Chapter 210 Xiao Family Affairs
Everyone should say: "Yes."

Xiao Qian, the head of the Xiao family, nodded slightly and said to Xiao Qianyu: "Qianyu, you did a good job, but there are still some shortcomings. Well, take this token and go to the library to have a look and learn more. The experiences and lessons of some predecessors are also good." After saying that, he handed a token to her.

"Thank you, Master." Xiao Qianyu said.Then he took the token with both hands.

Xiao Qian nodded, and then said: "Okay, don't stand here anymore, do whatever you need to do!"

"Yes." Everyone agreed and dispersed.There were not many people left in the crowd just now.

Everyone was almost gone, and Xiao Qianyu realized that Xiao Zilan was standing next to Xiao Qian, looking at her constantly.She had long known from her grandfather that the master's granddaughter would return to the Xiao family during this period, so that was nothing compared to the one in front of her.I just don’t know what her strength is?
Xiao Qianyu thought for a while and then said to Xiao Zilan: "I wonder if I can have a discussion with you?"

If these words were said to others, they would definitely make people think a little more, but when it was said to Xiao Qianyu, it was only natural.Everyone knows this girl is a militant!She wanted to compete with anyone she caught. Almost everyone in the martial arts field had competed with her.

Xiao Zilan suddenly encountered such a challenge and was at a loss for a moment. She looked at Xiao Qian, but found that Xiao Qian had no intention of stopping him. Instead, he looked at her with a smile, and there seemed to be some encouragement in his eyes. The meaning is included.

Xiao Zilan was helpless and had no choice but to say to Xiao Qian: "Grandpa, I am already in the Nascent Soul stage..."

If the competition is just about the same as this, it is okay to challenge the level. However, if there is so much difference like this, the competition will not make much sense.

Xiao Qian was also surprised that Xiao Zilan reached the Nascent Soul stage so quickly, but he didn't say much. When he was about to say something to Xiao Qianyu, he was interrupted by her: "Master, although she has already reached the Nascent Soul stage. The period is over, but Qianyu has not asked any Yuanying stage monks for advice so far. She also hopes to take this opportunity to understand the gap between herself and the Yuanying stage monks. Of course, if this girl is willing to give me some advice Of course it couldn’t be better.”

Now that the words have come to this point, I'm afraid it won't work if Xiao Zilan doesn't agree.So she nodded and flew onto the competition stage.

At this time, the people who had dispersed gathered again and looked at the two people on the stage.

Xiao Qianyu clasped his hands and said to Xiao Zilan: "Please enlighten me." Then he started to take action.

The two of them did not use any magic weapons or spells at this time. The stone was purely a matter of skill.

Since Xiao Zilan has entered the Nascent Soul stage, the strength in her hands is much stronger than that in the Foundation Establishment stage!Xiao Qianyu didn't fight her opponent for a few times before she felt exhausted, and the opponent didn't seem to use much force.So she stopped and changed to another form, and the two of them competed in spells.Xiao Zilan didn't exert much force. She only used a fireball technique, which was enough to make Xiao Qianyu feel strenuous.

Only then did Xiao Qianyu realize that there was such a big difference between the Foundation Establishment Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage, and it was possible to suppress the Foundation Establishment Stage without exerting much force.It seems that they are still too arrogant at ordinary times.On weekdays, the elders and some high-level monks in the family did not compete with them. They only knew that they were already the best among their peers.But Xiao Qianyu felt that these were not enough. What she needed was more experience accumulation. She believed that if the elders took action, they would definitely be able to control them in an instant.

Perhaps her brothers and sisters of the same generation think that they are already doing very well, and when they reach the age of their elders, they will definitely be able to do better than them!
Xiao Qianyu naturally does not object to this view, but the prerequisite is that you have the life to live to the age of your elders.She has heard too much about the law of the jungle in the world of cultivation, and she has never heard of anyone letting you go just because you are young.Xiao Qianyu has had a stronger sense of crisis in this area than others since she was a child, so she has to seek advice from others from time to time to prevent herself from slacking off.Only by discovering her own shortcomings and discovering the strengths of others through constant discussions will she not be complacent about her achievements.

And this time, she learned the importance of strength!She once again cupped her fists and saluted Xiao Zilan, saying, "Thank you for your advice." Then she turned and left.

But Xiao Zilan was baffled by her move. She looked at Xiao Qian very strangely.Xiao Qian smiled and told her: "It's nothing strange. Qianyu has always been like this. Since she was a child, she has been looking for people to discuss with her. She has figured out something. He went back to practice by himself, so don’t pay attention to him."

