Chapter 227 Dreamland
With the help of Xiao Zilan and others, the man quickly eliminated the surrounding monsters and got out of the predicament.He said calmly to Xiao Zilan and others: "Thank you very much."

Then, without waiting for anyone to react, he walked forward without looking back.

When Ning Xianxue saw that he had such an attitude, she immediately felt dissatisfied: "Hey, why is this man like this? We rescued him, and he just left like this!"

"Okay, don't complain. At least I said thank you. If you see how he behaves in the past few days, you will know that he can do this well." Xiao Zilan said with a smile. .

"We can only admit that we are unlucky. He didn't ask us to save him." Qiu Ming said sourly.

"Okay, Qiu Ming. Let's leave quickly." Xiao Zilan said with a smile.She naturally understood that Qiu Ming's words were not malicious. The main reason was that she was not used to that person's attitude.

Feng Yu just smiled and said, "Let's go."

Xiao Zilan glanced at Qiu Ming with a smile, shook her head and followed.

Ning Xianxue also smiled, ignored him, and followed him directly.

Qiu Ming was the only one left sulking on the spot. When he saw that there was no one around him, he looked at the backs of the figures in front of him and shouted quickly: "You should wait for me!" Then he stopped complaining and hurriedly followed. Go up.

After walking for a while, Ning Xianxue couldn't help but speak again: "Hey, you said that man walked very fast, but he just left a little earlier than us, and now we can't even see him.

Xiao Zilan smiled slightly and said nothing. Qiu Ming also shrugged and said nothing. At this time, Feng Yu said: "I didn't feel any sign of anyone moving in front of me."

Now it was Xiao Zilan and others' turn to be surprised. When they were discussing before, Feng Yu always listened quietly. The best situation would be to express his own opinions without interrupting them. The situation is simply unprecedented!

And, what did he just say?No sign of anyone moving up front?How can this be!If there is no sign of anyone moving, then that person just disappeared again, right?

Xiao Zilan began to feel that something was wrong. Why did this person disappear and appear from time to time?There is no trace when it disappears, and it is silent when it appears.No one has ever been able to do this. Could it be that he is a powerful person?But from his battle with those monsters just now, he couldn't feel it.

Xiao Zilan thought of those monster beasts just now, and immediately thought of a very strange question. No matter which kind of monster beast she had to deal with before, it always took some effort. Judging from the monster beasts she had just solved during class, she didn't know how to deal with them at all. It didn't take much effort.Is this because her cultivation has improved?That's not right, she still knows her own strength, and she can't defeat those monsters so easily.In that case, there must be something weird here!
Along the way, Feng Yu didn't say anything, and he only said this once. Could it be that he discovered something?Xiao Zilan looked at Feng Yu, trying to find the answer on his face.

When Feng Yu saw Xiao Zilan looking at him, he smiled and said, "Why, you noticed it too?"

"Did you find anything weird in this?" Xiao Zilan asked.

"No, I just think there are some questions, but I haven't found the answer to what they are specifically." Feng Yu said, "However, although I didn't notice anything, I always felt strange around me, as if there was a voice telling me Myself, everything around me is not real.”

"Not true?" Xiao Zilan muttered.If everything around him is not real as Feng Yu said, then what are all the scenes he sees? Is it an illusion?But all this feels so real. Can fantasy really do this?If he and others really fell into an illusion, then when did they enter this illusion?

Xiao Zilan had a lot of questions that she couldn't figure out, and she couldn't find the answers. She felt that her whole mind was messy.

"Okay, let's continue walking forward and see if we can gain anything." Feng Yu said.

Qiu Ming frowned and walked forward, standing closer to Ning Xianxue so that he could protect her in case something went wrong.

Several people continued to walk forward, but after walking for so long, they still didn't see a single person or a single monster.

"It seems that we may have really fallen into an illusion." Feng Yu said.

"Illusion? How is this possible!" Ning Xianxue said.

"It seems that this is the genius of this illusion. It is completely invisible to people that it is an illusion." Xiao Zilan said, "If the person hadn't suddenly appeared and disappeared, we still don't know when it would have happened. You’ll find that out.”

"When did we enter this illusion? Could it be related to the person who has been following us?" Ning Xianxue said.

"This... I'm not very clear about it, but I think it must be related. Otherwise, how could he come and go freely?" Xiao Zilan said.

"Ah...then what should we do now?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"Although we discovered that the place around us is an illusion, there is no way to solve it. It seems that this place is integrated with the previous world, and people can't notice the difference between the two. . Let alone leave from here." Feng Yu said.

"Then what are we going to do? Are we going to stay here forever?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"Now, we can only take one step at a time and see one step at a time." Feng Yu said, "Don't worry, there is no harm here. We can slowly find the way out. One thing that I don't quite understand about knowledge is, what exactly is this Why do people lead us into this illusion?"

"Okay, since there is no danger, don't think too much. When that person shows up, let's just ask him clearly." Xiao Zilan said.

"That's true, so what should we do now?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"Since we have fallen into an illusion, there is no point in moving forward. We might as well sit down and rest where we are." Xiao Zilan suggested, "What do you think?"

"I think this proposal is good, but I still feel a little uneasy about the situation around me. Otherwise, how about we call Yaoyao out and ask? Maybe she knows what is going on?" Qiu Ming said.

