Shoufu Jiaoyi has space

Chapter 234 My name is Walnut

Chapter 234 My name is Walnut
Chapter 235 My name is Walnut
Sheng Xi shut up after hearing this and decided to remain unchanged in response to all changes, intending to listen to Dr. Meng's request first.

Meng Yan pondered for a moment and then said: "I will still come out for free clinics on the [-]th and [-]th of every month."

Sheng Xi thought about it carefully and shook his head after a moment.

Meng Yan frowned: "Why, you don't agree? Then..."

"No." Sheng Xi continued to shake his head, "I mean, you don't need to come out for a free clinic."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that from now on, Ying'an Hall can provide free clinics on the tenth and fifteenth day of every month." Sheng Xi said.

Meng Yan opened her mouth wide and didn't close it for a long time, unable to pronounce even half a syllable.

Sheng Xi looked at her with sincerity in her clear eyes: "Ying'an Hall will be responsible for all expenses for the two-day free clinic. At that time, you can do exactly what you did before, including what kind of patients you want to choose. .”

Meng Yan: "...Girl, do you know what you are talking about?"

Sheng Xi chuckled lightly, and there was a different meaning in his usually cold voice: "You know, free clinic, after making so much money, you have to do something. Besides, this is also to enhance the reputation of Ying'an Hall What a great opportunity!”

"But this is not just one or two days..."

"Well, I plan to include it in the future development charter of Ying'an Hall. If we are lucky enough to open other semicolons in the future, we will follow this charter!" Sheng Xi said very seriously.

Meng Yan shut her mouth completely this time and looked at Sheng Xi with complicated eyes.

Sheng Xi pursed her lips and smiled, and asked her: "So, Doctor Meng, do you have any other requests?" After a slight pause, before Meng Yan spoke, Sheng Xi added, "But before that, I have to advance Let me tell you, I hired you for a probation period, and you also have time to inspect Ying'an Hall. If both parties are satisfied, then you can sign a formal contract. Oh, it's a written contract."

The corner of Meng Yan's mouth moved slightly, and after a while she suddenly laughed: "So, don't I already have this job 100%?"

Sheng Xi smiled and said nothing.

Not everyone would have thought that Meng Yan would agree to Sheng Xi's move to Ying'an Hall. At least Yu Hongxin was shocked and surprised after hearing this.

"Doctor Meng actually agreed?" He looked at Sheng Xi in disbelief, still full of doubts in his heart, "How could she agree? The treatment you gave her is far inferior to what Baohe Tang opened..."

Sheng Xi raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Has Baohe Hall ever approached Dr. Meng?"

Yu Hongxin nodded: "Yes, this matter was quite sensational in our circle at that time. After all, it was the big boss behind Baohe Hall who invited her personally. Oh, I heard about that big boss not long ago. I’m coming to Yuzhou again.”

Sheng Xi's eyes moved. Due to the situation at that time, she did not ask Meng Yan face to face. Now she couldn't help but asked her inner doubts: "Is there any conflict between Doctor Meng and Baohe Hall? And that colleague?" Madam Zhi, why is she targeting Dr. Meng?"

After hearing this, Yu Hongxin suddenly had a strange expression on his face: "How do you put this, um..."

At this time, Yu Xi ran in from outside and shouted to Sheng Xi as soon as he entered the door: "Hey, Sheng Xi, I helped you pick two people, a shopkeeper and a waiter. Come and take a look!"

Yu Hongxin immediately scolded him: "You brat, tell me how old you are! Can you be a little more grown-up! What a shame to be so frizzy all day long!" "Yes, yes, yes, dad, I know, I know! Isn't this just for Complete the task you always told me?" Yu Xi dealt with his father very perfunctorily, and then urged Sheng Xi again, "Oh, you should hurry up! Come with me quickly, I just said to Ya Xing, But we haven’t officially decided on the person yet!”

Business was important, so Sheng Xi suppressed her thoughts of inquiring about gossip, and after saying Yu Hongxin, she followed Yu Xi.

Yu Hongxin looked at his son's roaring back, and then at the obviously calm Sheng Xi beside him. For a moment, he could only shake his head in silence.

Yuzhou Yaxing is obviously larger than the one in Wentong County and has more people.Sheng Xi originally planned to come to Yahang in person to select people, but after Yu Xi learned of her idea, he took the initiative to take over the task.

Yu Zhi's reputation was very famous in Yuzhou City. When people in Yaxing saw him, they all showed flattering smiles and treated Sheng Xi next to him respectfully.

"Master Yu, please come with me. The two of them are already waiting in the room, just waiting for you to confirm again."

Yu Xi pointed at Sheng Xi and said to Na Ya: "It's not me who wants to buy someone, but this girl. If you have any orders, just listen to this girl!"

"Ah, yes! Yes! Then, please, if you have any requests, please tell me. I will try my best to satisfy you!" Yaren said in a most flattering manner.

Sheng Xi nodded and said, "Okay."

Soon, Na Yaren took the two of them and Yu Xi's boy to a room and stood there.

After Na Yaren said "wait a moment" to Yu Xi and Sheng Xi, he took out the key and unlocked the door.The door opened, revealing two men with obvious differences in age.

Just by looking at their clothes, Sheng Xi could tell their identities at a glance.

However, if you look closely at the guy, he seems to be dressed like he often goes up the mountain, and there are still some faint injuries visible on his body.

Both of them had chains on their feet, obviously worried that they would run away or cause trouble.

Ya Ren took the initiative to point at the two people and introduced: "Look, girl, this man's name is Wang Fu. He has been the shopkeeper of Wang's shop for more than ten years. Later, someone in the Wang family committed a crime and needed money, so he sold the shop and the inside All the people were sold together. Master Yu said that you want to find someone who can write and do math, so this Wang Fu will definitely be fine!"

Wang Fu was hunched over when they came in. When he heard that it was the little girl in front of him who wanted to buy him, he immediately raised his hands and said: "Little Wang Fu, meet the girl!"

Yu Hao, who was standing next to him, raised his eyebrows proudly: "Look, how does the person I picked look like?"

Sheng Xi glanced at Wang Fu and ignored Yu Xi. Instead, she pointed at the handsome boy next to Wang Fu who looked about [-] or [-] years old and asked, "Is this person also from the Wang family?"

"Ah, this person is not. To be honest, we found him on the mountain. He fell off the cliff with his master. His master was still conscious when we found him, but he was already unconscious and his leg was broken. Ichijo, it was not a good thing until today. When his master saw him like this, he immediately sold him to us. When this man woke up, he forgot many things, only remembered his own name. But don’t worry, girl, this guy works It’s very neat and will definitely not hold you back!”

After hearing this, Sheng Xi pursed her lips slightly, and after a moment she suddenly asked the young man, "What's your name?"

The young man glanced at her and replied after a moment: "My name is Walnut."

(End of this chapter)

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