Xiao Zilan nodded, suddenly feeling good about Xiao Qianyu.People who work hard like this are the most suitable to live in such a world of cultivation!
Then Xiao Qian took her for a walk around Xiao's house, and it was already dark.

Xiao Zilan sighed, she didn't expect that this family would have so many places to go and see.It seems that when I was in the sect, I only had a few places to go.Thinking about this time when I come back to my home, I must go and take a closer look at every place.

Early the next morning, Xiao Qian took Xiao Zilan to the family's spiritual pagoda.The Xiao family is located above a spiritual vein, and a spiritual tower was built at the source of this spiritual vein, where the spiritual energy is the strongest.This spiritual pagoda does not extend upwards, but extends deep underground. Although it looks like a tower on the outside, its internal structure is not that of a tower.

Monks in the family who have the same level of cultivation as Xiao Zilan will come to the spiritual pagoda to practice. Those with high strength can enter the depths of the spiritual veins, so that the surrounding spiritual power will be richer and more conducive to their cultivation.Xiao Qian originally thought that Xiao Zilan only had ordinary cultivation, but he did not expect that she had already reached the Nascent Soul stage.In this way, she won't be able to use some of the things prepared for her before, and now, I'm afraid only the spiritual pagoda can help her.

He just said hello to the elders guarding the gate, and then hurriedly pulled Xiao Zilan into the underground.

Xiao Zilan felt very strange, why did the Xiao family have such a large spiritual vein?

Xiao Qian said to her: "Actually, the spiritual veins in Zhongzhou are divided up by the major families. They usually collect the ores of these spiritual veins, which are also the spiritual stones we use in daily life. Not like us. It was opened up like this to provide for the family's children to practice. Of course, it's not that they don't have that ability, but if it was opened like this, it would very likely cause the loss of spiritual power and cause the entire spiritual vein to be useless. They didn't dare Take action. As for our Xiao family, it was because of some reasons that we had to open up this spiritual vein for the family's children to practice."

"Then how can we ensure that these spiritual powers will not be lost, causing the entire spiritual vein to become useless?" Xiao Zilan asked.

"In fact, this is not difficult. There must be something around the spiritual veins that can lock the spiritual energy to make it endless. In fact, there is a medicinal field deep underground, where many spiritual medicines are planted. The medicinal fields produce The spiritual energy complements this spiritual vein, thereby achieving the purpose of preventing the loss of spiritual energy." Xiao Qian said.

"Isn't there anyone else who does this?"

"Different spiritual veins have different properties. No one can guarantee that their spiritual veins will be able to maintain their spiritual energy and prevent it from being lost if treated like ours."

"Yes, spiritual veins are so important, who would use them for experiments!"

"Okay, it's almost time, we should go out." Xiao Qian said, "If you want to enter here, you must have a certain amount of family contribution, otherwise grandpa will not be able to help you."

After hearing Xiao Qian's last words, Xiao Zilan suddenly had the urge to faint. Why did he bring himself to this place without any other choice?

But she didn't say anything more, she just asked: "Then how to earn these contribution points?"

In fact, she also understood that since she had just returned to the Xiao family, it was naturally impossible for her grandfather to help her too much, otherwise it would be easy for others to criticize her.She still has to rely on herself for many things.

Xiao Zilan thought that maybe her cousin came here like this.Thinking of her cousin, Xiao Zilan asked: "Grandpa, why haven't I seen my uncle's family and cousin for so long since I came back?"

Xiao Qian said: "Your cousin and the others are not at home. They had some matters to deal with some time ago. I think they should be back soon by this time."

"So that's it." Xiao Zilan nodded.

"Okay, grandpa, let's take you to the place where the family receives the mission. It was too late yesterday, so I didn't take you there. Now, while there is still time, I will take you there to have a look."

Xiao Zilan quickly followed Xiao Qian's pace and asked some questions she didn't understand. Xiao Qian also told her in detail.The two of them arrived at the place where they received the mission, asking questions and answering questions.

If every family wants to prosper, they must have their own rules.As the saying goes, there is no circle without rules.If there are no rules in a family, then the family will be in chaos!The rules of the Xiao family can be said to be very strict.Of course, as long as you follow these rules, you are still very free.Take this task for example.Only when you receive tasks and earn family contribution points can you enter deeper places.If you just want to spend this life peacefully, then it doesn't matter whether you accept this task or not.

(End of this chapter)

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