Chapter 11 Who is torturing whom? !
Luo Jiuli's face looked soft and weak, but he secretly used his inner strength in his hands to lift Jun Mo Hanti up. He said distressedly: "Look at how thin you are, so light, I feel like my heart is hurting just looking at you." It hurts."

Then, Jun Mohan was forced into his mouth with shredded chicken porridge containing chicken feathers.

After a bowl of porridge came down, no matter whether Jun Mohan had a black face or threatened him, it would not stop Luo Jiuli from stuffing porridge into his mouth.

No matter what he did or said, Luo Jiuli just pretended to be weak and had tears in his eyes.

Just kidding, it was the first time she cooked something in her life, how could she waste it!

The next day, when Wei Yan and the others returned to Xiuzhuyuan and looked at the fine white chicken feathers on the ground in front of the bed and the porcelain bowl that had not yet been washed, they all fell silent.

Wei Yan: "."

Kang Xiang: "."

Shi Zixuan: "."

Who is tormenting whom among these two couples? !
"Since all the commanders are here, how about I go back first?"

Jun Mohan curled up after being hit, and his forehead was covered with fine sweat. He glanced at Luo Jiuli with great effort, hummed, and agreed.

As soon as Luo Jiuli left, Jun Mohan immediately ordered, "Send the imperial doctor!"

"Ah? The Imperial Physician? Now? Aren't you going to Ruyi Restaurant to get the magic weapon today?"

Wei Yan was so crazy that he didn't notice it, but Kang Xiang noticed something strange, "The prince is really uncomfortable! Go and call the imperial doctor!"

Jinglan Courtyard.

Zi Su was sweeping the house and looked at the person coming in from the door. It took her a long time to admit that this person with a dark face and chicken feathers on her head turned out to be her princess!
"Aren't you here to serve the prince? Why..." It became like this.

Under Luo Jiuli's cannibalistic gaze, Zisu didn't dare to say the next sentence.

"I want to take a bath."

After leaving a few words, Luo Jiuli walked into the house. When Zi Su and Xin Yi came in carrying water, they saw her filling her stomach with cup after cup of water.

Zisu Xinyi looked at each other and said nothing in tacit understanding.

Look at it like this, the princess is exhausted by the prince!

They'd better not light the fire!

After taking a quick shower, Luo Jiuli fell asleep.

This time there was no one to disturb me, and it was past noon when I woke up.

Xin Yi brought the food that had been prepared long ago.

"Just now, there was news from Shopkeeper Du, saying that the eldest young master is back and is waiting for you in the building."

"You've been in the mountains and wild forests for half a month, and you're looking for me when you come back. It's nothing good. You go and refuse me, saying that I'm busy serving my husband and don't have time to go out."

Before Xin Yi could reply, a hearty laughter came from the air, "Hahaha, I haven't seen you for half a month, and my sister has learned to lie."

A blue figure flew down from the roof, "It is said that one day is like three autumns after not seeing each other for so long. My sister actually doesn't miss her brother at all. He is so sad!"

Luo Yaozhi covered his heart, feeling extremely aggrieved.

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

I know you are the best in the world in Qinggong, but wouldn’t it be bad to intrude into the boudoir in broad daylight?

Still aggrieved!I should be the one who feels wronged, okay?
How many times have labor and management been your guinea pig since you were little?
"I said, brother, I know you are good at Qinggong, but I am already married, okay, can you be a little considerate, just in case you happen to bump into us doing something like that next time when you are out of sight, right, how embarrassing! "Luo Yao smiled evilly, leaned close to Luo Jiuli and said something in his ear. Luo Jiuli brushed his cheeks and turned red.

Holy shit!Holy shit! !Holy shit! ! !
Is this what a brother would say to his sister?

Is he still human!
You can even say "I know, you didn't consummate the marriage"!
"So, I have no chance to bump into you doing that." Luo Yaozhi said seriously, walked to the table and poured himself a glass of water, "Even if I did, it would be you just showing off your prostitution in the daytime, no wonder I, I won’t come to you at night.”

Luo Jiuli vomited blood: "..."

I want to throw water on his face!
"I came back this time with a gift for you."

"Thank you so much!" Luo Jiuli expressed that he was not looking forward to it at all.

Luo Yaozhi didn't care whether Luo Jiuli was happy or not, whether he was looking forward to it or not. He touched his arms mysteriously for a while, "Dang Dang Dang! Look what this is!"

Luo Jiuli: "......Shit!"

Sure enough, there is no harm if there is no expectation!
Even shit can be given to her as a gift, her sister must have picked it up.

Luo Yaozhi, "Vulgar!"

"Bird poop." Luo Jiuli changed his words.

"You girl, keep saying these vulgar words every day, be careful not to get married in the future!"

"Red bird droppings." Luo Jiuli used another euphemism, and at the same time gave a friendly reminder, "I'm sorry, I'm already married, but you are single!"

Luo Yaozhi: "......"

He felt that he had been hurt!
Xin Yi was used to the way the brother and sister got along, so he hid aside and laughed secretly.

"I won't talk nonsense with you, you have no knowledge!" Luo Yaozhi snorted and put the precious things on the table, "I tell you, this is the feces of the Yuan rat. It is recorded in the "Great Wilderness Scripture" that there are beasts in the Beiyuan. Yan, the name is Yuan rat. It looks like a flying bird with four tails. It tastes dry and sour. Eating it can protect you from hundreds of poisons. The royal family is dangerous. If you eat it, you will no longer have to worry about being poisoned."

"Haha! You are really not vulgar!"

How can excrement be more refreshing and refined than bird droppings!
"I don't want it, you can eat it yourself!"

"That's not possible. I stayed in Beiyuan Fengfan for half a month and came here specially for you, my sister."

Luo Yaozhi wanted Luo Jiuli to accept whatever he said, but Luo Jiuli was so worn down by him that he couldn't help it and silently asked Xin Yi to accept it.

However, as soon as the things were collected, Luo Yaozhi revealed his true face, "I admitted a patient a few days ago, and it was a little strange. He might have been entangled in those things. Come with me tomorrow to have a look."

The things were given away, and even the tone of asking for help became so natural.

"Xin Yi, give that piece of shit back to him!"

She knew this thing would only trick girls!
"Oh, no, no, no, no!" Luo Yao stopped him hastily, "I will give you [-]% of the consultation fee!"

"How much silver have you taken from me since you were a child, and you don't know how much? Do I need that little money from you?" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes.

"You are not in need! You are not in need! I am in need!" Luo Yaozhi felt aggrieved, thinking that the son of the richest man in his pocket was cleaner than his face.

"If you promise the old man to abandon medicine and go into business, you won't be short of money either."

When Luo Yaozhi was seven years old, he suddenly became obsessed with medicine. Regardless of Luo Gan's obstruction, he ignored the family business and plunged into medicine. Luo Gan was so angry that he cut off his source of income.

I thought that Luo Yaozhi would give up now that he had no source of income. Who would have thought that after so many years, no matter how difficult it was, he still managed to survive.

"I don't! I don't care! You have to help me this time, otherwise I will be called a quack!" Luo Yaozhi shamelessly hugged Luo Jiuli's arm and acted coquettishly.

 The content in this article is purely fictitious, please do not delve into it!Please don’t delve into it! !
(End of this chapter)

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