Chapter 226 The People Behind
After Mu Jinxi listened to what the page of the heavenly book said, she didn't say anything else and just put it into her storage bag.She knew that there was no way to make it say anything under such threats. She must have told her everything it knew.However, she now knows how to repair the Jiuli Pot, which is also excellent.It's much better than being confused before.

After putting it into her storage bag, she set out to find the twelve magic weapons.After this period of experience, Mu Jinxi's cultivation has reached a certain bottleneck.At this moment, she went to look for the magic soldiers. Maybe she would encounter some opportunity that would allow her to break through this bottleneck.

At the same time, Xiao Zila and others met an inexplicable person.

I don't know since when, Xiao Zilan and others discovered that there was a person following them silently. No matter where they went, they could see this person.However, he had no ill intentions towards them and just followed them.

"Is that person still following us?" Ning Xianxue asked.

Qiu Ming glanced back and saw the familiar figure, so he said to her: "He is still there."

"I really don't know why he keeps following us." Ning Xianxue said.

"Who can know this?" Qiu Ming said, "How about I drive him away?"

"Okay, please calm down for a while. They haven't done anything bad to us. Is it really okay for you to take action like this? Besides, this place is so big, why don't you allow them to take that road? "Xiao Zilan said, "Just leave him alone."

"But, I always feel very awkward, having someone following me all the time." Ning Xianxue said.

"But we can't just go up and beat him up and tell him not to follow us. And we have no evidence to prove that he is following us." Xiao Zilan said, "Even if he is indeed..."

"He is following us. You can see that we have changed so many roads and he is still following us." Qiu Ming said.

"Since you have noticed this, you must also notice that his strength is actually not weak. Otherwise, there is no way to detect our intention to change the route so quickly. Moreover, I don't know if you have discovered that there are He disappeared several times, but then he appeared again. What does this mean?"

"What can it represent?"

"At least it shows that this man is very powerful. Moreover, from the time he followed us until now, we have not noticed any malice from him at all. This also shows that he is not harmful to us. "Xiao Zilan added, "Xianxue, you feel uncomfortable, mainly because you are worried that this person will harm us. This possibility does not exist, but we just need to take precautions and don't pay too much attention to this issue. As the saying goes, too much is never enough, and it is somewhat unjustifiable for you to drive someone away before they have done anything."

"That's true." Ning Xianxue pursed her lips and said, "Then we have no choice but to let him follow us like this again."

Qiu Ming shrugged and said he had no objection.

After walking for a long time, Xiao Zilan and others finally stopped and rested in place.At this time, Feng Yu walked towards the person behind him.

At this time, Qiu Ming, Ning Xianxue and Xiao Zilan were thinking: He couldn't bear it anymore and went to chase them away.

"Brother, I see you have walked all the way with us. Where are you going? How about we go on the road together? There are more people to take care of." Feng Yu squatted in front of the man and said.

The man sat on the ground with his back against the big tree. He glanced at Feng Yu, and then closed his eyes.

When Xiao Zilan and others saw this scene, they were all shocked. There were still people who ignored Feng Yu.Several of them were quietly waiting for Feng Yu's next words.

He smiled slightly and found a step for himself: "Since you don't want to go with us, we won't disturb you anymore."

With that said, he walked back to the place where Xiao Zilan and others were resting.Seeing Feng Yu coming back, Xiao Zilan and others quickly sat upright without showing a trace of smile.

Feng Yu came back and said calmly to a few people: "Okay, we have rested enough. Let's hit the road."

None of them knew why they had rested for so long before starting to leave again!However, several people did not complain. Since Feng Yu made such a decision, he must have his own considerations.Without saying anything else, he stood up and followed Feng Yu away.

Ning Xianxue looked back from time to time to see if the person had followed.

Xiao Zilan pulled her and said: "Okay, don't look anymore, keep a normal mind." Then she pointed at Feng Yu who was leading the way.Ning Xianxue understood it instantly, nodded, and immediately closed her mouth.

Qiu Ming looked at the interaction between the two in amusement and didn't say much.

Feng Yu could naturally feel the movements of the people behind him, but he didn't want to say anything.

Not long after, Xiao Zilan suddenly discovered that the person who had not followed him appeared again at some point.She originally thought that after Feng Yu's questions, he would be embarrassed to continue following her.What she didn't expect was that he actually followed her again.

When Xiao Zilan hesitated, Ning Xianxue also noticed the person following her, and couldn't help but sigh: "Oh my God, why did he follow me again?"

After hearing Ning Xianxue's words, Feng Yu paused for a moment and then continued walking forward, not wanting to care about this person.

Feng Yu thought in his heart: When that person appeared just now, he didn't notice it at all. If it weren't for what they said just now, he might not even notice it.And since his cultivation level has reached this level, there are very few people who can follow him without being discovered by him. At least, it is certain that his cultivation level is at least above his own.

However, seeing that he was not hostile to himself and others, he didn't take it too seriously. However, after seeing him following him and others for so long, he began to feel a little uneasy.So he walked over to test him, but to his surprise, he had no intention of going with him and the others.Feng Yu was a little uneasy. If you don't go with us, then why are you following us?

Then, he called a few people and left directly, thinking that this time he would not follow them again.What he didn't expect was that he actually followed.They walked slowly in front, and he followed slowly behind. When they walked fast, he walked fast too.But there is always that distance.

