Chapter 220 An and Rui

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"If you say so, then you are basically right. Didn't you just come here smelling the scent of the medicine? But look now, where is the shadow of the elixir here?" Xiao Zilan said.

Xiaoyan became dumb and said weakly: "But they are all dead!"

"Can you tell us this history so that we can analyze the situation?" Feng Yu said to Xiao Yan.

"Okay, this matter starts from the war a thousand years ago." Xiaoyan said slowly, "Thousands of years ago, Taotie got the Jiuli Pot and wanted to use the Jiuli Pot to create the world in the pot. It created a world under its own control. So it launched the war a thousand years ago. It used some of Herui's properties to steal some of the auspicious beasts from the Herui clan, and then turned them dark to achieve control. The purpose of most of the spirit beasts. Because except for the Herui clan, all the spirit beasts have no way to resist this kind of sound wave. Of course, even if they all have their five senses sealed, there is no way to prevent their mental power from being able to After receiving this kind of information, Holy Qilin has no choice but to invite the Herui clan and ask them to think of all the creatures on the land and find a way to deal with these hands of darkness."

"Then what? Has the Rui family figured out a way?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"The Horui clan has had ancestral mottos since ancient times. Neither Sheng Herui nor An Herui are allowed to attack their own people. This rule is engraved in their inheritance. It is precisely because of this that the sound waves of those hands of darkness It has no effect on He Rui. Although the He Rui clan was invited out, most of their clan members did not agree to find a way to deal with the Hand of Darkness."

"Is it because of this ancestral precept?"

"Yes, it's because of this ancestral precept. But in the end, someone came up with a compromise." Mumu said.

"What method?" Qiu Ming asked quickly.

"Recall all the hands of darkness." Xiao Yan said.

"Recall the hand of darkness?" Xiao Zilan asked curiously.

"Yes, if they want to solve this crisis without harming these kin, then there is only one way, which is to prevent these hands of darkness from continuing to release sound waves. And they only need to recall all the hands of darkness and impose strict sanctions on them If you take care of it, it can be considered as achieving your goal." Mumu said.

"But aren't they of the same race unable to kill each other? If that's the case, He Rui should be helpless against these dark hands." Xiao Zilan said.

"Fundamentally speaking, this is true. But when all He Rui are born, they will draw out their natal fire, light their own natal lamps, and store them in the holy land of the He Rui clan. Of course, these He Rui will also Including those hands of darkness, as long as this life lamp is extinguished, these hands of darkness will also be dead."

"So, what's the compromise you've come up with?"

"The compromise they can think of is to recall them. The direct relatives of the Herui clan will have a summoning ability, regardless of whether the other party is Shengherui."

"Then according to what you said, wouldn't it be better to recall them? Why were they exterminated again?" Ning Xianxue asked in confusion.

"The only bad thing is the recall." Mumu said, and then wanted to continue talking, but couldn't bear it.

So Xiaoyan had no choice but to say: "Let me speak."

After a pause, he continued: "The bad thing is the recall. Not all the direct relatives of the Hand of Darkness are still alive. As a result, the Herui clan also mixed with the Hand of Darkness belonging to the Taotie side. The recall of the Hand of Darkness is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the Herui clan, because they simply cannot bear the dark aura emanating from it, and if this continues, the entire Herui clan will eventually only move towards darkness. However, these The recalled clan members cannot just be put under house arrest. Finally, by chance, the clan leader finally discovered how to purify the auras of these An and Rui. Then they decided to open the Holy Land."

"Is that the place full of their natal lamps?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"Yes, that's the place where they put all the natal lamps."

"They are not afraid of anything happening. Are all their natal lights extinguished?"

"They trust their fellow tribesmen. They believe that under the ancestral teachings, An and Rui will not touch them. Rather than trusting them, it is more like a gamble. They are gambling with the lives of their entire tribe. It's a pity..." Xiao Yan sighed.

"It's a pity that they lost the bet." Xiao Zilan continued, "They opened the Holy Land, but as a result, everyone in the Holy Land was wiped out because of this purification? Is that right?"

"That's right, the An Herui that mixed in extinguished all the natal lamps!" Xiaoyan said, "Although there is no natal lamp among them, because it has violated the ancestral teachings, it also has its own soul. All destroyed."

