Shoufu Jiaoyi has space

Chapter 233 Okay, I promise

Chapter 233 Okay, I promise

Chapter 234 Okay, I promise

Yu Furong felt that she had lost all her face in this life today. She stared at Meng Yan opposite her with eyes split open, struggling to fight with him.

However, with the last shred of sanity she still had, she retreated out of the City God's Temple and fled in embarrassment despite the half-pushed efforts of her grandmother and maids.

And she also knew very well that what happened today would be known to everyone early tomorrow morning, and the adults would not let her off lightly...

The crowd dispersed, and Meng Yan came to the old woman to help check her injuries. Fortunately, the kick did not break any bones. Meng Yan was slightly relieved.

Immediately, she took out more than 20 copper coins from her arms and stuffed them into the old woman's hand.The old woman declined several times, but finally accepted helplessly and gratefully. She took the little girl and kowtowed heavily to Meng Yan, thanked Sheng Xi, and then stood up and left.

Meng Yan looked away from the two of them and turned around to leave, but Sheng Xi stepped forward and called out to her.

"Doctor Meng!" she shouted.

Meng Yan came back to her senses and saw that it was her, then a gentle smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, which was completely different from the harsh one just now. She asked Sheng Xi softly: "I haven't thanked the girl yet. If it weren't for the girl, then grandma might... In short, Yan Daina Grandma, thank you again, girl."

Sheng Xi waved her hand hurriedly: "You're welcome, it's just a small effort."

Meng Yan nodded lightly, but didn't say much. Seeing that Sheng Xi was still looking at her, she asked again: "What, the girl wants to see me for medical treatment?"

Sheng Xi: "..."

She suddenly thought of the harsh words the aunt said before, and a hint of embarrassment flashed across her face.

"Ahem, no." She said. After a pause, she added, "I have something I want to discuss with Dr. Meng. I wonder if I can take a step to talk?"

Meng Yan didn't think much about it. She had probably encountered Sheng Xi speaking like this before, so she just assumed that Sheng Xi had something unspeakable that she couldn't say in public at the moment.So, Meng Yan took Sheng Xi directly into one of the rooms in the backyard of the City God Temple.

"This is the dormitory specially prepared for me by the abbot of the temple. Sit down and tell me where you feel uncomfortable?" After Meng Yan entered the room, she poured a cup of tea for Sheng Xi.

The tea was still warm, and it was accompanied by a layer of mist as it flowed from the spout. There was a hint of tranquility in this simple hut that was soaked in the fragrance of Buddha.

However, Sheng Xi had no time to feel the tranquility at the moment. It was too embarrassing to be misunderstood, so she had to explain hurriedly: "Dr. Meng, I really don't treat patients. I want to hire you to be the sitting doctor in my pharmacy!"

Meng Yan put her hand on the teapot for a moment, raised her head and looked at Sheng Xi quite unexpectedly: "Doctor sitting in the hall? Is this a medicine shop you open?"

She thought that the little girl in front of her might have said the wrong thing because she was anxious. She was just about to skip the next question she asked, but she heard the girl nodding with certainty: "Well, the pharmacy I open is called Ying'antang. East Street. However, it is not open yet and is in the renovation stage. I would like to hire you to be the doctor of Ying'an Hall. I wonder if you are willing?"

At this time, Meng Yan finally no longer thought that Sheng Xi had said something wrong.However, her originally enthusiastic expression became cold due to this.

She pushed the tea to Sheng Xi, sat on the wooden couch with a nonchalant smile and said, "Girl, didn't you ask about me before you came to me?"

Sheng Xi: "Well, I asked about it, but the information may be wrong."

Meng Yan smiled and looked at Sheng Xi with her beautiful and gentle eyes, but at a certain moment they were filled with cold light: "Oh? The information is wrong? Who provided you with this wrong information?"

Sheng Xi looked directly into her eyes and answered after a moment: "President Yu of the Pharmacy Dealers Association." Meng Yan raised her eyebrows slightly but said nothing.

Sheng Xi was keenly aware that the toughness in her attitude was slightly restrained, and then continued: "Dr. Meng, I wonder if you can consider the proposal I just made? Don't worry, the treatment will definitely not be less than other pharmacies..."

Meng Yan directly raised her hand to stop Sheng Xi from continuing: "Girl, President Yu failed to explain it to you, so I will explain it to you personally. Sorry, I will not go to any drug store, even if it is It’s not possible to go on a medical visit either.”

Sheng Xi was not surprised and just asked: "Why?"

menu "The pharmacies in Yuzhou City are all one family after all, aren't they?"

Sheng Xi raised her eyebrows when she heard this. She couldn't understand Meng Yan's words for a moment, but she shook her head according to her own thoughts and said, "No. At least, Ying'antang will not be the same as other drug stores."

How could it be a family?If it is really a family, then who owns the money earned?Is she stupid?

Meng Yan raised her eyes to look at her, a strange look flashed in her eyes, and suddenly asked with some uncertainty: "Don't you cooperate with Baohe Tang?"

"Huh?" Sheng Xi was surprised this time. She asked Meng Yan, "Why should I cooperate with Baohe Tang?"

It's already good that I didn't get into a fight with him.

Meng Yan was choked by her question: "Baohe Tang...doesn't he want to annex all the pharmacies in Yuzhou City? Or is it that you are a new one and have not been included in his plan for the time being?"

Sheng Xi shook his head: "I don't know. However," she paused, an imperceptible coldness flashed through her eyes, but the corners of her mouth curled up, "No matter what Baohetang does, my pharmacy will not be destroyed by him." Annexed. Moreover, I will not cooperate with him."

Meng Yan was stunned for a moment by her words, and it took a long time before she came back to her senses.She looked at Sheng Xi very seriously, but there was still uncertainty in her eyes: "Are you serious about not cooperating with Baohe Tang? Do you know that Baohe Tang is the largest pharmacy in the entire Li country, with semicolons in almost every state and county? ."

Sheng Xi nodded: "I know, but what does this have to do with me?"

Meng Yan: "..."

How did she respond to this answer?
Sheng Xi thought of something. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said solemnly to Meng Yan: "Doctor Meng, to be honest, I have some conflicts with Baohetang. I am afraid that these conflicts are difficult to resolve, or simply cannot be resolved. , you...if you have concerns about this, then I won't force anyone to do anything..."

Sheng Xi had a gut feeling that there might be something going on between Meng Yan and Baohetang, so some things had to be explained clearly in advance.

She gave Meng Yan time to think, but Meng Yan's next words made her confused.

Meng Yan said: "Okay, I agree!"

Sheng Xi: "...Eh? No, you, what did you just say?"

Meng Yan looked at her stunned expression and laughed: "I said, I promise to go to your Ying'an Hall, um, that's the name, right? In short, I promise you to be the sitting doctor."

Sheng Xi's eyes widened, "You agreed? But why? You just said... And I haven't said anything about your future work content and remuneration..."

"However, I have a request." Meng Yan suddenly interrupted Sheng Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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