Chapter 10 The good fortune of being a concubine
Seeing Luo Jiuli wake up, the imperial doctor withdrew the injection.

"The princess fainted just now, and the imperial doctor is about to give you an injection!" Shi Zixuan replied.

Get the needle!Stab your uncle!
Are you getting an acupuncture?

You're going to kill a dog!

If you have the ability, let him pierce Jun Mohan's Baihui point!

Luo Jiuli thought so, but he said weakly: "I am just suffering from an old problem, please worry about it!"

She bit the last few words a little too hard and couldn't hear them. She thought she was grateful. After all, she was still a weak little white flower and didn't dare to grit her teeth too much.

"The princess is the master, it's right for us to take the trouble." Kang Xiang replied with a smile.

Old fox!
Luo Jiuli cursed secretly.

Seeing that no one was helping her when she woke up, Luo Jiuli had to use his own strength to get up pretending to be struggling.

The imperial doctor continued to check Jun Mohan's pulse, and Luo Jiuli tried again, "I am not feeling well, so I will go back first. You two should take good care of the prince."

As he was about to walk out, he was stopped by Wei Yan, who had been silent. "The prince asked the princess to attend. If he wakes up and doesn't see the princess, he will definitely blame his subordinates. I hope the princess will not embarrass the subordinates."

Kang Xiang then said, "The imperial doctor is still here. If the princess is feeling unwell, you can have the imperial doctor take a good look at her."

Luo Jiuli: "."

Look!Look at you, uncle!

What's so good about a quack doctor who can stab someone's Baihui acupoint with just a few sentences?

Looking at their posture, Luo Jiuli knew that he couldn't walk anymore, and he didn't bother to bother anymore, lest he would be hit with his own stone again.

If you want to serve the sick, just serve the sick. Jun Mohan is just pretending anyway, so he shouldn't cause any trouble!
Yet the fact is.
As soon as the imperial doctor left, Jun Mohan woke up on the back.

As if he was afraid that she wouldn't know that he was just pretending, and would do this or that when he woke up.

I need some water soon!I need to eat soon!I have to go to the toilet again soon!I have to take a shower soon!

Unfortunately, these things are not in the house yet!

She wanted to find someone to help, but then she realized that Wei Yan and the others who had been there just now had left at some point, and now there were only two guards at the door except her and Jun Mohan in Xiuzhuyuan.

She asked the guard to fetch a pot of water, and the guard said, "Princess, please forgive me, but my subordinates must protect the safety of the prince and are not allowed to leave their posts without permission."

Okay, she can get the water and food by herself, but she can't move the Gong basin by herself!

"Your Majesty, the palace is not far away, why don't I help you there?"

Hurry up and agree, otherwise labor and management will beat you up!

Jun Mohan coughed twice and said weakly: "The king is seriously injured, and he is really helpless, so I have to help the princess."


Deceiving too much!

Luo Jiuli clenched his fists in his sleeves, then unclenched them, and smiled softly, "What did the prince say? It is my great fortune to be able to serve the prince."

"The bathing water will be available to Princess Lao for a while."

The speed of answering the words made Luo Jiuli clenched his fists tightly again, almost grinding his teeth.


Push your nose to your face!
Make more progress!

It was dark, there was no moon, and there were only a few lights in Xiuzhuyuan, so I could barely see the road clearly.When Luo Jiuli came back carrying the gong basin, he tripped over a pebble on the roadside. If he hadn't stabilized himself in time, his whole face would have almost fallen into the smelly gong basin.

She was so angry that she kicked the stones far away. As if she was not relieved, she kicked the flowers and plants nearby a few times.

After she left, three heads popped up from the dark eaves, and they looked at the room lit with candles.

"Do you think it's not good for the prince to do this?"

Wei Yan felt that Luo Jiuli did nothing wrong, but rather dared to think and do. If the prince's behavior in the corridor that morning was not really inappropriate, the princess would not have instigated people to cause trouble.

"What's wrong? It's just a good way to cultivate the relationship between the couple!" Shi Zixuan stretched his head so long that he could see what was going on in the house.

Suddenly, a hand pushed his head down hard. Just as he was about to curse, there was a sound of opening the door, and Luo Jiuli came out again carrying a basin.

"You shameless bitch, why can't you fall asleep even if Gong's basin is in the house? You even think you're disgusted by it, you stupid dog!"

After Luo Jiuli walked away cursing, the three of them emerged again.

"I think the prince will regret what he did today one day!" Kang Xiang said inscrutably, with a hint of expectation and gloating in his eyes.

After Luo Jiuli put away the basin, he came back with a bucket of hot water.

The barrel was very big and heavy. If she was really a weak woman, she would probably just cry looking at the barrel.

Jun Mohan was very calm while taking a bath and didn't cause any trouble.

Until he went to bed to rest, the expected trouble never came.

After all the tossing, Luo Jiuli was already exhausted and was too lazy to compete with him for the bed. When he saw a bed in the corner, he lay down on it and fell asleep.

I thought the night would pass like this.

Unexpectedly, Jun Mohan woke up again in the middle of the night and said he was hungry and wanted to eat.

Where to find food in the middle of the night, Luo Jiuli secretly glared at him, then went to the kitchen with his tired body half asleep and rummaged around for a long time, and managed to find two cold steamed buns.

Afraid of being picked on, I even heated it up and sent it to him.

Unexpectedly, someone was not only ungrateful, but also threw the steamed buns on the ground, "I am seriously injured, how can I eat such coarse food!"

Seeing the steamed buns rolling in circles on the ground, Luo Jiuli couldn't help it any longer. She gritted her teeth and said, "Then what do you think is suitable for you to eat?"

The tone is serious, almost every word is spoken, and the gnashing of teeth should not be too obvious.

But Jun Mohan didn't seem to hear it, and he actually made a request, "When I am weak, I naturally want to drink a bowl of shredded chicken porridge to replenish my health. I think the princess will satisfy me for my own good." This little appetite!"

"Haha! Of course!" Luo Jiuli smirked, picked up the steamed buns and went out.

Half an hour later, she came back with a bowl of shredded chicken porridge. The few chicken feathers hanging on her head and the traces of black carbon all over her face showed what kind of battle she had just experienced.

With such a funny look, it was difficult for Jun Mohan to hold back his laughter.

However, when he saw a thin layer of chicken feathers floating on the shredded chicken porridge, he finally couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth, "Where are the steamed buns?"

"Steamed buns? Oh, I was hungry just now when I was making porridge, so I ate it."

The porridge is cooked for him, but he wants to eat steamed buns again. What's wrong!
"It's hard work, Princess, but I'm sleepy now, so I won't drink porridge. Go to sleep!"

Jun Mohan lay down and was about to go to sleep, but Luo Jiuli quit. Who knows if if he says he won't eat now, he will ask her to get up again and cook this and that.

"This porridge is nutritious. Drinking it will be good for the prince's health. You should drink a little while I feed you."

(End of this chapter)

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