Chapter 375 Finding the Difference

Li Yaozhi's figure gradually appeared!

It turned out that when she saw the transparent butterfly, she asked Ah Hong to set up an illusion.

From then on, the Li Yaozhi the two ghosts saw was fake. The real Li Yaozhi was hiding aside and watching them, and told A Hong how to make this illusion change.

The transparent token on the ground flew into her hand and was properly put into the space by her.

He took in the naughty Alian again.

Clean up the battlefield, swallow a few pills, and leave here immediately!


When the sky darkened completely, she found a hidden place and used the Earth Escape Talisman to dig down a cave a hundred meters deep as a temporary shelter.

As soon as she entered, she made eye contact with a second-level diamond rat!
The King Kong Rat was so frightened that he lay on the ground and did not dare to move!

The opponent's level is too low, and she really doesn't like him!

Even a tiny one from Ah Hong can kill it.

"Mouse, I'm sorry, go find another place to sleep!"

With that said, he pushed the mouse into the passage it had penetrated.

Seal the hole above and restore it to its original appearance!
Imitate the way animals dig holes, and use spiritual power to create a winding passage in another place for ventilation.

Then he sat cross-legged and meditated.

If you ask her why she didn't find a cave as a shelter, it's because in a place like this, caves are now a trouble-prone area.

I really can’t go!

We can only find another way, so no one can imagine that she will hide underground.

After her spiritual power returned to her Dantian, she took out the map she got from Bai Junhua.

This map depicts very vividly, every blade of grass, every tree on the ground, and the appearance of every monster beast are clearly depicted.

It's like taking a photo with a modern camera!
The most conspicuous landmark objects on the map are the four mountains.

One of the mountains is roughly in the same position as the temple.However, the annoying thing is that not only do these four mountains look exactly the same, but there is also one in each direction, which means that it can hardly provide people with any valuable clues.

"Are you asking me to look for differences?"

She stared at the four mountains, comparing them bit by bit, just to find out the differences between them.

It wasn't until about an hour (more than two hours) later that she finally saw some clues.

Although these four mountains look the same, there is a kind of tree on the mountain in the south that is not found on other mountains.

This is the most common tree in the world of immortality, the Hundred Day Pine.

As the name suggests, this tree can grow into a towering tree in a hundred days. It is extremely buoyant and can be used as a boat.

"Now I just need to find the mountain with the pine trees growing on it, and I can probably figure out where the temple is!"

Just as she was thinking seriously, she suddenly felt two men talking above her head.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, why don't you and I join forces? I found that there are several groups of people in this secret realm who are looking for lone people to kill and seize the token."

"Fellow Daoist Feng, that's what I have in mind. It's just that you and I alone can't compete with them. Why don't we find two more people to keep us company?"

"That's fine, I'm just worried that I can't find the right person. After all, people are unpredictable."

"I also have this concern, but now that both my life and mine are in danger, I can't worry too much!"

"That's it, that's all, it's important to save your life!"

"Then it's settled!"

After saying that, the two of them flew up to rest on two trees nearby, which happened to sandwich Li Yaozhi's cave in the middle.

Li Yaozhi: "."

Just think of it as two more people keeping vigil for me!

From what these two people said, this secret realm is even more dangerous now.

Traveling together is a good idea, but I have too many secrets now. If I want to go with them, I have to change my appearance!

(End of this chapter)

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