Chapter 218 Solving the Water Pigs
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As soon as Xiao Zilan and others turned around, they saw the huge creature waving its tentacles towards them.The pace is slightly leisurely.

"Oh my god! The roads here are blocked, what should we do?" Ning Xianxue asked anxiously.

"If there is no road, I'm afraid we can only open a way!" Feng Yu said, "You guys get out of the way first."

As he spoke, he took out the sword he carried with him, used all his spiritual power, and slashed hard, and the stone wall was not moved at all.And just between this blow, the monster had already arrived in front of them.

"Get out of the way!" Yaoyao screamed.

Feng Yu dodged to the side and saw a tentacle piercing the stone wall in front of him, smashing a hole into the stone wall in front of him.Feng Yu did not stop, and quickly ran to the side, trying to avoid the attack range of the tentacle.But no matter how fast he ran, the water pig could catch up with him. It felt as if Feng Yu was its toy, and its purpose of chasing him now was to tease him.When he has had enough fun, it may be time for the feast.

Xiao Zilan felt extremely anxious watching this scene.He asked Yaoyao: "Is there no way to stop it?"

"No, I have never heard of anyone being able to escape from Shui Xie. The first reaction when seeing Shui Xie is to run away. No matter you are a tribulation monk or a Da Luo Jinxian, when you see Shui Xie, you will definitely have to run away. This way." Yaoyao said, "And now we are trapped here and can't even get out. The only way out has been blocked. It seems that we can only wait to die."

Xiao Zilan could hear the despair in Yaoyao's tone. She had never seen Yaoyao with such an expression.Seeing the water pig moving quickly, Xiao Zilan couldn't help but murmured: "How does it achieve such a fast speed?" Almost as soon as Feng Yumei escaped a certain distance, it would immediately appear next to it.Xiao Zilan didn't understand how it could appear next to Feng Yu in an instant without any movement.Unless it has space powers.But she didn't notice the aura of spatial fluctuation.

Then there is only one explanation.The speed of this water pig was so fast that even her naked eyes could not detect it.This is how it appeared next to Feng Yu in an instant.

Yaoyao heard what Xiao Zilan said and replied: "They move through water. As long as there is water on the ground, they can use their own advantages to slide to where they want to slide in an instant."

At this time, Xiao Zilan, who was highly focused, immediately grasped the key point in Yaoyao's words: "You mean, they have to move through water? What if there is no water? Will they not be able to move?"

"How can there be no water? If there is no water, how can that person live..." As she said this, Yaoyao slowly became mute.

"It's not impossible, right? If it were in the outside world, it would definitely be impossible without water. But it's different here. As long as we dry up all the water here, wouldn't the water pig be unable to move? "Xiao Zilan said.

"Maybe we can give it a try." Yaoyao said.

Xiao Zilan immediately said to Feng Yu: "Brother, please go to a drier place. If there is no water in this water pig, it will not be able to move!"

After listening to Xiao Zilan's words, Feng Yu immediately moved towards the dry place she had just made.

Sure enough, this time, the water pig did not appear beside him immediately.Instead, he kept spinning in the area with water next to him.

Just when Xiao Zilan and others thought that this method worked and they could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw that the large tentacles of the water pig stretched outwards, revealing the large spiral mouth underneath.He sprayed water at Xiao Zilan and others. Fortunately, they hid quickly enough so that the water did not spray on them.But the road was also wet.

The few of them looked at each other, turned around and ran away without saying anything.

Xiao Zilan also didn't forget to use small fireballs to dry the water on the road behind her.

While running, he said to Yaoyao: "Why didn't you tell me that it can spray water?"

Yaoyao said aggrievedly: "I didn't know it could spray water!"

The few people had no choice but to keep walking around in the cave.But running around this small cave like this is not a problem. If she keeps releasing small fireballs like this, the spiritual power in her body will be exhausted. By then, they will really have no choice but to wait for death!
"It's not going to work like this. We have to think of a way quickly!" Ning Xianxue said, "Otherwise, we will be overtaken by it sooner or later."

"Now the stone has taken advantage of the fact that it can't move without water, so it has widened the distance between us. Now it must be very angry because of us! In this way, if we are caught later, it will probably be It's time to start eating." Xiao Zilan said this, thinking of Shui Zhi's big mouth, her whole body couldn't help but tremble.It's really disgusting!

"There is no other way but to start a war!" Feng Yu said.

