Chapter 209 Xiao Family
Not long after, Xiao Zilan came to the Xiao family with Feng Yu.

As soon as they arrived at Xiao's house, someone was already waiting for them at the door.

Xiao Zilan felt very strange, why was the whereabouts of herself and others known?

Feng Yu explained with a smile: "I sent a message to them, telling them that we will arrive today. I guess the head of the Xiao family can't wait to see you."

Xiao Zilan smiled and didn't say anything more. She was still a little nervous.

Feng Yu naturally knew this, but he couldn't comfort her with something like this. Xiao Zilan would be fine after she met her family.

A butler-like person stood at the door and said to Xiao Zilan: "The master of the house is already waiting for the young lady. Master Feng, I won't invite you to sit in this time. The master of the house said that the young lady has just returned home, and there are There are many things that he needs to deal with, and if he has the next opportunity, he will definitely invite you to the Xiao family again."

"Of course, Feng Yu will come to visit him personally next time. I won't bother you today." Feng Yu said and handed Xiao Zilan to the housekeeper.After watching them enter Xiao's house, they left.

Xiao Zilan separated from Feng Yu, and then followed the housekeeper into the Xiao family.After entering Xiao's house, Xiao Zilan didn't see many people, and she felt strange.

The housekeeper smiled and explained to Xiao Zilan: "The reason why the young lady saw so few people is because they are all in the training ground. Usually at this time, the children of the family need to go to the training ground to practice. The training ground There are special elders who will answer their questions and solve their doubts. The disciples who have reached a certain level will choose to go to the Library Pavilion. In the Library Pavilion, there are not only cultivation techniques, but also some hand scrolls left by their predecessors, from which they can get some Learn from it to improve their own realm.”

"So that's it!" Xiao Zilan sighed, the family is really different from the sect!

"Little miss, let's go first, the master of the house is still waiting for you!"

"Okay." Xiao Zilan said.

She followed the housekeeper into a hall and saw the old man sitting on the main seat.

When the old man saw her coming in, he shouted happily: "Okay, okay! Just come back!"

Xiao Zilan tentatively called out: "Grandpa?"

"Hey! Hehe, your grandfather, I have missed you for so many years, and finally I meet you!" The old man seemed very happy.

Xiao Zilan felt very strange. Although they were all in Dongchuan, they weren't so excited about seeing her!

The housekeeper quietly told Xiao Zilan: "That's because there are very few girls in the direct line of the Xiao family, especially the head of the family. Grandpa only has a girl, Miss you. The head of the family has been thinking about having a granddaughter for a long time, but he just can't I didn’t expect that this granddaughter is still in Dongchuan, how can I not make the family miss me!"

Xiao Zilan smiled slightly, this grandpa looked very interesting!

"Okay, okay, Qiancheng, don't do this, you will scare her!"

The man named Qian Cheng complained silently in his heart, Master, the young lady is not as fragile as you think!As far as I know, the young lady was even involved in the "god-making" incident!How could he be scared by himself so easily!

The head of the Xiao family didn't care about the contempt in Qian Cheng's heart.He had finally hoped for a granddaughter, but he couldn't just be scared away.He said to Xiao Zilan pleasantly: "How about grandpa taking you around? You just came back, and you just took this opportunity to learn more about this family."

Xiao Zilan smiled and said: "Okay!"

The head of the Xiao family was very happy. His granddaughter was indeed different!It's not like those brats who would run faster than the other when they say what they're going to do.It really pissed him off.

Next, the head of the Xiao family took his granddaughter Xiao Zilan, who had just returned home, around the Xiao family's house. He also introduced to her: "You see those houses in the back, you will live there in the future."

"Hey, do everyone live together?" Xiao Zilan asked curiously, if that's the case, how can there be privacy?If you want to practice or something, isn't it easy to be disturbed?
Qiancheng understood what Xiao Zilan was thinking. After all, she had lived with the young master and the others before, so naturally she would not have this habit. However, now that she has returned to the Xiao family, she must follow the Xiao family's rules. In this regard, Even the head of the family cannot change.Of course, the rules of the Xiao family are not as Xiao Zilan thought. They live together and have their own private space.

Before Xiao Zilan's grandfather said anything, Qian Cheng volunteered to tell Xiao Zilan: "Actually, it's not like that. Although all the children live in the same area, they still have one room per person. It's not like others. Like home, it is an independent residence. This is also a rule passed down by the older generation, which also facilitates communication among the younger generations of the family."

