If I hadn't met a cultivator above the Nascent Soul stage, I would have been able to fight. Although the old man Shengyun had advanced cultivation during his lifetime, he has been dead for so long and his strength is not as good as before. So this time That’s why we won so easily.”

Bingyu smiled and said: "That's it."

They walked out of the cave while talking. Senior Zhao, who was leaning against the stone wall with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and saw them and said, "How are they?"

Li Yaozhi said without changing his expression: "They were just injured and fainted, and they will wake up soon!"

Senior Zhao had no doubt at all. She nodded: "When they wake up, let's get out of here quickly!"

Li Yaozhi nodded: "Okay!"

Senior Zhao took a few more glances at a few seemingly ordinary and well-behaved spirit beasts, but felt that they were very unusual.

Especially the spirit dog with long hair and armor, which is somewhat similar to a mythical beast that he saw in ancient books.

However, since this was someone else's spiritual pet, she didn't want to ask about it, so she continued to heal her wounds.

Several spiritual pets played outside for a while, but found nothing interesting, so they all went back to the space to practice.

After waiting for nearly two days, it was not until the third day that the three fainted people woke up!
The three of them seemed to have collective amnesia, completely forgetting what happened in the palace, which made Li Yaozhi feel a little guilty.

Could it be that my few hockey pucks just hit them and caused them to lose their memory? !

Wu Sheng rubbed his head and complained to Zhang Cai: "Cousin, my head hurts so much. Aren't we here to hunt for treasure? The cave has been opened, let's go in quickly!" Zhang Cai and Chang An also said: "Okay !”

Li Yaozhi stopped them and told them what happened in the cave, but ignored the fact that he hit them with a hockey puck.

The three of them bowed their hands and thanked her.

Zhang Cai said: "Thank you, Brother Wu, for rescuing my cousin and me. When we return to Fangshi, we will treat you to dinner."

Chang An also said: "Add me again!"

Wu Shengdao: "By the way, let's talk about our partnership in business!"

Li Yaozhi said yes with a smile and agreed!

She took out the Earth-Escape Talismans she had drawn in the past two days and sold them again. If there were not enough spiritual stones, she would buy them with other items first!
On the way back, Wu Sheng asked: "Brother Wu, don't you have any talisman paper? Why are you still drawing so many talismans now?"

Li Yaozhi smiled and said: "This is drawn with the talisman paper I made myself."

Wu Sheng exclaimed: "I didn't expect Brother Wu to have such skills. I wonder if I can teach my younger brother, so that I can be filial to my brother after I earn the spirit stone?"

Li Yaozhi smiled: "Of course, it's a small matter!"

The group of people left the island and returned to Fangshi as if they had arrived. They also made an appointment to wait three days later, after everyone had repaired themselves, and went to the Nansheng Restaurant.

Li Yaozhi said goodbye to everyone and walked towards the inn. As soon as she entered the inn, she saw a group of people in black sitting in the lobby. They seemed relaxed, but in fact they were wary. They looked upstairs from time to time, as if there was something they were looking for upstairs. people.

He raised his head and looked in the direction where the man in black was looking, and found that that direction seemed to be his guest room!
She lowered her head and walked upstairs calmly and calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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