Chapter 69 Misty Nine Steps
Can cultivating immortals actually create fans?Jiang Mi really gained experience now.

Looking at the little girl next to her who was constantly praising her, Jiang Mi could no longer sit still. She seemed to casually inquire about the price, left dozens of spiritual stones, and rolled up the spiritual vegetables on the stall. Ran away.

Huh?What about people?

Li Anning came back to his senses in shock and hurriedly stood up and looked around, but only caught the afterimage of a purple robe, which disappeared in an instant.

At this time, when the two disciples setting up stalls nearby saw this, they couldn't help but laugh out loud. This junior sister was so interesting that she actually drove away the customers. Fortunately, the transaction was not delayed.

The two laughed for a while. Seeing that Li Anning was just burying her things and her shoulders seemed to be shrugging, they thought she was hurt by the attitude of the guest just now.

So he comforted: "All living things are different, and everyone's temperament is different. Just get used to it." But next time, let's not praise people so much. His face felt hot listening to it, let alone the one who was being treated. A complimentary guest.

Li Anning raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw a smile on her face, and even a hint of excitement could be seen faintly.

"Haha... Thank you two fellow brothers for your concern. I'm fine, but I'm just so happy. Not only did I meet the fearless little fairy today, she also bought the spiritual vegetables I grew myself!"

Two male disciples setting up stalls: ...I want to comfort my loneliness and say goodbye!They are both superficial!
What happened here was no longer within the scope of Jiang Mi's attention. She was currently in a grocery store buying various cooking utensils and seeds of elixirs and vegetables.

After practicing, cooking occasionally is a way to relax.

After checking out and putting away her things, Jiang Mi strode out of the grocery store and continued towards Fangshi.

"Spirit beast eggs, they sell spirit beast eggs. They all cost 50 yuan for low-grade spirit stones. You won't suffer a loss if you buy them. You will regret it if you don't buy them..."

"Take a walk and take a look. The treasures found in the cave of Yuanying Monk are a rare opportunity..."

"Spiritual wine, mellow and fragrant spiritual wine, smell it to refresh your mind, drink it..."


After walking around for a while, Jiang Mi found a storage bag full of delicacies and small items, but she had never encountered the legendary pick-up.

Thinking about it, the disciples of the sect are no better than the casual cultivators outside. They have gone through various trainings and courses, and their vision is extraordinary.

Even if there are really good things, they have probably been stored away long ago, and it won't be someone else's turn to pick them up.

Time spent wandering around always flies by, and it's already dusk before I know it.

Seeing that it was already getting late, Jiang Mi did not delay any longer. After following the crowd out of Fangshi, she flew to Tianling Peak on a lotus leaf...

Although she didn't experience the fun of picking up leaks, overall, she had a lot of fun shopping today.

After a day of salty fish, her purpose of relaxing has been achieved. Starting tomorrow, she will roll up her sleeves and roll them up.

When she returned to Youranju, it was almost dark. Jiang Mi waved her hand to activate the formation, took out something to eat, and then went directly upstairs to sleep.

Since it is relaxing and resting, how can we miss the deep sleep that can eliminate fatigue?


The next morning.

Jiang Mi woke up early. After washing, she went to the small waterfall to practice her sword skills, and then walked slowly to Yunying Palace.

Under the ancient tree, the snow-colored figure is still erect and erect, and is not as beautiful as a mortal, but today there seems to be a trace of sadness between the brows.

Jiang Mi pursed her lower lip, stepped forward and bowed respectfully, "Master, my disciple is here!"

Daojun Lingxiao didn't say anything. He just pointed to the stone bench next to him and motioned Jiang Mi to sit down and talk together. "I guess you have already made some guesses about the retreat as a teacher."

Jiang Mi nodded when she heard this. She had guessed it, but she didn't expect it to be so fast!

Taojun Lingxiao paused upon seeing this, and then comforted him: "Don't panic or be afraid. I have already told your uncle and senior brother that if you encounter something that cannot be solved, you can go to them for help."

Um?Fear? ?Master, did he misunderstand something?He was obviously just feeling a little depressed.

As soon as the thought came to an end, Jiang Mi quickly raised her head and defended weakly: "Master, my disciple is not afraid..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lord Lingxiao, "I know that you have always been independent and intelligent. You like to be alone in everything. Even if you suffer hardships and grievances, you only keep them in your heart.

But now that you have a master and uncle, you are no longer alone, so you can freely practice as you like. "

Jiang Mi: ...The warmth in my heart is true, but at the same time, I also know that "there is another kind of fear in this world, which is that the Master thinks you are afraid."

Forget it, no more explanation. Explanation is tantamount to covering up, otherwise the master will feel like he is trying to be brave again later.

Jiang Mi sighed helplessly and said obediently: "Yes, I understand, I will listen to what Master says in everything."

Taojun Lingxiao nodded with satisfaction, and after giving some detailed instructions, he took out a small jade bottle from the storage ring and placed it on the table.

"It contains three top-quality foundation-building pills, but I hope you won't use them, because a natural and perfect foundation-building pill can make your path go further."

"Does Mi'er know that above the ninth level of Qi training, there is also the tenth or even the twelfth level of Qi training?"

Of course she knows this, there are a lot of settings related to it in those fairy tales.

Having said that, she couldn't say that.So Jiang Mi changed her words: "My disciple knows that he has seen relevant records in the library."

Taojun Lingxiao couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this, and continued: "The Qi refining period is an important stage for monks to build a solid foundation. Those who break through the nine-level limit without building a foundation can enter the tenth level of Qi refining or higher.

It's just that this process is easy to say, but there are certain difficulties in achieving it. Is Mi'er confident? "

have!That must be there!

If you don't have the confidence to master the heaven-defying skills, what's the difference between that and wasting all your natural resources?
"Master, please rest assured, unless it is absolutely necessary, Mi'er will never take the Foundation Establishment Pill to build the foundation."

Seeing Jiang Mi's well-behaved and sensible look, Lord Lingxiao couldn't help but ruffled her hair and solemnly warned: "That's very good. After you retreat as a teacher, remember to put your own life first in everything. I will get it back for you when my master comes out of seclusion."


After returning to Youranju, Jiang Mi's shoulders slumped instantly. The loss was real, and the reluctance was real, but she still had to move on in her cultivation career.

After comforting herself, Jiang Mi slowly struggled out of her unwillingness to give up. Then she silently recited the Heart-Cleaning Mantra twice, waved her hand to activate the formation, and went to the small waterfall to practice her body skills.

Jiang Mi sat cross-legged on the grass, took out the somewhat worn jade slip from the storage ring, and gently touched it on her forehead.

Suddenly, a large amount of skills information rushed into Jiang Mi's mind, and the jade slip in her hand also turned into ashes...

"Piaomiao Nine Steps" is a heaven-level movement method. It is divided into two volumes, each volume is slightly different. When the footwork is perfected, it may be possible to teleport thousands of miles.

Maybe?That means I'm not sure. No wonder this body technique is left in a corner gathering dust, with no one paying attention to it.

How much emotions can be teleported this time depends entirely on one's understanding of this body technique!

(End of this chapter)

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