Chapter 219 He Rui
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After the water pig was solved, Xiao Zilan and others finally breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, she thought of another problem.Water pigs have always grown in water. Even now they are on land, they still need water to move.So where did the scent of the elixir that lured them here come from?

In other words, there are not only water pigs here, but also other monsters, and the two are interdependent?
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but remind everyone: "I'm afraid there are other monsters here, everyone, please be careful!"

"Other monsters, Zilan, you didn't lie to us, did you?" Ning Xianxue asked in disbelief. After all, they just ran all over the cave and didn't see any other monsters!Why is it suddenly said that there is another one now?

"This is just my feeling. However, think about it, we came to this cave because of the smell of elixir. But after entering the cave, we only saw water pigs, but we did not see any elixir. , and the water pig is obviously an aquatic ferocious beast, and it cannot have a medicinal scent at all. And I can also confirm that Mumu and Xiaoyan cannot lead the wrong way, and after seeing the water pig, they did not Saying that it has such a smell on its body can only mean that there is another monster in the cave helping it!" Xiao Zilan analyzed.

"But we just ran through the cave, and we didn't even see the shadow of a single monster!" Ning Xianxue said.

"This is what I want you to pay attention to. I'm afraid this monster is more difficult to deal with than the water pig!" Xiao Zilan said.

"Isn't it?" Qiu Ming shouted, "The water pig is already difficult to deal with, why do you want another one that is more difficult to deal with?"

"This is just my guess. If you just pay more attention, it may not happen." Xiao Zilan comforted them.

"No." At this time, Feng Yu retorted, "There really is another monster."

"What!" Now it was everyone's turn to be shocked, "How did you know?"

"Let's take a look at the water stains here. Judging from the battle just now, there should be no water stains here. But look at this piece, this piece, and this piece." Feng Yu pointed at each one with his hand. Pointing to a few places, he said, "Don't you think the water damage in these places is very abrupt? Furthermore, the road we came in just now was blocked after we came here. This also shows that here In addition to water pigs, there are other monsters."

At this time, the two people except Xiao Zilan were shocked. One water pig was already too much for them. If there was another one more powerful than the water pig, could they really get out of here alive?
"I think this monster is probably the reason why we are trapped here. It is impossible for us to get in but not find a way out." Xiao Zilan analyzed, "And this monster may be invisible. Or maybe it is very good at using the environment to disguise itself, which makes it impossible for us to detect it. But, what exactly is such a monster? I have never heard of such a monster!"

After listening to Xiao Zilan's words, everyone looked at Yaoyao.

Yaoyao shouted: "What do you think I am doing? I have never heard of such a beast!"

"Yao Yao, we are not talking about you, you should think about it carefully. No one here has heard of such a monster. It can only be passed down from ancient times, and it can be compared with the ancient ferocious beasts like water pigs. Do you think the current monsters can live in harmony without being eaten by them?" Ning Xianxue said, "And among those of us who know a little bit about the ancient monsters, except you, There is no one else!”

Yaoyao shrugged and said: "I can't help you if you think so, but I really can't think of any monster that can emit medicinal fragrance to confuse people, is also good at disguising itself, and can finally seal off the surrounding environment. of!"

"Don't think about so many conditions. I think the most important point is that you can live in harmony with Shui Shen right now. And with these remaining abilities, maybe even the ones at that time You haven't noticed it yet, so you can't say for sure." Xiao Zilan said.

"That's it!" Yaoyao said, "Let me think about it carefully. It seems that there are no monsters that can live in harmony with water pigs, but..."

"But what?" Ning Xianxue asked quickly.

"But in the legend, there seems to be a kind of spiritual beast that can live in harmony with the water pig."

"Legend? Spiritual beast? What kind of spiritual beast is that?" Qiu Ming asked, "And why do you say it is a legend?" "The so-called legend has never been confirmed by anyone, and the source of this information is not clear. And everyone can't believe that a spiritual beast can live in harmony with a ferocious beast. You know, a spiritual beast will never stop fighting a ferocious beast!" Yaoyao said, "The spiritual beast here is called He Rui."

"He Rui?" What does that do? Qiu Ming asked.

