Chapter 225

As a result, Ning Xianxue and others found the black aura that Feng Yu had mentioned in their bodies.Although she didn't know how Feng Yu knew about this problem, Ning Xianxue quickly reacted and removed all the spiritual energy from her body.

Similarly, Qiu Ming and Xiao Zilan also discovered the black spiritual energy in their bodies and quickly removed it.Fortunately, not much spiritual energy entered their bodies, and it did not reach the level of seriously damaging their meridians. It only affected them when their emotions fluctuated.It was precisely because of this that Feng Yu saw it.Otherwise, if it is allowed to develop, the consequences may be disastrous!

Xiao Zilan and Qiu Ming shouted in their hearts that it was dangerous.

After everyone had almost cleaned up, Feng Yu said: "It's almost done. If it's almost done, we're leaving."

Everyone nodded, indicating that they were almost ready and ready to go.

Then, Feng Yu led a few people towards the west.

With so many people, one of them must make a decision. If they are allowed to discuss it, a gap may arise in each person's heart, and they may feel that the other party is unwilling to adopt their own opinions, causing them to no longer trust each other.

Besides, outside of the Wisdom Tree space, there has been no news since Xiao Zilan and others left the Ning family, which made the whole family a little anxious. However, no news means the best news. After all, their natal lights are Nothing is wrong, which means they are still safe now.

At the same time, Mu Jinxi also obtained a treasure that was very important to her in the Nine Nether Purgatory - a page of the Heavenly Book.

After Mu Jinxi refined the Jiuli Pot, she set off for Jiuyou Purgatory. After all, she needed magic energy, and this kind of thing could only be obtained in Jiuyou Purgatory.Therefore, she had no choice but to enter the Nine Nether Purgatory again.The demonic energy gained from hunting demon cultivators allowed her to break through to the next level in a short period of time, taking another big step towards the stage of becoming a god.

On this day, she also hunted and killed another demon cultivator.This demon cultivator already has the strength of a demon king.Mu Jinxi was able to kill him with the help of the Jiuli Hu.After killing the demon cultivator, she confiscated his storage bag and took everything on him for her own use.

Suddenly, she saw a fold.She was very surprised and didn't know what was written inside, so she opened it and took a look. Unexpectedly, there was nothing inside.

She sneered and said: "I didn't expect it to be a useless thing. This kind of waste is worth carrying with you. It wastes a place to put things." Mu Jinxi said, then put the book He threw the book directly to the ground and started to check other things.

At this time, she heard a cry: "Ouch..."

"Who is it, come out!" Mu Jinxi shouted.But when he looked around, there was no one around. "Stop pretending, come out!" As he said that, he stepped on the booklet again.

As a result, she heard another shout: "Ouch, yoyo... Lift your feet up, I'll be under your feet!"

After hearing this, Mu Jinxi raised her feet, picked up the booklet she had just thrown away, and said: "Are you the devil here pretending to be a ghost? It's of no use at all. How dare you make such a fuss here? Phew, let’s see if I don’t tear you up!” He said as he was about to tear up the booklet in his hand.

"Don't, don't, don't tear it up, don't tear it up... just listen to me first..."

"Then tell me. I want to see what you can say."

"My name is a Heavenly Book. I can answer any questions you don't understand. Since it is called a Heavenly Book, how can it have words?"

"What you said is very clever. There are no words. How can I know the answer to the question without words!"

"This, if you ask me, I can tell you directly!"

"So, you can still predict the future?" Mu Jinxi asked again.

"This... this is..."

Seeing that it couldn't explain why, Mu Jinxi started tearing it apart again.

"Oh, don't, that's all I said. I can't predict the future, but I basically know everything about the past."

"Humph, you know everything in the past, so I have to ask you. I can find out all the past things, so what do I want to ask you for? In this way, isn't your bible Is it worthless? It's better to tear it up, so as not to stay in the world and harm the world." Mu Jinxi continued.

"Oh, no, no, there are always some things in the past that cannot be found. Besides, if you spend time checking, you might as well ask me directly. Wouldn't it save more time?" The page of the heavenly book said quickly.

"That's true of what you said." Mu Jinxi nodded and said, feeling that what he said made sense. Then, she asked again, "Then let me ask you another question. If you answer it, I will Keep you by my side, if you can't answer, you know what will happen to you."

"Yes, yes, I must know everything and tell you everything." A page of heavenly book said quickly. "Let me ask you, how can we repair the damaged Jiuli pot?" Mu Jinxi asked.

"What, do you want to repair the Jiuli Pot?" A page of heavenly book asked.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? If you know, just tell me. If you don't know, I'll just start tearing it apart!" Mu Jinxi said.