"Okay, I'll call her out right now." Xiao Zilan said, concentrating and calming down to summon Yaoyao.

"Ah, what trouble have you encountered again? Why do I feel that you have been in a lot of trouble recently?" Yaoyao said as soon as she came out. "It's not like you don't know that we have entered the Wisdom Tree space. Although there are many treasures here, aren't there also many monsters? Isn't it normal to encounter more problems than usual." Xiao Zilan replied with a smile, "Okay, Yaoyao , we really need your help this time."

"This time you really want my help..." Yaoyao laughed again, "Tell me, what's the problem this time?"

"Look here, is there any problem here?" Xiao Zilan asked.

Yaoyao looked around, used her spiritual power to explore, and said: "There is no problem, it's normal! You are not becoming suspicious now because of the two ancient monsters you encountered before. That’s it.”

"Well, it seems that this is the biggest problem." Ning Xianxue said.

"What's going on?" Yaoyao didn't quite understand why everyone had such a "done" expression when she said there was no problem.

Xiao Zilan told Yaoyao in detail the process from how they met a stalker to how they found out that this place was actually an illusion.Then, she continued: "We originally thought that you would know something. But we didn't expect that even you can't see what's wrong here, nor can you see that this is an illusion, so you can know what's going on behind the scenes. How powerful that person is!"

"Wait!" Yaoyao suddenly shouted, "You all wait a moment and let me collect my thoughts."

Then she started talking again: "You all think this is an illusion, but I can't see it at all. Therefore, you think this illusion is very clever, and at the same time you think the person behind it is very powerful. Isn't that right? .”

"Yes." Ning Xianxue and others admitted honestly.

After Yaoyao hummed for a while, she said to several people: "Perhaps this is not an illusion at all?"

"It's not an illusion!" Several people were shocked. If it wasn't an illusion, what exactly was this place?

At this time, somewhere deep in a dense forest, an old man said to another person teasingly: "Hey, these people actually saw through it. Duobao, do you want to go out and do something?"

If Xiao Zilan and others were here, they would definitely recognize that the Duobao mentioned by the old man was the person who had been following them.

"Old man, cast your spell well, I am measured." Duobao said, not at all as cold as he showed in front of Xiao Zilan and others.

"But I said, Duobao, these young people are really good. Very few of them can reach this point. I haven't seen them in many years." The old man clicked his tongue, and then seemed to think of something. , laughed again, "But what I think is the funniest thing is that they actually share their food and other things with you. This is something I have never seen before! I didn't expect that you Duobao would one day You still need someone to give you something to eat! Hahaha..."

"Is it that funny?" Duobao asked.

"It's not funny, it's just very emotional!"

"Yes, it's really touching!" said the young man named Duobao.

"I think it's almost done here. I think we already understand almost everything we want to know. What do you think?" The old man asked again.

On the other side, the two of them were discussing issues related to Xiao Zilan and others, and on this side, Yaoyao also told Xiao Zilan and others her guess.

"I feel that this is not an illusion, but a dream. Only dreams can be like this, making people defenseless, and at the same time making people unable to notice any difference from the real world." Yaoyao said, "You How many people have you seen wake up from a dream that is completely non-threatening and almost indistinguishable from reality? Because you all fell into the same dream and did the same things you usually do, that’s why you didn’t notice this. Problem. And when you discovered it, you mistakenly thought it was an illusion."

"Dream? But how is this possible? If it was a dream, how did you get in? How could I summon you?" Xiao Zilan didn't believe it even more. How could they have been dreaming from beginning to end?And this dream is so real.

"Maybe I'm fake too!" Yaoyao said with a smile.

Her words startled everyone, and they all looked at her with suspicion.

Seeing everyone looking at her like this, Yaoyao quickly clarified: "No, I am really Yaoyao. I was joking with you just now. As for why I am here, I don't know It’s clear. I just received the master’s summons and appeared immediately. As for how I entered this dream, I’m not sure. If you hadn’t told me, I probably wouldn’t have known that this was a dream.”

"Oh my God! I thought we entered an illusion, but you actually told us that we were all dreaming! What on earth is going on?" Ning Xianxue said.

Qiu Ming didn't say anything, just frowned and asked Yaoyao seriously: "Is there any way for us to escape from this dream?"

"This... person who can summon and enter the same dream, except the Dream Demon, is no one else. But he died in the war between gods and demons long ago, how could he appear here?" Yaoyao said. arrive.

"Incubus? Could it be that we really can't get out?"

"You can't say that. This dream doesn't seem to be threatening. Maybe it's just a joke played by the person behind it. If you want to leave this dream, now, I'm afraid only that person will take the initiative to let you out." Yao Yao said.

"Okay, Yaoyao, there's nothing else to do with you. You can go back first," Xiao Zilan said.She knew that there would be no use for Yaoyao to stay here any longer, so it was better to let her go back first. She didn't know if summoning her in like this would do any harm to her.

"Then what should we do now?" Ning Xianxue asked after Yaoyao left.

Everyone shook their heads and said nothing.

Feng Yu sighed deeply at this time and said: "Now it seems that I have to wait for the person behind the scenes to show up on his own initiative."

(End of this chapter)

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