Chapter 70 Sect Training Tower ([-])

After carefully reading and memorizing the key points of the "Piao Miao Nine Steps", Jiang Mi took a deep breath, then silently recited the formula, raised her legs and took a big step forward.

She looked back and saw, was really just one step away.

Jiang Mi was silent for two breaths, then gathered her thoughts and continued to practice without any discouragement...

Gradually, she began to forget everything around her and entered a mysterious and mysterious realm.

I saw that the distance she stepped out was increasing little by little...until it became farther and farther...

When Jiang Mi suddenly came to her senses, she had already covered ten meters in one step.

In this way, the introductory chapter of her "Piao Miao Nine Steps" can be considered a little accomplished.

Next, you only need to integrate the five steps in the previous volume and practice until you can move according to your heart. Then you will be able to walk like the wind, misty and without a trace.

Hiss~, I'm hungry, my legs hurt, and even the spiritual energy in my Dantian is almost exhausted.

Jiang Mi was also convinced. It would be difficult to find a few people who could focus as well as she did.

Looking up at the dusk sky, Jiang Mi sighed, and then sat down on the grass. No matter what, just meditate and practice here tonight!
Anyway, she was too tired to move anymore.

After eating something casually to fill her stomach, Jiang Mi circulated the thunder spirit energy in a circle in the small veins of her legs. After the numbness, the soreness gradually disappeared...

After practicing all night, Jiang Mi woke up from meditation on time as soon as the next morning came.

After a few breaths of confusion, she suddenly remembered that her master had gone into seclusion. From today until his master left seclusion, she no longer had to go to Yunying Hall to attend classes.

well!Habits are indeed a terrible thing!

After a moment of silence, Jiang Mi put away the disappointment on her face, performed two cleaning operations on herself, got up and walked towards the pavilion on the edge of the cliff.

It's still early now, and I think the training tower is not open yet. Taking advantage of this time, I can draw more second-level talismans. It would be very good to keep them for self-defense or sell spiritual stones.

Arriving at the pavilion, Jiang Mi sat down in front of the table, then took out the tools for making talismans from the storage bag and placed them on the table one by one.

Then he dipped his pen in ink and started drawing on the blank talisman paper...

Just after Chen hour, the formation of Youran Juwai was suddenly touched by someone, which also woke up Jiang Mi who was immersed in the sea of ​​talismans.

She put down the talisman pen in her hand and looked up, and saw Xue Linhai standing in front of the entrance of Youran Residence, looking at the formation and sighing.

Jiang Mi hooked her lower lip, then quickly put away the things on the table, waved her hand to activate the formation and walked over.

"Uncle Junior, are you not disturbing your practice?" Xue Linhai asked with a hint of uneasiness.

The peak master said before retreating that if he was not here, Tianling Peak would be headed by his junior uncle and everything would be subject to her instructions and arrangements.

Jiang Mi looked calm and said, "It's okay. If I need to retreat, I will let you know in advance."

After hearing this, Xue Linhai felt slightly relieved, and then briefly reported Tian Lingfeng's affairs to Jiang Mi.

Jiang Mi: ...In addition to practicing, you also have to take care of the peak?Master, I'm afraid he wants to tire her to death!

No, I am already busy enough, how can I find time to manage these trivial matters.

Besides, cultivation is the main thing, so there’s no reason why Master would have such an arrangement?

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Mi simply gave up and said directly: "Everything at Tianling Peak is as usual, I have no other arrangements."

"Yes, I listened to my junior uncle, but..." Xue Linhai looked at Jiang Mi, with a look of hesitation on his face.

Seeing him acting like this again, Jiang Mi couldn't help but feel a little angry. She frowned and said, "If you have something to say, just tell me. I will consider it as appropriate. I don't like people being hesitant."

Really, if you are too busy practicing, who has the time to play a guessing game here?

Xue Linhai was shocked and said hurriedly: "You are such a young master. Tianlingfeng Mountain is vast and sparsely populated, so I am usually very busy taking care of it myself.

