Chapter 216 The way to leave

That is to keep looking for their favorite treasures.

No, as soon as they were released, the two little ones immediately ran away with joy.It was Xiao Zilan who stopped the two little ones with quick eyes and hands, otherwise, they might not even know where they would have gone at this time.

"Can you two be more peaceful? There are separate occasions for finding things, and you don't even look at where this place is. If one of you doesn't pay attention, you will become a meal for those monsters!" Xiao Zilan scolded .

The two little beasts stood aside timidly and didn't say anything.After a while, Mumu said aggrievedly: "I just came out, haven't you seen the surrounding situation clearly?"

"Okay, Zilan, don't talk about them anymore. Just keep an eye on them, right? We have more important things to do now!" Ning Xianxue said.

Xiao Zilan stopped talking.

Then, Feng Yu came over, and the two little unicorns were quite familiar with him.

Feng Yu asked: "Do you two know how to find the Well of Life?"

"Well of Life?" Mumu and Xiaoyan asked back.

At this time, Yaoyao flew over and said to them: "It is the well of life in the wisdom space."

"You mean, we are in the Wisdom Tree space now?" Mumu and Xiaoyan asked in unison.

"That's right." Feng Yu said, but when he saw the shocked expressions of the two little unicorns, he asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Xiaoyan came out and said: "You all know what kind of existence the Wisdom Tree space is. Yes, the Well of Life can indeed leave this space. However, throughout the ages, very few people have been able to find this place and leave. .”

"There is a legend that there are many dangers on the way to the Well of Life. Most of the monks fell on the way to the Well of Life. And only a small part of the monks still exist in this Wisdom Tree space. And This part is the only survivor." Mumu added.

"But according to what you said, there must be someone who has found the Well of Life and left this place. Otherwise, how could such a story spread to the outside world?" Xiao Zilan said.

"Such stories are not told by people. They are divined by the witch ancestor. The witch ancestor's prediction is the most accurate prediction in the world, and he has never miscalculated. And this prediction was exactly what he predicted in the world. It was divined before that battle." Mumu continued, "What we didn't expect was that we would actually come to this place."

"Logically speaking, you two should not know what happened thousands of years ago! If these words were said by Yaoyao, I wouldn't be surprised, but these are said by you, which makes me I feel confused. Why do you actually know something that she didn't know when she lived thousands of years ago?" Xiao Zilan said.

"Actually, it shouldn't be said that she didn't know, but that she forgot to mention this matter. Maybe there was too much information in her mind that she couldn't handle, so she ended up giving this paragraph to It’s not necessarily that I forgot to mention it. If you don’t believe it, you can ask her. Besides, how do we know it? This is even simpler. Our inheritance contains various things, and these things also have mentioned."

After hearing Mumu's words, Xiao Zilan turned towards Yaoyao and asked, "Is everything she said true?"

"Uh..." Yaoyao smiled sheepishly and said, "It's true. You didn't ask just now, so I didn't think of it."

Xiao Lan rolled her eyes and said, "Now, can you explain everything completely and clearly?"


Then, Yaoyao continued what Mumu said: "Actually, there is nothing more to say. All the divination by the witch ancestor came true. Including the disappearance of people."

"Missing people?"

"Yes, it's just like the disappearance of your monsters this time. One day, all the monks in a place disappeared. This caused everyone to panic. Because they didn't know whether they would be the next to disappear, or I don’t know what happened to those who disappeared, whether they were alive or dead. The fear of death permeated the entire continent, so the powerful man at that time invited the witch ancestor and asked him to divine a divination for this time. The witch ancestor Then he said what Mumu said before. Except for a small number of people who survived, the rest all died on the way to find the Well of Life. Because the divination of the witch ancestor has never made mistakes, so , and was convinced by everyone.”

Xiao Zilan nodded and asked: "Is there anything else?" "It is said that the witch ancestor used not ordinary divination techniques at that time, but image divination." Yaoyao continued.

"Image divination? What is that?" Ning Xianxue asked curiously.

"The so-called image divination is to restore the real scene. Let everyone see the scene at that time. It is said that those powerful people did see the miserable scene of the dead people in the image. The scene was simply chilling." Yaoyao Speaking of.

Everyone was silent. After a while, Yaoyao continued: "For this reason, there was a saying that the space of the Wisdom Tree is a treasure bag that can only be entered but cannot be exited."

Qiu Ming said: "If this is really the case, then what should we do? If what she said is true, then if we go directly to the Well of Life, wouldn't it be a dead end? But If we don't look for it, how can we leave this place?"

Ning Xianxue comforted him and said, "Don't worry, the boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge. There will always be a way."

"Yes, there will always be a way." Feng Yu said, "Since there is no way to find the way out. In fact, we can also go back a long way from the way in and leave this place. It's just that this method is a bit difficult to do. .”

Xiao Zilan also came up with a good idea at this time. She said: "Since Yaoyao said that some of the people at that time survived and are still in the space of the Wisdom Tree, can we find these people and then How about learning more information about this space from their mouths?"

"You're right. We might be able to find a way out through this method!" Qiu Ming said, "But, where should we find these people? And they have lived here for so long. It might have turned into a pile of loess long ago!"

"Yes, this is another problem." Xiao Zilan said.

"Maybe I have a way." Yaoyao said when she saw that no one had any way.

"What can I do?" Everyone stared at Yaoyao.

"Actually, it's nothing. The ancestor Wu once said that the ancient bloodline will be preserved forever with this branch." She explained, "If this is said, then this group of people should be passed down from generation to generation. . But I don’t know if their ancestors told them these things. But judging from the fact that the ancient bloodline will be preserved forever, these people must still be alive."

"If this is really the case, then where should we find them?"

"If human monks want to survive, they must be inseparable from water and other items. No matter at any time, even as a monk, he needs to eat before he has established a foundation. Therefore, these people must It’s about living in a place with plenty of water,” Yaoyao said.

At this time, Mumu also said: "This human monk is much easier to find than the monster. It's just that the ones you find may not necessarily be the people you are looking for."

"Yes, if you search like this, you might find the same monks who were brought in before." Xiao Zilan said.

Feng Yu asked Yaoyao again: "Then do you have any way to find these people?"

"The bloodlines of the ancient clan have had a mutual attraction force since ancient times. It is precisely because of this force that they become more united and use it to resist foreigners. The master has such ancient bloodline in his body. I just don't know it. Whether the blood in their bodies has become thinner due to the changes of time, in that case, this attraction will be uncertain." Yaoyao said.

"Then according to what you said, do we just need to follow Zilan? She will naturally take us to those people's territory?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"You can't say that!" Yaoyao said, "I mean, maybe when those people appear, the master can sense them and feel a very familiar and cordial feeling."

"In that case, isn't there still nothing we can do?" Xiao Zilan said. When Yaoyao said this, she began to doubt her intuition.If you really take a few people with you like this, what should you do if you lead them to the wrong road?
"Master, you don't need to be nervous." Yaoyao said, "I think they must have a way to control this space. In this way, they can survive safely until now, otherwise, they may be All kinds of things that were swallowed up by this space were eliminated. Therefore, I think, maybe they will come to the door themselves at some point!"

"Come to the door by yourself?" Qiu Ming smiled, "Yao Yao, are you too fanciful? Someone was thrown in. They didn't want to find a place to hide to make themselves safer, but instead they sent it to the door by themselves? Wan What if they encounter a problem and wipe them all out?"

"You underestimate the people of ancient times too much. Not to mention how many ways they have to protect themselves. Just talking about their character, they will never put their destiny in the hands of others." Yaoyao said arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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