Hello, my devil!

Chapter 156 A dream that is too real

Chapter 156 A dream that is too real

Ye Xiaowei was lying on his big bed.Turning over and over again, thinking over and over again,

Today...a lot of things happened...

It made my head feel big.Everyone is feeling bad.

Especially Senior Gu Huai...Why is it so weird today...that he did such a thing to himself?

Senior Gu Huai...why do you do this?
He is not a frivolous person.

why why……

With this question in mind...

Still can't resist the intrusion of sleepyheads.

Ye Xiaowei fell asleep in a daze.


"Senior Gu Huai..." Ye Xiaowei stood in the center of the dance hall.Looking at Gu Huai, who is as dazzling as a prince under the huge crystal chandelier,

Gu Huai knelt down on one knee, took out a ring, and took Ye Xiaowei's hand in a gentlemanly manner: "Xiao Wei... will you be my girlfriend?"

Ye Xiaowei was flattered and blushed, looking at his charming appearance and feeling extremely shy.The heartbeat thumps.

"...Okay." She agreed shyly.

"Wait a minute——" At this moment, Leng Yuyang suddenly appeared. "I disagree!!"

Everyone in the audience, including Ye Xiaowei, was shocked.

Regardless of everyone's gaze, Leng Yuyang pulled Ye Xiaowei over and forcibly dragged her out without saying a word.

"What are you doing!!!" Ye Xiaowei's eyes widened and she wanted to throw away his hand! !

"Follow me!!!" he ordered without hesitation.

He took her to the same hotel as last time.

Then he threw her on the bed!

"What are you doing!!!" Ye Xiaowei struggled desperately.

"I hate you!!!"

"You hate me??? You're lying!" he sneered.
Ye Xiaowei was stunned.The hand pushing him stopped suddenly. "Haha, I see you clearly like me!!!" He smiled sarcastically.

"I see you clearly like me!!"

"You obviously like me!"

"You just like me!"


This sentence was like a tight spell, wrapping around Ye Xiaowei.

"What are you doing!!!" At the same time, Bai Xier suddenly broke into the door.

His eyes glowed with vicious jealousy and anger.

Ye Xiaowei was frightened by this sudden turn of events.

"Ding ding ding - ding ding ding -

The alarm clock rang, and Ye Xiaowei suddenly sat up from the bed.

Huhuhuhu——Ye Xiaowei gasped for air.

It turned out to be a dream...

Ye Xiaowei was so frightened that she broke into cold sweat... There were thin beads of sweat on her forehead.

How could I have that kind of dream......

And... why is this dream so real.

Is this... could it be that my subconscious is trying to convey something?

But...is this a spring...dream...

Damn it...why...did I dream about them...


It’s already autumn...

Ye Xiaowei covered her face and fell on the bed again.He shook his head in disbelief and kicked his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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