Chapter 231 Refining
"Looking at it this way, the Wisdom Tree space took the Duobaomon into this space at some point, which not only caused its evaporation, but also allowed it to escape disaster?"

"It's almost like this." Yaoyao said, "Moreover, in the prophecy of the witch ancestor, there is a section where some people were killed in their sleep. I think, at that time, the multi-treasure beast was already in this tree of wisdom. In the space. He and the Dream Demon test people through dreams. If they fail, their lives will be taken away in the dream. If they succeed, they will be rewarded with treasures. You did not choose to attack him at the beginning. , is wise, otherwise, I’m afraid you will be wiped out from the beginning without even leaving any residue.”

"Is this multi-talon beast that powerful?"

"It's not that Duobaomon is strong, but that this is in the dream that the Dream Demon weaves for you. In this dream, he is God, and he can control everything, including your lives." Yaoyao said.

"Looking at it this way, this dream demon is really terrifying."

"Yes, it is indeed scary, but I don't know how he stayed with the Duobao beast." Yaoyao said again, "But now that you have escaped from his dream, then they will not I'm here to cause trouble for you again. After the two of them have refined the treasures in their hands, you should also quickly refine the treasures in your hands."

"Yao Yao, can you tell us what the magic weapon in our hands does?" Xiao Zilan asked again.

"Actually, you can understand this after refining it. But since you asked me, I will tell you about it." Yaoyao paused and continued, "First of all, you, the nine-turn resurrector, Needles. You can see that there are only nine needles in your hand. With the nine-turn mental method, all nine needles can be used together to save people in danger. Even if they have just closed the incense People who are angry can also be brought back. Of course, when medical books reach a certain level, they can also be used to kill people. In addition to being used to heal others, these nine needles can also be used to attack. However, the power of this attack will be smaller. Some. Not killing people."

Then she turned to look at Feng Yu and said: "And the sword in your hand is made of red refined iron and ten thousand years of black iron. It's called Chi Xiao. There are fifty lines on this Chi Xiao sword. The sword pattern coincides with the fifty-fifty avenue. There are also 36 sword formations, which are extremely powerful. When using them, pour spiritual power into them to stimulate the sword formations, and you can form the formations on your own. Of course, you can't see it now Go to the sword patterns and sword formations above. Only after your strength reaches a certain level will those sword patterns and sword formations be inspired and used by you."

Then, she turned back to look at Qiu Ming and said: "I have already mentioned the function of that hairpin just now. His tower is a bit useless. But it is suitable for him. That tower can be used for It locks monsters, but it is not a monster-locking tower. When encountering a large monster, you can use this tower to lock it. Of course, how long it can be locked depends on itself. As for why I said it is useless The reason is that this tower can only lock monsters, but it is not suitable for humans. Of course, in addition to the functions I mentioned, these treasures may have many other functions. After all, the functions of things like treasures are It’s impossible to completely announce it, after all, everyone must have some trump cards in their hands.”

"That's true." Xiao Zilan nodded.

Then she saw Ning Xianxue waking up from the refining process, so she walked over and asked, "How is it? Is it successful?"

Ning Xianxue smiled and replied: "This is a treasure. How can it be so fast? I have only refined a small part of it. And my current strength is not enough for me to completely refine it." We can only master a small part of it now."

Xiao Zilan looked at her with a smile, and Ning Xianxue also smiled. Neither of them asked more questions or said anything, and kept everything in silence.

Then, Ning Xianxue asked: "How is it? Have you finished refining your things?"

"Isn't this waiting for you! The collective is refining treasures here. If something suddenly goes wrong, who else can come out and take care of it." Xiao Zilan said.

"You're right. Why, Qiu Ming isn't feeling well yet?"

"No, you woke up earlier. It seems that it will take some time for him to recover." Xiao Zilan said, "You should adjust your breathing first." "Okay."

With that said, Xiao Zilan walked over to Feng Yu and sat down.

At this time, she said to Yaoyao: "There is nothing for you now. Do you want to continue to stay here, or do you want to go back first?"

Yaoyao thought for a while and said: "I'd better stay here. I'll go back after you all have finished refining. I don't know if there will be any movement while refining this treasure. If it attracts the people around, It would be bad if you come here.”

As soon as Yaoyao finished speaking, Qiu Ming's spiritual energy rioted.

"What's going on?" Xiao Zilan asked.

"It may be that during the refining process, too much spiritual energy was taken in, which caused a spiritual vortex to form around him, and the surrounding spiritual energy rioted when it encountered this vortex." Feng Yu explained.

"Don't worry, this is just a small problem, it won't have much impact." Yaoyao said, "This little movement won't attract the people nearby."

After listening to her words, Xiao Zilan relaxed a little and started to circulate the spiritual energy in her body.Although she was in that dream just now, she had consumed a lot of spiritual power. She would still need plenty of energy to refine the Nine-turn Resurrection Needle later.

After a long while, Qiu Ming finally woke up. As soon as he woke up, he said happily: "I suddenly felt that my whole body was full of strength, as if a sponge had absorbed enough water!"

"Okay, don't be poor. Have you completely refined it?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"No way! This is not an ordinary magical weapon. Just drop a drop of blood and refine it a little. In such a short time, I only refined a little of it, but it is enough for my current use. .Dobmon is indeed a Duobaomon! Even the gifts are so precious!"

Ning Xianxue burst out laughing and said, "Stop playing tricks there and sit over here quickly. They haven't refined it yet!"

"Uh..." Qiu Ming touched her head and said, "I'm so happy, I'm coming right over..."

Therefore, Qiu Ming moved over and urged Xiao Zilan and Feng Yu to quickly refine the treasures they obtained.

(End of this chapter)

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