Shoufu Jiaoyi has space

Chapter 232 If your brain is flooded, leave home and control it.

Chapter 232 If your brain is flooded, leave home and control it.
Chapter 233 If your brain is flooded, leave home and control it.
As soon as the man spoke, there was a sudden silence all around, as if there were two undercurrents competing with each other in the air.

And Sheng Xi also came back to her senses. Thanks to the strong-spoken lady, she finally knew that the beautiful woman in front of her was the Doctor Meng she was looking for.

At this time, Meng Yan was looking at the luxuriously dressed lady opposite with an indifferent expression, as if she was a complete stranger.

As for the lady who was surrounded by all the maids, she stared at Meng Yan with unconcealable disgust and hatred in her eyes.

Sheng Xi felt the tension in the atmosphere. Looking at the attitudes of the two men, Sheng Xi imagined a bloody house fight and wondered if he was being fooled.

Whoops, off topic.

"The child just accidentally bumped into you, are you going to kill him? Madam Tongzhi!" Meng Yan suddenly said.

In one sentence, it exploded all around.

Mrs. Tongzhi?It turns out that this is Mrs. Tongzhi?Oh my god, they actually met the official’s wife!Is this official lady so angry?

But is this beautiful woman really okay?This is Mrs. Tongzhi. If she is so tough, isn't she afraid that she will offend this lady and Mr. Tongzhi will cause trouble for her behind her back?
Obviously, Meng Yan is not afraid.

Doctor Meng seemed to have his own aura. When they faced off against each other, Mrs. Tongzhi was stunned to be overwhelmed by him.

Yu Furong hated Meng Yan so much that she gritted her teeth. Especially when she saw that other person's face, she suddenly became angry and opened her mouth and said, "Yes again..."

"Madam!" A nun next to her hurriedly stopped her before she spoke arrogantly.If Yu Furong's identity hadn't been revealed yet, she could have been more arbitrary, but since Meng Yan directly pointed out her identity, she could only endure it for the time being.

The nanny whispered to Yu Furong: "Madam, your Excellency is still in the Yamen!"

The brocade handkerchief in Yu Furong's hand was so disturbed that it almost broke.

She took a deep breath, holding back the anger that almost burst out of her chest. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "Meng Yan, that little girl didn't rush into you, so you don't think it's anything. But I'm like this The material of my clothes is a gift from the late emperor, so it doesn’t matter if you bump into me. If you bump into the late emperor, wouldn’t that be disrespectful to the late emperor?”

The old woman, who was already shaking like chaff from fright, instantly shivered even more violently when she heard Yu Furong's words, but she held the little girl tightly in her arms and did not let go.

Yu Furong gave the other party a condescending look, looked back at Meng Yan, and said sarcastically: "Doctor Meng is really noble, he would rather treat these beggars than ordinary people like us, I don't know why Doctor Meng does this? If it's just a show, then Doctor Meng can just say that I, Madam, can help Doctor Meng by setting up a stall directly at the gate of the city and make the noise loud enough to make Doctor Meng's 'kindness' known to everyone!"

Meng Yan glanced at her, a hint of sarcasm flashing across the corner of her mouth.She looked deeply at Yu Furong, not intending to pay attention to Mrs. Tongzhi, and wanted to walk towards the old man and the young man.

However, when Yu Furong took a step forward, she suddenly gave the previous guard a look.

The guard understood, and when Meng Yan was about to come over, he stepped back accidentally, staggering suddenly, and kicked the old woman in the back with one foot.

Although the City God's Temple is not built on a mountain, it is still located on a high ground. There are at least 30 steps at the entrance of the temple.

At this time, the old woman happened to be at the edge of the steps, and there was no one blocking her behind.If she fell, she wouldn't die, but at the old woman's age, it wouldn't be much different if she fell half disabled and died.

Meng Yan naturally saw the guard's movements, but she could only watch helplessly and was unable to stop her. She could only shout anxiously: "Be careful!"

But the old woman was already slow due to her age, and because she was so frightened by Yu Furong, her mind couldn't turn around for a while, and she didn't understand what Meng Yan was shouting at all.When the kick came over, the old woman subconsciously pushed away the child in her arms and fell down the steps.

Those with sharp eyes saw it but only had time to exclaim. They could almost imagine how miserable the old woman would be in a while.

Some people couldn't help but cover their eyes, not wanting to see the tragic scene.

However, just when everyone thought that the old woman would inevitably fall down the steps, a petite figure suddenly appeared from nowhere, stretched out its slender arms, and held the old woman lightly as if without any effort. .

Meng Yan immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She only had time to look at Sheng Xi, and then she scolded Yu Furong: "Mrs. Tongzhi has such great authority and cruel heart. Do you want to kill someone and silence her!"

Yu Furong didn't expect anyone to catch the old woman. When she was stunned, she suddenly heard Meng Yan's words. She couldn't hold it back anymore and shouted directly: "So what! Such a beggar woman will die if she dies." Yes! She bumped into my wife and she should pay the price!"

"Madam!" The mama stopped her without haste and watched helplessly as Yu Furong said something she shouldn't have said.

Yu Furong regretted it for a moment, but facing Meng Yan, her regret was immediately fed to the dog.

"Don't stop me!" Yu Furong pushed her away, took two steps forward and approached Meng Yan, pointing out, "Meng Yan, don't think that you are the only one in this world who deserves to be remembered! Some people are not you You can imagine it! If it wasn’t yours in the beginning, then he will never be yours!”

Meng Yan frowned and said in a cold voice: "Yu Furong, if your brain is flooded, just control it at home and don't come out to embarrass yourself!"


"Madam!" This time, Mammy could no longer let Yu Furong do what she wanted. She said to her while pulling her, "Madam, I'm still waiting for you to come back! We won't go to burn incense today, so let's go back first!"

After the grandma finished speaking, she directly winked at the two maids next to her and asked them to come up and catch him.

The three of them worked together to hold Yu Furong back, but unexpectedly they heard Yu Furong scream, and then her knees went weak, and together with the nanny, they both knelt down on the ground with a "pop" sound.

The bystanders quickly backed away, fearing that Mrs. Tongzhi would kneel down.

Yu Furong was so ashamed and angry that she wanted to die!
"who is it!!"

"Madam!" The two maids were so frightened that they hurriedly helped her up, but they didn't expect that there happened to be a protruding step on the ground. Yu Furong got up in a hurry, but no one checked, and then they only heard a sharp "stab" sound. A long gash was cut in the hem of Yu Furong's dress!

Including Yu Furong, everyone at the scene was as quiet as a chicken.

Sheng Xi, who was supporting the old woman, shook her fingers, hiding her merit and fame.

The next second, a sneer fell from the pocket, but it was Meng Yan who said: "Ah, Madam Tongzhi, since you are wearing a gift given by the late emperor, you should know the importance of it. You don't cherish it so much. Why, are you doing this to the late emperor?" Isn’t the emperor disrespectful?”

Yu Furong: "!!"

(End of this chapter)

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