Shoufu Jiaoyi has space

Chapter 231 Meng Yan

Chapter 231 Meng Yan
Chapter 232 Meng Yan
"Female doctor? Is she the female doctor in the palace?" Sheng Xi suddenly heard the word "medical doctor" and couldn't react for a moment.

Yu Hongxin nodded: "Yes, he is the special doctor in the palace who specializes in treating the queen, concubines and others. However, this Doctor Meng..." Yu Hongxin frowned as he spoke, as if it was difficult to say the next words.

Sheng Xi looked at his frowning expression and had a suspicion in her heart: "Is it possible that Doctor Meng made a mistake and was reprimanded?"

"Ah, no, no!" Yu Hongxin hurriedly denied, "It was not because he was reprimanded. It was Shi Doctor Meng who resigned from his position as a doctor on his own initiative."

Sheng Xi was a little surprised: "You actually resigned on your own initiative?"

According to her understanding, the salary of an imperial physician in the palace is very high. Usually, once you become an imperial physician, as long as you don't make any mistakes, you will wear this official uniform from the moment you wear it until you retire in old age, especially if you don't make any mistakes. A common female doctor.

From this point of view, Dr. Meng is quite courageous.

Perhaps because he was worried that Sheng Xi would think too much, Yu Hongxin hurriedly finished the following words: "Doctor Meng is not very old, only 36, but she has a bit of a weird temper. As for why it's weird? Well, she chooses patients when she sees a doctor. If she likes it, she will watch it, and she will watch it for free. If she doesn’t like it, she won’t take it no matter how much money you give her.

Because she came from the palace, many wives of high-ranking officials and nobles in Yuzhou City wanted to see her for medical treatment, but nine out of ten of them were rejected by her.

Some people say that this is a problem she developed in the palace. Because she has been in contact with relatives of the emperor, no one takes it seriously.But some people speculated that it was because of her temper that she couldn't stay in the palace. She said she resigned voluntarily, but in fact it was just to cover up her fault.

But in the final analysis, these are all speculations, and only Dr. Meng himself knows the truth. "

After Yu Hongxin finished speaking, he looked at Sheng Xi: "If you want to invite Doctor Meng to come out, this... I'm afraid it will be a little difficult."

I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

After listening to Yu Hongxin's introduction, Sheng Xi thought it would not be easy.

It's just that you have to try everything to know the result, so Sheng Xi asked Yu Hongxin for the address of Meng Yan's house. After saying goodbye to Yu Hongxin, she went straight to the address.

The address is a bit out of the way, already out of the main city.It was already half an hour later when Sheng Xi stood in front of the door of a small courtyard with two entrances.

Looking at the somewhat crude courtyard gate, Sheng Xi suspected that she had found the wrong place.

However, the address showed that it was indeed here. At that moment, the door to the next door opened and someone walked out.

Sheng Xi stepped forward, pointed to the small courtyard and asked, "Auntie, is this Dr. Meng's house?"

The aunt looked Fan Shengxi up and down first, and then said, "Are you seeking medical treatment from Dr. Meng?"

"Ah, that's right." Sheng Xi replied.

"What do you mean, right? We are all women, there is nothing to be shy about!" The aunt was talkative, staring at Sheng Xi with a gossipy look on her face, "Did you just get married? Oh, she must have got married. She usually comes to see Meng Xi. Half of the doctor’s wives are young wives like you! Is this some kind of disagreement with your husband? Or is there some illness in your body? Oh, I understand, are you here to ask for a child? "

"Little wife," Sheng Xi coughed lightly and interrupted the aunt: "Um, so this is indeed Dr. Meng's house?"

"Yes!" the aunt said simply, but before Sheng Xi could take a breath, she continued, "Little lady, there is nothing taboo about women's problems. If there is a problem, you will always find the problem. You tell me what I said. right?"

Sheng Xi nodded: "Well, you're right! Then what, I..."

"Hey, little lady, you didn't come at the right time today. Doctor Meng is not at home!" the aunt suddenly said.

Sheng Xi turned around and turned back again: "Not at home?" she asked. "Yes!" The aunt suddenly smiled when she looked at Sheng Xi, "I guess the little lady is from out of town? Every tenth and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, Dr. Meng goes to the Chenghuang Temple for a free clinic!"

"Free clinic?" Sheng Xi never expected that Yu Hongxin had never mentioned it before.Come to think of it, he didn't know Meng Yan well enough.

"Then when will Dr. Meng come back?" Sheng Xi looked up at Tianwen and asked the aunt.

"It's almost evening." The aunt said without hesitation. "There are many beggars in the Chenghuang Temple. Every time Dr. Meng comes back from his free clinic, it will be very late."

Sheng Xi thought it was still early, so she asked the aunt, "Auntie, how to get to the City God's Temple?"

The aunt was stunned when she heard this. She stared at Sheng Xi as if she were looking at a rare thing. Her tone was full of disbelief: "Little lady, you don't want to see a doctor with those beggars, do you? Oh, then you It's really fair to think about it. Those beggars are really dirty and smelly. Ever since a lady went there and was scared away, I have never seen any daughter-in-law go there to join in the fun! Little lady, you are the best this year. It’s the first one!”

The aunt gave Sheng Xi a thumbs up, as if this matter was worthy of praise.

Sheng Xi moved the corners of her mouth and smiled without embarrassment: "Auntie, how about you tell me how to get to the City God's Temple now?"

The City God's Temple was not too far away from Mr. Sheng's residence. Sheng Xi walked for about a quarter of an hour before he saw the temple standing among a group of low bungalows.

No matter how you say it, it is a symbol of local protection. Compared with those slightly shabby bungalows, the City God's Temple looks tall and magnificent, and the incense is strong. It is enough to see that Nie Zhizhou attaches great importance to this place.

Sheng Xi followed the pilgrims and entered one after another. He looked around but could not find Doctor Meng, and even the beggars were nowhere to be seen.

When she was confused, she was just about to ask a monk in the temple for information, but suddenly she heard someone exclaiming at the door of the temple, followed by a burst of screams and howls.

Faintly, Sheng Xi heard someone scolding: "Smelly beggar! How dare you bump into my wife! I think you are impatient with life!"


The aunt said that nine out of ten beggars who came to the Chenghuang Temple today were all because of Dr. Meng.

After Sheng Xi thought about this, he walked straight forward and followed those who were watching the excitement.

A crack of the whip resounded through the entrance of the temple. The people who were watching the excitement were startled and backed away, and then rushed forward again.

Sheng Xi squeezed in from the crowd and saw at a glance a man dressed as a guard, raising his riding whip and whipping it towards a ragged old woman, who was protecting a five or six-year-old little girl. .

"Snap", the whip fell, and the old woman's already tattered clothes instantly tore into flowers. As she screamed and fell to the ground, she looked extremely miserable.

Sheng Xi frowned and took out a stone from the space before the whip came down again. However, before she could shoot it out, a sharp shout suddenly came from outside through the crowd.

Sheng Xi followed the sound and looked over, and saw a beautiful woman who was still charming but dignified walking out of the crowd.

But before she could look away from this beautiful woman's face, she heard another sarcastic voice coming from the opposite side.

"Meng Yan, do you want the dog to take advantage of the mouse and meddle in other people's business?"

(End of this chapter)

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