It's just that I had an opportunity last night, and I'm afraid that I will be in retreat soon, and no one will be able to take care of all my uncle's affairs.

Therefore, I would like to ask my junior uncle if he can recruit two deacon disciples to help. "Jiang Mi couldn't help but remain silent after hearing this.

Actually, what Xue Linhai mentioned is in line with common sense. Most other peaks are equipped with an elder deacon, two deacons, and several deacon disciples.

The reason why Tian Lingfeng appointed Xue Linhai as a deacon was not only due to the small number of people, but also because the master liked to be quiet.

It’s just that it’s better not to delay his cultivation because of this!

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Mi raised her eyes and looked at him and said: "This is feasible, just pay more attention to character when selecting disciples. Tianling Peak only retains people who are of the same mind."

Now that everything was going just fine, she didn't want to upset the balance by adding two more trouble-making disciples.

"Yes, yes, you must pay careful attention to this. Junior uncle, don't worry." Xue Linhai assured with a happy face.

Great, my uncle really agreed!He must choose these two disciples carefully. It is best to be able to stand alone as soon as possible, so that he can feel more at ease in seclusion.

After chatting a few words and saying goodbye to Xue Linhai, Jiang Mi left Tianling Peak and flew towards the training tower on the lotus leaf.

It is said that there are three cultivation towers in the Qingxu Sect, which were made by the founding master himself. They are divided into the Qi training stage, the foundation building stage and the golden elixir stage.

There is a spiritual retreat room with rich spiritual energy, and a battle room that simulates breaking through levels. It is up to the disciples to decide how to choose.

Of course, if there were no restrictions on such a good place to quickly improve your strength, I'm afraid it would be overcrowded and the training tower would be overcrowded.

One of the prerequisites for entering is the sect’s contribution points; the second is the sect’s rewards.

For example, the top [-] players ranked in this trial's points will be able to retreat in the training tower for free for a month.

And Jiang Mi is one of them.

More than half an hour later, Jiang Mi skillfully controlled the lotus leaf and landed on the open space not far outside the tower.

Landing together with them were several male disciples wearing white or cyan robes.

It seems that even if there are restrictions on entering the tower, there are still not a few disciples coming and going here.

Jiang Mi looked around, then put away the lotus leaves and walked towards the training tower during the Qi training period.

I saw three towers standing side by side in front, about a hundred meters apart, with twelve floors high. Each tower can accommodate about three thousand disciples for cultivation at the same time.

There is also a translucent light wall floating directly in front of the tower, which records the ranking and information of the disciples who have broken through the barrier.

At the entrance of the pagoda gate, many disciples were holding their identity jade tags and queuing up to pay their contribution points in preparation for entering the pagoda to practice.

Jiang Mi watched for a while, and after becoming familiar with the entire process, she lined up at the end of the line.

Time passed, and as the team moved forward, many people lined up behind Jiang Mi.

"Senior Sister Lin, I feel that my hair in the front is still not thick enough. You can cut it for me when you get back."

"No matter how thick it is, it will be the lid of the pot. I only went out to practice once. How did your aesthetic become so weird?"

"Oh, you don't understand, this kind of hair accessories is now popular in the sect."

The content of the chat between the two girls instantly made Jiang Mi a little curious. Pot lid?What kind of hairstyle is that?

Unable to imagine it, Jiang Mi could only turn her head and look behind her.

! ! ! (⊙o⊙)
After a few breaths, she turned around silently, and at the same time reached out and pulled the pot lid of her own style twice. The feeling in her heart was complicated and difficult to describe.

However, it didn't take long for the team to move forward to her position.

Jiang Mi gathered her thoughts, took out the identity jade token, and gently placed it in the groove at the entrance of the pagoda door.

In an instant, a soft light flashed, and her figure was lost on the spot...

 Thanks to YE Xiaojun and Le§er for their monthly votes!
  At the same time, I am also very grateful to other cuties for their recommendation votes and subscriptions!

(End of this chapter)

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