Chapter 230 Turbocharged Beast

The scene in front of her slowly faded, and Ning Xianxue finally woke up.Seeing Xiao Zilan next to her, she smiled: "Thank you. Without you, I might have ended up here today."

"Okay, don't say any more. Just adjust your breathing quickly and I'll go see how they are doing." Xiao Zilan said.With that said, he helped Ning Xianxue sit up and let her adjust her breathing on her own.

Then he got up and went to check on Feng Yu and Qiu Ming.

The two of them were fine. They just fell into the illusion for a short time and then broke through the illusion on their own.At this time, he was also sitting in place and adjusting his breath.

"Duobao, you really have to prepare things this time!" the old man said.

Duobao naturally saw what happened in the dream, and just said to the old man: "Noisy." Then he disappeared.

The old man shook his head and said, "As we get older, we talk more."

Duobao appeared in the dream instantly. Xiao Zilan and others looked up and saw his figure again.

"You have passed this final level. We will send you out of the secret realm soon. Before that, I will give you something each. I hope you can make good use of it and go further on the road of cultivating immortality. ." After saying that, the person disappeared again.

Xiao Zilan calmly listened to his words, and then felt very powerless. What were the agreed causes and consequences?

Then, their vision went dark, and when the light returned again, they were all sitting in a forest.

The few people who woke up were surprised by their previous experiences. At this time, Yaoyao suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Yao Yao, why did you run out on your own? It seems that I didn't let you out?" Xiao Zilan asked strangely. Usually she didn't ask Yaoyao to come out. She never ran out on her own because she still liked it more. He stayed in Yaoshan, but why did he run out this time?

"I just felt that you were in danger, but no matter how I called you, you didn't respond. I couldn't come out even if I tried. I just tried again and came out. Are you okay?" Yaoyao was anxious. Speaking of.

"It's nothing. Look, aren't we all fine now?" Xiao Zilan said with a smile.

Yaoyao looked around and said in surprise: "You guys are out!"

"Yes." Xiao Zilan responded, "Yes, that person gave us the last test. After we passed it, he let us out."

"He also said that one person gave us something in the hope that we can go further on the path of cultivation." Ning Xianxue added.

"Why do these things sound so familiar?" Yaoyao murmured to herself, and then asked, "Didn't he tell you who he is?"

"No." Xiao Zilan said, "Originally, he said that after we passed the last level, he would tell us all the causes and consequences. I didn't know why during class, but he didn't tell us in the end."

"Yeah, I thought it was strange too." Ning Xianxue said, "He showed up and didn't stay long, and I didn't see what he said he gave us."

Yaoyao seemed to have thought of something and said, "Look at your storage bags and see if you have anything extra."

After listening to Yaoyao's words, everyone began to check if there were any extra items on their bodies.After a while, I heard some of them making a surprised sound.

"When did this tower arrive in my storage bag? Why don't I remember that I had such a magic weapon?" Qiu Ming spoke up first.

"That may be what he left for you. You can try to let it recognize its owner." Yaoyao said.

Qiu Ming didn't even bother to ask why, and started to take action directly.

And here, Ning Xianxue also discovered what Duobao gave her - a jade hairpin inlaid with gold and jade.

When Ning Xianxue saw it, she sighed silently: "This is simply a show of fancy but no use."

"Don't underestimate this hairpin. The gilt on it is not ordinary gilt. It was dug out from the underground spiritual veins by the Great God Feng Feng in ancient times. This gilt is produced under the spiritual veins. The force fluctuations are more sensitive, and the green feathers on it are the feathers on Qingfeng's body. Coupled with the runny jade, this hairpin can not only sense other people's mental detection of you but also block it, It can also be used as an ordinary treasure weapon for daily attacks." Yaoyao said.

Upon hearing this, Ning Xianxue said nothing more and immediately started refining such a magical weapon.

At this time, neither Xiao Zilan nor Feng Yu made any sound.They also found what the man left for them - a box of gold needles and a long sword.

However, neither of them spoke. At this time, Xiao Zilan asked Yaoyao: "Yaoyao, do you already know who that person is?"

"I think it's almost done. Can you let me know what you have on your hands?"

Xiao Zilan showed her the needle in her hand, and Feng Yu also took out his long sword.

Yaoyao took a look, took a cold breath, and said: "Nine-turn Resurrection Needle, and Chi Xiao. If I was still hesitant just now, now I am almost certain that it is that person. Under the whole world, again No one can bring out so many treasures like him."

"Who is he?" Xiao Zilan asked.

"He is not a human being." Yaoyao replied.

"not human?"

"To be precise, it should be a spiritual beast - known as Duobao." Yaoyao replied.

"You mean, we met the legendary multi-treasure beast?" Feng Yu asked back.

"Yes, except Duobaomon, I can't think of anyone else who can give away so many kinds of treasures in one go. These things you got, even in ancient times, would have been something that everyone fought for. "Yao Yao said.

"There are rumors that Duobaomon has disappeared in the battle between gods and demons, so how could it appear here?" Feng Yu said.

"You also said that it was a rumor. In fact, Duobaomon had disappeared from this continent a long time ago. Before the war between gods and demons began, some people wanted to find Duobaomon. , If you want to get one or two magic weapons from him, you can gain some advantages in the battle between gods and demons. Unfortunately, no one has ever found it." Yaoyao said, "It is like It seemed to evaporate from the world. After that, the war between gods and demons broke out, and people therefore thought that the disappearance of Duobaomon was the beginning of the war between gods and demons. In fact, I don’t know when before that, Duobaomon had It has disappeared. The last time there was any news about Doubaomon was hundreds of years before the war between gods and demons."

(End of this chapter)

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