"But this doesn't rule out that all the He Rui have disappeared, right? Maybe this is the one that remains?" Xiao Zilan said, "Let's not dwell on this issue first, let's talk about how to force This little thing appears!" "If we talk about spiritual beasts, they should all be afraid of fire."

"Fire?" Qiu Ming asked, "Why are everyone afraid of fire?"

"Spiritual beasts are peaceful by nature, while only ferocious beasts are violent by nature. Fire-attributed spirit beasts are extremely rare. Not to mention the Herui clan, there has never been a fire-attributed beast." Xiaoyan said.

"It's good to have weaknesses. If we have weaknesses, we can attack!" Xiao Zilan said, "But if we attack with fire, won't we also besiege ourselves?"

Feng Yu said: "Let's do this, a few of us back to back, with us as the center, setting fire to the outside world. Just make sure the temperature around us is good!"

"Well, that's okay." Xiao Zilan said.

Then Mumu, Xiaoyan and Yaoyao were all sent back to Yaoshan, while Xiao Zilan and the others stood back to back, facing the outside to prevent the fire.

Not long after, a little monster appeared in front of Xiao Zilan.As soon as Ning Xianxue saw the monster, she said, "Wow! It's so cute!"

Xiao Zilan looked up and down at the little one in front of her, and thought to herself: This appearance is really easy to deceive people. Looking at it from this look, who would believe that the one in front of her is the hand of darkness?

"This is An He Rui, Axue, don't be fooled by it!" Qiu Ming said.

Then he stared closely at An Herui, fearing that he would do something bad to Ning Xianxue.And the An He Rui also stared at Qiu Ming.After a while, Qiu Ming became confused.

Xiao Zilan saw his appearance and said quickly: "Oops, he was hit by An Herui's sound wave! Axue, wake up Qiu Ming! This won't work!"

After hearing this, Ning Xianxue quickly shook Qiu Ming awake, but some consequences of the sound wave also appeared. Qiu Ming, who was woken up, seemed groggy and could not cheer up at all.

Feng Yu's heart sank. He didn't expect An Herui to be so capable. No wonder Holy Qilin had to invite the Herui clan to get rid of them.

"Hmph, just a few of you, you want to kill me? You're overestimating your capabilities!" An Herui said.

As the saying goes, attacking the city is about attacking the bottom and attacking the heart first. Xiao Zilan decided to delay the time indefinitely. When An Herui dropped his guard against them, that would be the best time: "As a member of the Herui clan, I didn't expect that you would actually do it." Don’t you think you have shamed your ancestors by doing such a despicable thing and being with the ferocious beast Shuizhu?”

"You don't have to use provoking methods to provoke me. I naturally have my own reasons for doing this. People like you won't understand! Like me and Shui Hu, we are mutually beneficial. Do you understand? This tradition It has been around since our ancestors, so if I do this, I am not losing the face of our ancestors!" Na An and Rui said.

Xiao Zilan sneered and continued: "Even so, this water pig is already dead, what's the point of trapping us here anymore?"

"Of course I have a reason for doing this. Ordinary people like you won't understand." An Herui naturally wouldn't tell them its purpose of doing this.

"Since we are all trapped here by you, it doesn't matter much if you tell us this purpose. And with your strength, you also think that we can't do anything to you, so why don't you let us die before we die? Do you understand?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"Hmph, it's best for you to die without knowing anything about it. Only then will I be happy." An Herui gritted his teeth, refusing to reveal his true intention of trapping them all in this place.

"Or maybe you have no intention of trapping us here at all, just to satisfy your perverted preferences." Qiu Ming said, and then he turned to Ning Xianxue and Xiao Zilan and said, "We Don’t ask him why he trapped us in this place. He can’t explain it anyway.”

Xiao Zilan and Ning Xianxue both nodded matter-of-factly and said, "What you said makes sense. He might be doing it just to satisfy his perverted preferences! In fact, it's not clear at all what the reason is for all of us. Trapped here!"
"Hmph, you are the only ones with perverted hobbies!" An Qilin said, "You can't even think of using this method to get this out of me."

"I don't have any perverted preferences, and you can't explain it clearly. If you have the ability, you should say it!"

"Tch, I did that for..." Dark Qilin quickly reacted, "Anyway, you won't be able to live any longer. You will know when you are all dead. It's too early to tell you now. I won't tell you until you die." , I will tell you slowly!" (The novel "The Female Supporting Girl Wants to Cultivate Immortality" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now and click on the upper right Use the "+" sign to "add friends", search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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