"No, I say, I say." A page of heavenly books shouted quickly, and you could hear that its voice was already shrill with excitement, "This Jiuli pot is an ancient divine object. When Nuwa created all life in the sky, she He also discovered that most of his natures were ferocious and cruel. However, the passage between the three realms of gods, humans, and demons had not been opened, and the peaceful coexistence of the three realms did not matter much. Later, Gonggong was angry and touched Buzhou Mountain, causing a corner of the sky to collapse, the Milky Way to pour, and floods Overflowing, cracks appeared in the passages of the three realms of gods, humans and demons during that period, and various monsters on the earth appeared. Later, Nuwa appeared and used colorful stones to patch the sky, and then the hole in the sky was filled. Heaven and earth After the balance was restored, the cracks in the three realms of gods, humans, and demons naturally closed. However, when a loophole appeared at that time, many monsters slipped through the cracks and came to the human world. So she used the colorful stones left behind to patch the sky to cast a purifying The ferocious bronze pot contains a ferocious spirit. It is hoped that through the refining of the pot, demons, beasts, monsters, etc. will be sublimated to maintain the harmony of the earth. This is the origin of the Jiuli Pot."

"Okay, okay, I don't want to hear you tell me where the Jiuli Pot came from. I just need you to tell me how to repair the Jiuli Pot." Mu Jinxi directly interrupted a page of the heavenly book and said .

"After hearing the source, we can tell you how to repair it." A page of heavenly book said, "This Jiuli pot was first owned by Chi You, the chief of the Jiuli tribe. Later, after the war between gods and demons, its divine power declined. , the damaged Jiuli Pot can no longer reach the level of a divine weapon. However, as a damaged divine weapon, this Jiuli Pot can naturally be repaired. You only need to collect three things. "

"What three?" Mu Jinxi asked quickly.

"Godhead, Nuwa Stone, Divine Dragon Bone." A page of heavenly book continued to add, "The so-called Godhead is a kind of divine object condensed after becoming a god, and Nuwa Stone is the colorful stone left by Nuwa to mend the sky. .As for the divine dragon bones, I don’t need to tell you. You will understand that they are the bones of Shennong.”

"These three things are difficult to handle!" Mu Jinxi sighed.

This sound frightened Yi Yishu, and he asked tentatively: "What? Do you have a Jiuli Pot with you?"

"Why are you asking so many questions? You'd better shut up about things you shouldn't ask about, otherwise I don't know how I will treat you." Mu Jinxi said.

The one-page heavenly book quickly defended itself: "I am doing this for your own good. If you have a Jiuli Pot with you, maybe the thing that repairs the Jiuli Pot will change again."

"Why is this?" Mu Jinxi continued to ask.

"Actually, it's very simple. The Jiuli Pot was a sacred object before, and it was made by Nuwa using colorful stones. It naturally has extraordinary divine power and immortality. Therefore, all repaired items must You need to have the spirit of the fairy spirit to restore it to its peak state. But if this Jiuli pot is on your body, you are cultivating demonic energy, and the damaged Jiuli pot will also be contaminated with demonic energy, so it will no longer It is a sacred object with fairy aura, but a monster with demonic aura. In this case, you can no longer use items with fairy aura to repair it, otherwise it will only aggravate its damage. "

"Then how to fix it?"

"If the Jiuli Pot is contaminated with demonic energy, the items needed are twelve magic weapons and the dragon's keel. The keel can enhance the magic power of the Jiuli Pot and make it more powerful. Of course, being Even if the demonized Jiuli Pot is repaired, it will never be able to achieve its power as a divine weapon." A page of the heavenly book said.

"These are not within the scope of your consideration. Now you only need to tell me where to find these twelve magic weapons and the dragon's keel. Leave the rest alone. Yes." Mu Jinxi said.

When the page of heavenly book heard what Mu Jinxi said, it responded quickly. It didn't dare to respond. After all, its life was still hanging on Mu Jinxi's injury. If it was torn apart by her accidentally, That wouldn't be fun.As for what Mu Jinxi should do, it was not within its scope of consideration. "The demon dragon bones are actually very easy to find. On the battlefield where gods and demons fought, there must have been demon dragon bones. And the battlefield of the gods and demons battle, it seems now, is in the land of death."

"The place of death, you were right."

"No, there must be a god's tomb in the land of death. Since there is a god's tomb, there must be a demon's cemetery, so the demon dragon must be buried in it. As long as you can enter the demon's cemetery and find the demon dragon's bones, it will be fine ”

"What about the twelve magic weapons?" Mu Jinxi asked again

"I don't know the specifics of these twelve magic weapons. I can only give a rough idea. In ancient times, during the battle between gods and demons, twelve demon generals were assigned to various places. Two of them are here. Among the Jiuyou Secret Realm, two are in Dongchuan, one is in Xiaoyuan Secret Realm, one is in Lingxi Secret Realm, two are in the extreme west, one is in Beifu, one is in the interior of Zhongzhou, and there are two more In the tomb of God.”

"Are you kidding me?" Mu Jinxi said, "You made the scope so general. How do you think I should find it?"

"This is mainly because we are now in the Nine Nether Purgatory. I am not very clear about some specific directions of the outside world. Even if it is a heavenly book, it is limited to such a world and cannot communicate with the outside world. I have no way to find it. The exact location of those magic weapons!" A page of heavenly book defended itself.

"In that case, you can still find the specific location." Mu Jinxi asked.

"I don't dare to vouch for this. I can only say that we can narrow the scope." Yiyi Tianshu said honestly.

"It seems like you still don't have much use..."

"I have said everything I can. To be honest, you also dislike me and talk big words. In the end, you find that it is not what I said, and you will tear me apart..." A page of heavenly book said, "I can do it. There’s really only so much that’s arrived.”

(End of this chapter)

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