Chapter 217 Water Pig
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"What do you mean?" Qiu Ming asked puzzledly.

"What she means is that it is absolutely impossible for those people to let someone enter this space and ignore it. Their character is not to sit back and wait for death, but to take the initiative." Xiao Zilan said.

"In that case, we just need to wait for them to come to our door?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"You can't say that. At least before they come to our door, we need to make some preparations. Then we will have more leverage when negotiating with them." Yaoyao said, "We don't know them yet, nor do we know them. What is their attitude towards us, so we need to think more about it. If they have a friendly attitude towards us, that's it. If they have a hostile attitude, we want to find out from them how to leave. This is a big problem here.”

"If this is really what you said, then what should we do?"

"Well, maybe we can formulate two plans first. If they are friendly to us, we will directly explain our intention to them and use their strength to find a way to leave here. But if they are unfriendly to us , I'm afraid we have to make some small moves to find a way out of here through them. That is, one light and one dark." Yaoyao said.

"Now that we have this method, what should we do next?" Ning Xianxue asked, "We can't wait here for others to come to us, right?"

As soon as she heard Ning Xianxue's question, Yaoyao's eyes immediately lit up: "There are so many treasures here, and they are wasted here. Why don't we go treasure hunting! Anyway, there are Mumu and Xiaoyan Now, finding treasures is so easy."

Xiao Zilan also said: "Why didn't you say that there are some powerful monsters guarding those treasures? Aren't we going to die in vain?"

"Oh, Master, I know you have some good things on your hands. You don't need to be so upright when dealing with these monsters at this time! Wouldn't it be better to use some means to knock them all out?" Yaoyao said, "Besides, if it really doesn't work, we can still run away! If we really get one or two treasures, wouldn't we make a lot of money!"

Xiao Zilan shook her head and expressed her helplessness.Feng Yu smiled and comforted her: "It's good that they have this kind of ambition, isn't it?"

Xiao Zilan smiled bitterly, yes, it is better than those who always eat without thinking about making money!
"Okay, let's follow Mumu and Xiaoyan." Feng Yu said, "Then you will lead the way!"

"Make sure to complete the mission!" Mumu and Xiaoyan said in unison.

After saying this, the two little unicorns shot out like arrows from the string.Xiao Zilan and others only had time to see a light and shadow flash past in front of them.This time, even Feng Yu couldn't help but shake his head.He didn't expect these two little unicorns to be so impatient!
But they followed quickly.I have to say that these two little unicorns were very efficient in their work. After a while, they led them to a huge medicine field.

Just looking at the appearance of this medicinal field, it seems that no one has taken care of it for a long time, and even some of the medicinal herbs on the side are somewhat dead.Xiao Zilan saw that all kinds of almost extinct herbs in the medicine field were ready to be used. With these herbs, she could get more pills.

With this in mind, she was not slow to start, and quickly collected some of the older herbs in the medicine field.Feng Yu, Qiu Ming, and Ning Xianxue also helped Xiao Zilan start picking herbs.

Since this medicinal field was very large, they spent half a day picking the older herbs in the medicinal field.There are also some older ones left.

Then Xiao Zilan and others left the medicine field.

Of course, what they didn't know was that not long after they left, someone came to this place again. Looking at the few herbs left on the ground, they shouted angrily: "Who did this!" After roaring, she said to He made a gesture towards the sky at a certain place, and then output his spiritual power. As a result, the space there seemed to be torn open, and a hole opened.Then it slowly evolved into a small door.The man walked in and took a look, and said thankfully: "Fortunately, I had the foresight to transplant all the herbs that will be used recently. Otherwise, there would really be no herbs to make elixirs!"

Then she heard her gritting her teeth and saying: "It's best not to let me know who stole my herbs, otherwise I will make them look good!"

Of course, Xiao Zilan and others will not know these things, because they are already far away from here!

This time, Mumu and Xiaoyan did not run as fast as last time, but walked slowly along the way, smelling and determining the direction.This time, Xiao Zilan, Feng Yu and others did not run after Mumu and Xiaoyan like last time.

Qiu Ming said that it must be the first time in his history that he ran so fast behind a monster.