"As soon as we hear this, girl, keep firing fireballs in front of it to block its path. Qiu Ming and Xianxue, please be careful to cut off its extended tentacles. Melee combat is impossible. The only way we can go is to attack from a distance. I will control the flying sword later, and you try to attract its attention." Feng Yu began to assign tasks.Then he asked Yaoyao: "Yaoyao, do you know what the weakness of this water pig is?"

Yaoyao said: "I'm afraid it's their big mouth. There is no shielding there, so it should be their most vulnerable place."

"Okay, I know what to do." Then Feng Yu added, "I'll count down to three, two, and one, and then we'll jump to the right. Girl, you have to be careful to block its path."



Several people also counted silently in their hearts: "One! Jump!"

As soon as he turned around, Xiao Zilan immediately fired a fireball in front of Shui Xuan.Some of the flames on the fireball splashed onto its body, causing its tentacles to shrink.Just when he was about to squirt at Xiao Zilan, Feng Yu's flying sword arrived.This attracted some of its attention, and it was no longer in a hurry to move forward, but began to deal with the flying sword above it.

The big tentacles were waving around, but the flying sword didn't leave many traces on them.

When Qiu Ming saw it, he attached the ghost fire to his sword and slashed at the tentacles that the water pig was waving towards.Soon a section of the tentacle was cut off and fell to the ground, still squirming.

Qiu Ming didn't care about it, and just kept slashing the other tentacles.However, there is no sign of its tentacles decreasing at all.

Ning Xianxue paid some attention to Qiu Ming.As a result, she saw a surprising scene.The tentacle was cut off by Qiu Ming and fell to the ground, squirming for a while before turning into a puddle of water.And on the tentacle that he cut off before, a new tentacle slowly grew out.No wonder, no wonder Qiu Ming cut off so many, but the tentacles did not decrease at all.

Ning Xianxue quickly shouted: "Ah Ming, those tentacles will regenerate, be careful."

With this shout, the attention of several people was attracted, and they saw the process of the tentacle regeneration.However, it was this distraction that caused Xiao Zilan and others to be injured by Shuizhi's tentacles.

However, they all avoided the frontal attack of the tentacle and were only scratched by it.However, such an injury is already a serious wound.

Xiao Zilan and others did not deal with their wounds, but focused more on attacking the water pig.Now everyone knows that if you want to deal with the water pig in front of you, you can only rely on Feng Yu's flying sword to hit its most vulnerable part.

The water pig was stimulated by the blood flowing from the wounds of Xiao Zilan and others, and became extremely excited, and became more difficult to deal with.

Feng Yu shouted: "Qiu Ming, stop what you are doing, dry up the water on the ground, and stop the water pigs from moving forward. Girl, you put on your flying sword and work with A Xue to attract the water pigs." Attention. Attract its tentacles to both sides, exposing the big mouth underneath it."

"Okay." Xiao Zilan and Qiu Ming responded at the same time.They also know that only Xiao Zilan here has the strength to control several flying swords at the same time to attract Shuiyan's attention.In this way, the pressure they have to bear will be reduced a lot.

Qiu Ming and Xiao Zilan completed the change of positions in a short period of time.Xiao Zilan took out a few small flying swords from the package. After injecting spiritual power, the flying swords began to grow larger and longer.

Then these large flying swords flew into the air together, and began to entangle with the large tentacles of the water pig.Feng Yu stood aside and commanded another flying sword, waiting for the opportunity to move.

After a while, Xiao Zilan's flying swords lowered Shui Zhi's vigilance, and the flying swords began to slowly move away.The long tentacles of the water pig also moved to the side with it, slowly revealing the spiral mouth covered by many tentacles.

Open a little more, open a little more.Feng Yu waited slightly anxiously for Shui Zhi's tentacles to spread further.It didn't take long before the time came.Feng Yu immediately directed the flying sword to stab straight into the spiral mouth.

At this time, when Shui Zhen sensed something was wrong and wanted to withdraw all his tentacles, it was already too late.Feng Yu's sword had penetrated its body through the spiral mouth, and those tentacles had also withered.

Of course, with this alone, Feng Yu was not reassured enough. He quickly input spiritual power and commanded the flying sword to rotate rapidly.And the spiral sword energy generated by the rapid rotation of the flying sword completely destroyed all the tissues in Shuizhen's body.

Finally, the water pig couldn't bear it anymore and fell down completely. (My novel "The Female Supporting Girl Wants to Cultivate Immortality" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right to "Add a friend" , search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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