Chapter 229 The Last Level ([-])
The last faint voice came: "I haven't seen anyone walk out of this dream for a long time... How long has it been..."

And in this illusion that Xiao Zilan was in, it was Mu Jinxi who was inside.

I heard Mu Jinxi sneer there and said: "This is the last time, I want to fight you to the death! I will not let you continue to live in this world to hinder me!"

After hearing this, Xiao Zilan sneered and said, "You should be the one who can't live in this world, or maybe you have never existed in this world at all?"

"What do you mean!" Mu Jinxi asked, "Are you insulting me?"

"Insult? Not really. You should know what I mean, right?" Xiao Zilan said with a smile, "Mu Jinxi, ah, no, or we shouldn't call you this name, then why should we call you Okay? My fantasy?"

"you you……"

Xiao Zilan smiled as she watched the person in front of her disguised as Mu Jinxi change her face and was speechless.She smiled and continued: "Do you want to know how I can tell that you are fake?"

"Actually, this question is very simple. Because now I know exactly what I am doing." Xiao Zilan said, "Yes, yes, I do hate Mu Jinxi. The moment you appeared, I had a feeling Time is blank in my mind, and it feels as if a long time has passed, and it’s time for us to have the final battle.”

"Then what on earth did you do..."

"How did you find out that this is an illusion? In fact, illusions are not much different from dreams. I do care about this person very much, but there is more than just such a person and such a thing in my life. I There are still many things to do. It’s just that the battle with her is inevitable.” Xiao Zilan said, “And it seems like a long time has passed from the dream just now to this illusion, but I don’t know what happened in the middle. I had no impression of this process. I started to realize something was wrong.”

The man laughed and said: "So what if you notice something is wrong, as long as you don't break away from this illusion, you will still be meat on my chopping board! You should just die obediently!"

"According to what you said, it seems to make sense. Although I recognize that you are not her, as long as I don't come out of this illusion, I will still be affected by you." Xiao Zilan said, "But you don't want to I forgot that you are just a part of my thoughts, and I still have absolute control over you."

Xiao Zilan said this with a smile on her face.

"you you……"

"As long as I get rid of all thoughts about her now, there is no way to maintain this illusion of yours. And this illusion can only be completed once. This time I broke it, and next time, you can't use it again. The same trick." Xiao Zilan said with a smile, "Then, goodbye..."

As she spoke, she closed her eyes and completely broke through this illusion.Just as she broke through the illusion, Ning Xianxue stabbed her with a sword, hitting her left shoulder.And Xiao Zilan also used this stinging pain to completely wake up from the illusion.And when she looked around, it seemed that everyone had fallen into this illusion.However, apart from themselves, I am afraid no one can help them.

But no matter what, we still have to try to see if we can wake them up from the illusion.

Qiu Ming is inseparable from Feng Yuda, and Xianxue's physical strength seems to be almost unbearable. If she doesn't come out of the illusion, she may die of exhaustion!
Thinking like this, she didn't care about the wounds on her body and directly knocked the sword from Ning Xianxue's hand with skillful force.Fortunately, her physical strength was almost exhausted, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to knock off her sword so easily.

After knocking the sword off her hand, Ning Xianxue's attack power was much smaller.Xiao Zilan immediately tied her aside with a cane, and then continued to use spiritual power to sort out the movement of spiritual power in her body to make her spiritual power less chaotic.Then he kept shouting in her ear: "Xianxue! Wake up! Wake up and take a look, we are still with you!"

"This has no effect." The old man looked at Xiao Zilan's actions in the dream and shook his head.

"But it's also the most appropriate, isn't it?" Duobao said.

"Yes, but it is also the most appropriate thing for her to do." The old man said, "If you want to forcefully wake the person up, it may cause her to have a complete mental breakdown that is already in a state of collapse. The person who is saved in the end may just be An idiot, or a loser."

Duobao didn't speak, but carefully watched the actions of several people in the dream.Yes, this is the last level and the most important one.So no matter what, he couldn't stop.

Xiao Zilan found that no matter what, there was no way to awaken Ning Xianxue, but if she forcibly entered her illusion at this time, it might cause the illusion to collapse, and her consciousness would be severely damaged. Total waste.Otherwise, the person who is saved will probably be an idiot.

But neither of these two things can be endured by a monk.Xiao Zilan thought for a while, then tried another method to lock Ning Xianxue's spiritual power.But after her spiritual power was locked, she still couldn't wake up from the illusion.

Seeing that the person was about to die, Xiao Zilan Yaoyao used the five elements of spiritual power to circulate in Ning Xianxue's body over and over again.It was as if she was practicing by herself.

Ning Xianxue in the illusion also felt something strange about her body.I also found that my memory seemed to be confused.It is absolutely impossible for these people in front of her to appear next to her at this time.She also thought that they had entered an illusion before, but now there was obviously no Xiao Zilan and others around her.Since they fell into a dream before, why can't they dream again.

Thinking like this, her eyes became calmer when she looked at everything around her.No matter what the man and woman in front of her looked like, she remained unmoved, and recalled what Xiao Zilan once said to her: "Isn't he just a scumbag? Are you like this? Will you feel better if you sacrifice yourself? You do this Knowing will hurt your loved ones and make your enemies happy. Do you think he will regret it? No, for a person like this, it is impossible for him to regret your actions! Only if you live a better life than him can you prove that he In fact, it’s nothing at all!”

At this time, it seemed to her that no actions of the two people in front of her could arouse any anger in her.She calmly watched the "performance" of the two people there, and suddenly felt that her previous persistence had become ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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