Chapter 155

"Hey...Lu's raining outside...roll up the hood." Huangfu looked at the scattered rain hitting his face.Said to Lu Li.

Lu Li looked at the sky, where gray clouds were gathering in piles.It really started to rain, unfortunately.I had to close the hood.

"Hey hey hey!! Wait a minute, look at the person on the sidewalk on the right, he looks like Yin Chen!!" Huangfu said excitedly while looking at the beautiful night scenery outside the window.

"No way... you must have seen it wrong. Why is he alone on this street?" Lu Li stared straight ahead.Said casually.

"That's's raining here. Why is he alone on the street?" Huangfu murmured to himself.

However, he tilted his head.Some thoughts again.

"Really...did I...see it wrong?"

The street view outside the window was still incredibly beautiful in the rain.

Neon lights still illuminate the city.It shows its prosperity.

Ou Yinchen walked alone in the most luxurious and luxurious building in the empire.

On the street, it was raining and there was no one around.

The mobile phone in his hand already showed more than twenty missed calls.

And the phone continued to ring.

It was impossible for him not to hear it, and, as you can imagine, he was very irritated by the ringing.

He still... finally couldn't help but answer the phone.

"Hey!!! You brat finally answered the phone! I told you to pick up Selena, where did you go?! I made dozens of calls and didn't answer the phone!!!" was the message on the other end of the phone! A shrill female voice.chatter.He said it loudly.

"Mom, I got caught in the rain." Ou Yinchen said with a smile as if nothing had happened.

"I don't care about you!! Go and pick up Selena for me!! Do you hear me!! Otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

"..." Ou Yinchen smiled.Still smiling.He stopped looking at his phone.Turning off the phone, he threw his phone into a puddle without hesitation.

Then, without looking back, a person still walked forward in the rain.Aimlessly.Alone and alone.

Like an orphan abandoned by the whole world.

The rain is getting heavier... it's raining harder... it's raining, raining, raining, and the whole city is covered in a hazy layer of mist and rain.

Leng Yuyang was standing quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the heavy rain starting to fall outside and the raindrops sticking to the glass bed.I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

The house was brightly lit.

"It hasn't rained so heavily for a long time..." Leng Yuyang muttered to himself outside the window.

The look in his eyes was extremely lonely.

Momo took a cup of coffee and served it.Sip gently.

The mobile phone placed on the sandalwood table rang at this time.

Leng Yuyang put down the coffee cup, looked at the contact number, and suddenly picked up the call with a meaningful smile.

"Long time no see, uncle. What's the matter?"

"Let's meet once." There was a deep man's voice on the other end of the phone.

"My nephew, I also want to see you."

"..." There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Why are you silent?" Leng Yuyang smiled sarcastically, "Did uncle do something shameful and shameful?"

"Why are you talking to your uncle?! Why did my sister raise such a white-eyed wolf like you!"

Leng Yuyang fell silent, and his face became as cold as an iceberg. "Don't we still need to ask uncle?"

"Beep beep——" Xiang Qiang hung up the phone anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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