Of course, the two little unicorns would not know that Qiu Ming had classified them as monsters, otherwise they would have dragged him to emphasize that they were divine beasts, divine beasts!
Not long after, Mumu and Xiaoyan led them to a cave.This cave gives people a very weird feeling.Yaoyao couldn't help but ask: "You didn't lead the wrong way, did you? Why does this cave feel so strange?"

"No, we smell the medicinal aroma coming from here. And the aroma is very strong, I guess it must be a top-quality herbal medicine." Mumu said.

"But why do I always think this cave is so weird? Is there no way for you to identify what kind of herbs are in it?" Yaoyao asked again.

"There is no way." Mumu and Xiaoyan said. "Why don't we go in? I still feel something is wrong." Yaoyao said to several people.

"Now that we're all here, we naturally have to go in and check it out." Qiu Ming said.Feng Yu and others also nodded, agreeing with Qiu Ming's statement.

Seeing that her persuasion was fruitless, Yaoyao didn't say anything more. She just followed Xiao Zilan closely without moving forward.Seeing Yaoyao like this, Xiao Zilan touched her comfortingly and put her on his shoulder.Don't let her fly into the air.

But Yaoyao still didn't let down her vigilance.

But what reality tells us is that not believing Yaoyao’s words is definitely a big mistake!

Therefore, when Feng Yu and others saw this behemoth, they were all shocked.

In fact, Xiao Zilan also wants to know, what exactly is this behemoth?
Looking at the behemoth that is about three feet tall in front of me, its body is covered with tentacles, just like a still octopus, with sticky juice on its body, and the tentacles that are constantly waving seem to be able to extend at any time. .Xiao Zilan said that the monster's head and eyes could not be seen at all. It seemed like there were only a group of tentacles waving blindly there.

Of course, she didn't dare to underestimate this monster.You can tell by looking at the fact that there are no medicinal herbs around. Mumu and Xiaoyan, the two little unicorns, must have been tempted by the smell it gave off, so they took them to this place.Judging from the white bones left on the side, I am afraid that this monster used the smell of this drug to attract others to this place, and then killed them all.

Naturally, Mumu and Xiaoyan didn't know how things could turn out like this.It was obvious that what they both smelled was medicine.But the monster that appeared in front of him was also real.They didn't think much and immediately ran to hide behind Xiao Zilan.

Just kidding, small bodies like theirs are not big enough for someone to fit between their teeth!

When Yaoyao saw the monster, she shouted in horror: "Why did you encounter it in this place?"

Feng Yu quickly caught what Yaoyao said: "Yaoyao, do you know this kind of monster?"

"This is a ferocious beast from ancient times - the water pig. It has numerous tentacles, a dark body, devil-like speed, and an extremely scary digestion ability." Yaoyao said. ,

"Ancient ferocious beast? Then why did it appear here." Feng Yu felt very strange.

"I don't know either." Yaoyao said, "It stands to reason that such ferocious beasts usually grow in places with water. Without water, they cannot survive. I don't know why there are people in the Wisdom Tree space. This kind of thing. Theoretically speaking, before the Wisdom Tree space has swallowed it up, the water pig will directly destroy the Wisdom Tree. How could it appear here?"

"Perhaps it was during the swallowing process of the Wisdom Tree space that the eggs of the water pig were also brought in, so you saw this monster here." Xiao Zilan said.

"Oh my god!" Yaoyao said, "We'd better get out of here quickly. This water pig needs not only water to grow, but also blood!"

"You mean they need blood and water to grow?" Xiao Zilan asked.

"That's right, and judging from the look of this water pig, it has not sucked blood for a long time!" Yaoyao's tone was filled with fear and anxiety.

"I'm afraid we can't get out!" Qiu Ming said.

"What did you say?" Yaoyao asked in shock.

"I said, I'm afraid we can't leave. The escape route here is blocked. I had already checked when you just spoke." Qiu Ming said, "I don't know how the monster in front of me did it. of.

"Oh my God!" Yaoyao exclaimed, "It has noticed us! Leave quickly! If we don't leave, it will be too late!"

As soon as Xiao Zilan and others turned around, they saw the huge creature waving its tentacles towards them.The pace is slightly leisurely. (My novel "The Female Supporting Girl Wants to Cultivate Immortality" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right to "Add a friend" , search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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