The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 376 Don’t talk about it!Someone is coming from the front left!

Chapter 376 Don’t talk!Someone is coming from the front left!
The sky is bright.

Not long after Wang and Feng left, a man in green suddenly flew out of the ground and chased them from a distance.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of the two people, thinking that he was following them, he waited until after a stick of incense and pretended to meet them.

He was holding a medicine hoe in his hand, looking happy that he had just harvested a lot of elixirs.

He raised his hand and waved enthusiastically to the two of them: "Hi, fellow Taoists, where are you going?"

At that time, Wang and Feng had already discovered him. They were holding magic weapons in their hands and were secretly on guard.

"We are going to the front to see, who are you? What do you want to do?" Wang Liao asked.

"Two fellow Taoists, my younger brother is Wu Zimu, who is an alchemy cultivator. The main reason for entering this secret realm is to find an extinct elixir - Phoenix Pattern Grass, to save my sister's life.

Yesterday, I discovered that there were two groups of people in this secret realm who were killing people and grabbing tokens, so I wanted to find someone to team up with. I wonder what the two Taoist friends wanted? "Li Yao's way.

Wang and Feng looked at each other, and Feng Zai said: "We also have this intention, but I have a condition. Each of us must make an oath: we must not intentionally hurt other people, otherwise we will not be able to improve our cultivation in the future."

"I agree." Li Yaozhi said cheerfully.

"The way of heaven is above. I, Wang Liao, swear here that no intentional harm to Wu Zimu or Feng Zai will be made in the secret realm. Otherwise, we will not be able to advance even an inch in our cultivation from now on."

"The way of heaven is above. I, Feng Zai, swear here that no intentional harm to Wu Zimu and Wang Liao will be made in the secret realm. Otherwise, we will not be able to advance even an inch in our cultivation from now on."

With these two people proofreading, Li Yaozhi continued: "By God, I, Wu Zimu, swear here that no intentional harm to Wang Liao and Feng Zai will be made in the secret realm, otherwise we will not be able to advance even an inch in our cultivation from now on."

After all three people swore, the scene instantly relaxed a lot.

Wang and Feng were no longer at war with Li Yao. "Two fellow Taoists, I see there seems to be a mountain ahead. I wonder if you are interested in going forward and taking a look. Maybe there will be a more aged elixir on it." Li Yaozhi suggested, not forgetting Wu Zimu's mission at all times.

"That's fine." The other two people also said.

After that, the three of them met a man and a woman one after another, namely Chu Naiqiang and Hui Xuejiao.

As expected, the five people decided to form a temporary team and made another wave of vows!
Then, after unifying the direction of the next journey, it was still the same mountain, and the few people continued to move forward.

"To tell you the truth, I encountered two groups of people fighting not long after I came in. The fight was so intense that it was dark and dark. If I hadn't run fast, I would have died.

Also, I met a ghost cultivator yesterday. He was about to kill me, but found out that I had bought a quota to come in. That made me very angry. Fortunately, I had a life-saving amulet given by my father, so I escaped the disaster.
This secret realm is too scary. We must be more careful next time and never encounter those people! "

As a talkative character, Wu Zimu unabashedly shared his experiences. Just when he was about to listen to other people's experiences to get more information, he heard the cold Hui Xuejiao suddenly say,
"Stop talking! Someone is coming from the front left! There are more people than us, hide quickly!"

Li Yaozhi shut up immediately.

Several people flew low into the nearby woods, set up a hiding formation, and hid inside.

After a while, a few people saw a team of 14 people coming this way.

For fear of being noticed, they didn’t dare to look, let alone explore!
Even if there is a concealment formation, he still tries to contain his aura and reduce his presence.

Just when these 14 people were about to walk out of here, these 5 people were just thankful that they were not discovered, when they noticed that someone else was coming.

5 people in the formation: "."

(End of this chapter)

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