Feng Yu was somewhat patient.But Qiu Ming was gone. He turned back and wanted to talk to that person.

As a result, Feng Yu grabbed his hand and said, "Leave him alone." Although the four of them still had a slight chance of winning if they took action, Feng Yu obviously didn't want to take action in this place. None of them can afford to cause other troubles.

Xiao Zilan said lightly: "I think that in the final analysis, all this is still our own problem. Our mentality is not open enough. Otherwise, how can we mind having someone following us all the time?"

"Not open-minded enough?" Ning Xianxue asked, "What do you mean by this?" "Think about it, why do people have inner demons?" Xiao Zilan asked in return.

"There are many reasons for the emergence of inner demons. The most important one is that there is something that you can't let go of. If a person is stuck on one thing, it is easy to have inner demons." Ning Xianxue said.

"Yes, there is another situation where inner demons are easy to arise. That is when your state of mind cannot keep up with your cultivation, various inner demons will also arise." Xiao Zilan said.

"You mean, we have been stuck on this matter and can't let it go. That's why we keep minding it?"

"That's right. Maybe we should try to accept this person. After all, there is someone following us, and at the same time, this person has no hostility towards us. Isn't this kind of thing quite fun?" Xiao Zilan said, " I think we can try to be tolerant of him. If others follow their own path, we will follow our own. Even if his path overlaps with ours, it doesn’t hurt, right?"

"Or, we can treat it as a harmless monster." Xiao Zilan said, but soon, she denied her statement, "That doesn't seem to work. In short, let's not pay too much attention to what happens next. Is that okay? As long as he doesn't attack us, it doesn't matter if he comes to us. Besides, there are four of us here! Even if there is nothing else, there are still companions by your side. "

"Okay, let's keep walking." Feng Yu said to Qiu Ming.

Qiu Ming glanced hard at the man behind him and continued walking forward without saying anything more.

In the next few days, no matter where Xiao Zilan and others went, that person followed them wherever they went.And Xiao Zilan and his group also began to learn to accept that there was someone following behind them.

Occasionally when that person disappears, Ning Xianxue and Xiao Zilan will joke: "I don't know where that person has gone again."

"He will show up after a while anyway."

Later, when Xiao Zilan and the others were preparing anything, they also prepared an extra portion for the person behind them.

At the beginning, the man ignored the things Xiao Zilan and others sent him, but later he gradually got used to it and accepted it.

On this day, Xiao Zilan and others are on the road again.They all found it strange that the two ancient monsters they encountered before were so powerful, but in the following days, they didn't even see half of them.Could it be that there really weren’t many monsters in this secret realm, but it was just a coincidence that a few of them encountered two?

"Hey, Zilan, have you seen that person?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"I don't know. I didn't see him. I don't know where he went." Xiao Zilan replied.

"You said this person is really strange. He appears and disappears from time to time. You invited him to go with you, but he didn't agree. You said it was so dangerous here, how did he survive alone?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"I don't know about this either. However, we were always on guard against him before because we were afraid that he would have some bad thoughts. And it is normal for him to be on guard against us. After all, even if his cultivation level is higher than ours, But he is always alone. If we really join the gang, if we have any bad intentions, he may not be able to escape." Xiao Zilan analyzed.

"But we don't look like bad people!"

"Bad people don't write it on their faces that they are bad people." Xiao Zilan said jokingly.

"However, how can you compare yourself to a bad person?"

"I'm just putting myself in someone else's shoes. Besides, it's actually good to keep a certain distance like this. But then again, we haven't seen a single monster on the road these days. You said all the monsters here are... Where did they go? Why didn't any of them show up?" Xiao Zilan said, "Could it be that the path led by senior brother was too good? There are no monsters along the way? But it's unlikely."

"Okay, don't discuss it there. Come on, we're on our way." Qiu Ming urged.

"Oh, okay!" Xiao Zilan responded.

"But Ah Ming, I don't know where that person is." Ning Xianxue said.

"You, don't worry about him. He will appear after we are on the road. He appeared and disappeared sometimes before. He will catch up after a while."


"Let's go quickly, don't let Feng Yu wait too long."

Several people started on the road without waiting for the man.

Not long after leaving, several people heard the sound of fighting coming from the front.

"No, we were just saying that we didn't encounter any monsters. How could we be so bad that we encountered someone fighting?" Qiu Ming said, "Sure enough, is this a good but bad spirit?"

"Okay, shut your mouth. Let's go to the front and take a look before we talk." Ning Xianxue said.

A few people rushed forward, but what they saw surprised them.If nothing else, the person fighting was the person who had been following them these past few days.

"Am I hallucinating? Why did I see him in front of us?" Qiu Ming said.

"No, you are not hallucinating, I saw it too. And he actually encountered the monster we had never encountered before, and he encountered it when he was alone. This really makes me don't know what to do. Evaluate his luck." Xiao Zilan said.

"Okay, let's not discuss it anymore, go up and help first." Feng Yu said to several people, then pulled out his sword and rushed forward first.

Xiao Zilan and others looked at me and I looked at you. They didn't know what Feng Yu was performing, but they all pulled out their magical weapons and stepped forward to help.

(End of this chapter)

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