Xiao Zilan suddenly realized.

Seeing his appearance, the head of the Xiao family quickly asked: "Why, Xiaolan doesn't want to live with other people?" "No." Xiao Zilan quickly explained, "I'm just curious. After all, I was alone before. Living in the same place may be a bit unfamiliar at first. However, after all, these are the rules left by the older generation, and I will abide by them."

"That's good." The head of the Xiao family breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Xiao Zilan didn't want to live there. That was really a difficult thing to handle!

"Okay, let's go there and have a look next!" Grandpa Xiao pointed to a place not far away and said.

"Hey, where is that place?"

"There, that's the Xiao family's martial arts training ground." Qian Cheng appeared again at this time!

The head of the Xiao family glared at him, couldn't he not run out and disturb his relationship with his granddaughter?Be sure to send him to deal with those troublesome things next time, so as not to cause trouble for yourself!The head of the Xiao family drew his granddaughter's attention back: "There should be a lot of people in the martial arts training ground at this time, why don't we go and have a look too!"

"Okay!" Xiao Zilan said, it just so happened that she could also take this opportunity to know what level everyone was like.This will also allow you to evaluate yourself more correctly.

As soon as they entered the competition ground, they saw a group of people surrounding the competition stage, and there happened to be two people on the stage competing.As soon as the manager there saw them coming in, he stood up and saluted them, but was stopped by Xiao Zilan and her grandfather.At the same time, a ban was placed around them so that no one outside could see them, so that they could stand aside and watch silently.In fact, people do this for Xiao Zilan!
Xiao Zilan also knew this, and turned around and gave her grandfather a sweet smile.And I don’t know where the “old man” was so beautiful.

Xiao Zilan stood there and watched quietly. There was a female cultivator and a male cultivator competing on the stage. In terms of age, they looked about the same age as her.

Qian Cheng's explanation appeared again at this time: "These are the leaders of the younger generation of the family, Xiao Qianyu and Xiao Lixuan. Their cultivation levels are Foundation Establishment Dzogchen and Foundation Establishment Late Stage respectively. Little Miss, why don't we take a guess? Who among them can win in the end!"

"This doctrine is good! I guess it's Li Xuan. After all, he is one year older and is slightly better in terms of experience and strength." The head of the Xiao family said.

"Okay, then I have to choose Qianyu." Qiancheng shrugged.

Xiao Zilan looked at this scene, and suddenly felt that they must have done it this way. Then she looked at the managers on the side, who looked not surprised, and it turned out that there was nothing wrong with it.

"Xiaolan, tell me, who do you choose?"

"Well, Grandpa, I think I need to take another look. After all, I don't know much about them. There are many possibilities for a battle like this."

"Okay," he said disappointedly, but continued to watch the fight.

I saw Xiao Qianyu offering up a white silk scarf and heading towards the opponent's door.Xiao Lixuan blocked the attack with his sword and dodged the blow.However, this white silk was not really used by Xiao Qianyu in fighting, but just to confuse the opponent. After all, no one would choose to slap the face directly when he makes a move!This kind of attack will usually be blocked by others.And isn’t the purpose of competition just to win?No one would do this to destroy the Great Wall, so Xiao Zilan was sure that she had a backup plan.

Sure enough, after Bai Ling was blocked, a golden bell ring followed.

Xiao Lixuan's reaction was also very fast, that is, he immediately reacted and blocked the bell ring the moment he saw it.Xiao Zilan sighed. Sure enough, strength is still a very important difference. If Xiao Qianyu was strong enough, the bell blow just now would be enough to hit Xiao Lixuan!
She seemed to understand where her problems were, and this competition was for them to find their own shortcomings. Therefore, Xiao Qianyu tried all the moves she had thought of before without any scruples, and finally lost. Array is coming.

"Qianyu, your strength has improved again!" Xiao Lixuan said.

"Yours isn't bad either!" she returned with a smile.

At this time, the head of the Xiao family removed the light curtain around them, revealing his true body in front of everyone.

"Hello, Master!" Everyone greeted him one after another.

The head of the Xiao family stepped forward and said to Xiao Qianyu and Xiao Lixuan: "Oh, Lixuan, you are in trouble. Think about it, if Qianyu was stronger than you, you would have lost at the beginning. !”

"Li Xuan was careless!"

"Well, this tells you that you can never underestimate your opponent at any time, no matter who he is or what kind of strength he has. Do you understand?" he said, and then turned to a group of onlookers. : "The same goes for you."

(End of this chapter)

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