Chapter 228 The Last Level

"Perhaps I can answer all your questions." At this time, a man's voice came from behind Xiao Zilan and others.

They couldn't help being shocked. They turned around and took a closer look. Isn't this Duobao who disappeared before?
As soon as she saw him, Ning Xianxue immediately stepped forward and said, "You came just in time. We have something to ask you."

"I wonder what this girl wants to ask me?" Duobao asked with a smile.

At this time, Feng Yuze stopped Ning Xianxue, who was still about to step forward. He took a step forward and said, "Who are you?" God knows what purpose this person has for appearing at this time. .

"Who am I? What do you think?" Duobao smiled and threw the question to them again.

"Stop playing riddles with us. Only you know who you are and why you brought us here. However, after we have seen through this dream, what's the point of you still hiding it like this? What?" Xiao Zilan asked back. At this time, her concern was no longer about who this person was, but how to get this person to let a few of her people go away from this place.

"What's the point? Who knows, maybe it's because it's fun!" Duobao continued, changing his previous indifferent image.

Xiao Zilan was amused by his words and said: "From the time you put us into this dreamland, disappeared and appeared again, and kept following us, but without any malice, we can know that this This dream should be a game for you. And you are here now just to answer our questions. With you, the answers to every question are ambiguous. It is better for us to guess by ourselves. Maybe we can still Closer to the truth.”

"Then just guess, why bother asking me again." Duobao actually smiled this time.

Feng Yu and others found that they seemed to be trapped in an endless loop. People from both sides tossed the problem back and forth, but in the end they did not get any solution.

For a moment, the collective fell into silence.

At this time, Duobao seemed to have had enough fun and continued to speak: "This is just a test for you to solve the last question I left you. I will tell you all about it. But there Before that, you have to make sure that you are still alive and can see me. Well, that's all I have to say, I wish you good luck!" With that, the person disappeared again.

"What, why did you say you didn't see her and then she disappeared!" Ning Xianxue complained.

At this time, the remaining people sensed a deep sense of crisis.

"What do you think the last question he asked would be?" Xiao Zilan asked a few people around him.

"I don't know either, but I guess it's definitely not good." Qiu Ming said, "We'd better be careful."

Xiao Zilan nodded and looked at Feng Yu. He seemed to be thinking about something. She pulled Feng Yu and said, "Senior brother, have you thought of something? Tell me, what should we do next?"

"I don't know, but I instinctively have a very dangerous feeling." Feng Yu replied.

As a monk, his facial features are very sensitive and he has an instinctive reaction to danger.

Before Feng Yu finished speaking, he heard Ning Xianxue's voice coming from behind them: "Ah! I'm going to kill you!" As she said that, she saw her holding a long sword and heading straight towards Xiao Zilan.Xiao Zilan quickly blocked it with her sword and said, "Xianxue, what are you doing?"

But she obviously didn't hear any external sounds, and still went her own way, stabbing Xiao Zilan with her sword.Xiao Zilan saw it, but she didn't dare to touch her, for fear of hurting her, so she had to dodge in a panic.

"She seems to be under an illusion. She is immersed in her own world and can't get out. It seems that we need to find a way to solve this problem quickly." Feng Yu said.

But at this time, something unexpected happened again, and Xiao Zilan was heard saying: "Since you want to die so much, then I will help you!" After that, he picked up the sword and started fighting with her.

When Qiu Ming saw this scene, he immediately went to help Ning Xianxue. He was afraid that Xiao Zilan would accidentally hurt her.After blocking Xiao Zilan's sword, Qiu Ming immediately said: "Zilan, Ah Xue has entered the illusion. Just block her attack. Don't take action!"

I only heard Xiao Zilan snort: "If you help her like this, sooner or later you will die in her hands!"

Qiu Ming was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Xiao Zilan meant.

At this time, Feng Yu suddenly blocked Xiao Zilan's blow and said to Qiu Ming, who was still in a daze: "Why are you still standing there in a daze? She has obviously entered a fantasy world!"

As a result, Qiu Ming didn't come to help. When he was distracted, he saw Qiu Ming standing there blankly, muttering continuously: "How can you betray him? How can you betray him!"

With that said, he raised his sword and stabbed Feng Yu.Feng Yu turned around and dodged his blow, raised his sword, and the two started fighting.

And deep in the woods, the old man saw the scene in the dream, turned around and asked Duobao: "Is this really no problem?"

"This kind of mental test will happen everywhere. Now they can only get out of the illusion on their own." Duobao shook the wine in his glass and said slowly.

"Don't you think this is a waste? It's not easy for someone to get to this point." The old man said, looking at the several people killing each other in the dream with pity.

"It's better to be lacking than to be in vain. If they can't really make it to the end, it can only prove that they have no value of existence at all. They are not worthy of me giving those things to them." Duobao said coldly, exuding a A touch of murderous intent.

"Alas..." The old man sighed, feeling deeply sorry for these people.If they sit down as soon as they notice someone has fallen into the illusion, regulate themselves, eliminate all their thoughts, and prevent the illusion from feeling the things that matter most to you, they can prevent the illusion from directly attacking you.But now, it's too late to say anything.It is really difficult to break out of the illusion!
"Hey, wait, this woman seems to be about to break through." The old man shouted in surprise as if he had discovered some new continent, and then commented, "It seems that these people are the most promising to get out." , Duobao, it seems you have something ready."

Duobao looked back at the dream and said lightly: "Let's wait until they have passed this level to talk about it. It's too early to talk about it now." After that, he looked at the dream again and smiled.

Then he said to the old man: "I hope they can really make it to the end as you said."

(End of this chapter)

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