"I'm not very sure, but there is a legend that this spiritual beast can bring good luck to people, but no one has ever seen this kind of spiritual beast, and all the books related to spiritual beasts have it. It was not introduced." Yaoyao said.

"In that case, it makes sense, because there is not much information about it, so you didn't think of it, and in this case, its abilities that you don't know about it also make sense. "Xiao Zilan said, "It's just that this will also be a big trouble for us. Because we don't understand the other party, we can't bring it to the light. We are in the light and the enemy is in the dark. If we If we continue to be trapped like this, it will probably be very bad!"

"Maybe Mumu and Xiaoyan will know." Yaoyao said, "Their inheritance may not necessarily mention this kind of spiritual beast. You have to know that many things are not in the books. It depends on The inheritance of these spiritual beasts.”

Then Xiao Zilan released Mu Mu and Xiao Yan. When she met Shui Xie just now, she had already taken them in, fearing that they would be caught by Shui Xie's long tentacles. It's dangerous!

As soon as Mumu and Xiaoyan were released, Xiao Zilan immediately asked: "Do you two know about a spiritual beast called He Rui?"

"He Rui?" Mumu asked back, "Few people know about this kind of spiritual beast. Logically speaking, it is impossible to exist now! Why do you ask this?"

"So you know it?" Xiao Zilan asked.

"Yes, we do know that there is nothing wrong with this kind of spiritual beast, but why do you ask this?" Xiao Yan said.

"We suspect that we have met He Rui, but we don't know much about it, so we thought of asking you to come out and ask. After all, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be in danger! It would be better if there is a way to force them out!" Xiao Zilan said.

"Meeting He Rui? This is impossible! It was wiped out in the war thousands of years ago! All the spiritual beasts basically died in that war, how could it still exist today?" Xiao Xiao Yan said.

"We are not willing to believe that after encountering a ferocious beast, we encountered a spiritual beast again!" Xiao Zilan said, "In any case, whether we encounter He Rui or not, you first need to know some of its habits Tell us so that we can have a way to deal with it. But judging from various signs, it may be that He Rui is not at fault. "

"Herui is an ancient spiritual beast, both good and evil. Its stance depends on the environment in which it grows. If it survives in a completely polluted environment, then this kind of Herui is called the hand of darkness. It is no longer a symbol of peace, nor will it bring good luck to people, because they are not contaminated with a holy aura. If someone deliberately cultivates such a dark hand, then its motives are very doubtful Yeah!" Mumu said.

Then, Xiaoyan continued to add: "The reason why they are called the hands of darkness is because they look no different from ordinary He Rui on the surface. However, they do not bring good luck to people. On the contrary, they do not bring good luck to people. It will give people a fatal blow when they lower their guard against it."

"He Rui themselves have a psychic ability. It is precisely because of this ability that they can be called Rui. And because the hands of darkness have been with the breath of darkness for a long time, the breath of the Holy Spirit on them began to slow down. Dissipates slowly, which is why all spiritual beasts are not together with ferocious beasts. It is because the murderous aura in ferocious beasts will deplete their own aura. However, these polluted He Rui will also be affected by this. And it evolves into various abilities, and this kind of ability is the kind that makes people unpredictable and gives them a headache." Mumu said again.

"One of the abilities that most of the Dark Hands have is to confuse people's hearts." Xiaoyan added.

"Confuse people's hearts? How do they do it?" Xiao Zilan asked, this kind of auspicious beast is not like those phantom beasts. It has unique advantages. They can't create illusions, so how can they bewitch people's hearts?
"Although the Hands of Darkness are contaminated He Rui, they still have some psychic powers left in them. It's just that these powers are not like the ones before that can see through the development trend of things, but only evolve to the lowest level. "You can see through people's hearts to the highest level." Xiaoyan said, "Of course, this so-called seeing through people's hearts is not what you think, but it can emit a kind of sound wave that none of us can feel. A hidden sound wave. But our mental power can capture the existence of this sound wave, and then interpret it as what we want most at this time. They also use this to seduce all the objects they seduce. Go into the trap they set." (The novel "The Female Supporting Girl Wants to Cultivate Immortality" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now and click on the upper right Use the "+" sign to "add friends", search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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