Chapter 110 Flowing Cloud Palace

"Hahahahahahahaha!!" Jun Mohan laughed heartily.

He reached out and touched Luo Jiuli's head again.

"Still touching!" Luo Jiuli ducked away, preventing him from touching her.

"Brother Han! Brother Han!!"

Fang Xinman's voice came from outside the carriage.

Jun Mohan withdrew his hand, and Luo Jiuli sat down again, raising his eyebrows slightly, "Here comes the one who is willing to let you touch his head and hold hands!"

"Madam, are you jealous?" Jun Mohan leaned closer.

Looking at the handsome face that suddenly enlarged, Luo Jiuli's cheeks felt slightly hot. Fortunately, she put on a lot of powder and couldn't see her blush.

She pretended to be calm and pushed Jun Mohan away, "Eat your uncle! How could I be jealous!"

"Brother Han! Brother Han!!" Fang Xinman's voice got closer and closer.

Seeing that she was about to lift the curtain, Wei Yan stopped her in time, "Princess, please be careful!"

Looking at the hand blocking the curtain, Fang Xin became angry, "Who are you! How dare you stop this princess from seeing Brother Han!"

"Princess, please come back, the prince doesn't want to see you!"

Wei Yan's honest words almost made Luo Jiuli laugh.

To say that Fang Xinman is quite thick-skinned, she is also really capable of causing trouble.

They all just walked away in despair.

How long has passed, here it comes again!

"Brother Han didn't even say anything, how dare you, a slave, to make decisions for your master without permission! This is outrageous!"

Fang Xinman raised her hand to slap Wei Yan.

Being blocked and pushed by Wei Yan, he fell to the side of the road, "You, don't go too far! I am the princess of Fenglan Kingdom! I can't tolerate a slave like you!"

She cried and shouted into the carriage, "Brother Han, hurry up and deal with him. He bullied Man'er and pushed Man'er's hand so hard that the skin was broken and bleeding! Woohoo!"

"He is the commander of our Xuanjia Army, not a slave! We will not allow the princess to be humble!" Jun Mohan's voice without warmth came from the carriage, "Wei Yan!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Drive the carriage and let's go." Jun Mohan ordered.


Fang Xinman blocked the way, and without anyone's instructions, Mo Yu dragged the person aside.

Until the carriage drove away, Fang Xinman still fell to the ground in a daze.

"Hahahahahahahaha!!!" Wen Yi burst into laughter, "Apart from Feng Qingze, only Brother Wang can probably cure Fang Xinman!"

Luo Jiuli stuck his head out, his hair being messed up by the wind.

She looked at the soft sedan that was still parked in place and gradually became smaller. "We left like this. I guess the old witch must have been so angry that she felt that you were not giving her face!"

"Be careful of dead branches scratching your face." Jun Mohan pulled Luo Jiuli back and straightened her messy hair.

The sudden intimacy made Luo Jiuli's heart beat faster.

She scratched her hair randomly and said harshly: "I'm not stupid, why don't I know how to hide?"

"Yes." Jun Mohan nodded thoughtfully, "If your husband cares about you, you will be in trouble. The wife is the smartest, so she knows how to hide!"

Without the soft sedan in front, the carriage was much faster.

When we arrived at Qingci Garden, half of the sky was red with sunset.

"Slave, please see His Royal Highness King Yi, please see Princess Yi!" The maid waiting outside the Qingci Garden saluted.


Jun Mohan led Luo Jiuli and walked inside.

Although the Queen Mother and her entourage have not arrived, there are still people coming and going in the Qingci Garden.

There are palace maids, eunuchs, and officials from the Ministry of Rites.

They all come in advance to set up the scene and see if there are any unarranged places that have been missed.

Since it is a palace, it has a place to live.In the past, when the late emperor came, Jun Mohan would come with him most of the time.

Therefore, he had a special living palace in his palace.

"Liuyun Palace." Luo Jiuli read the words on the plaque, "Is this your residence in the palace?"

This was Luo Jiuli's first time visiting the palace.

Although the current emperor sometimes brings other members of the royal family to Qingci Garden.

However, Luo Jiuli never comes, she always refuses due to physical reasons.

Jun Mohan nodded, "Go in and take a look."

"it is good!"

The palace has a dedicated person to clean it, even though Jun Mohan hasn't moved in for a long time, Liuyun Palace is still spotless.

Open the window, you can see the tall green bamboos and the warm breeze.

The two rested for a while in Liuyun Palace, and then Jun Mohan took Luo Jiuli to Qianqiu Pavilion.

There are hundreds of flowers planted in Qianqiu Pavilion, and the fragrance of the flowers fills your nostrils even before you get close.

The most common flower in the pavilion is undoubtedly the autumn chrysanthemum.

The petals are curved and layered, some are hugged together like a small hydrangea, and some are in full bloom, standing gracefully like a girl, which is very beautiful.

"My mother has always preferred autumn chrysanthemums. This flower was planted by my father for my mother."

The queen that Jun Mohan mentioned was not Xiao Hui, but his biological mother, Queen Yichun.

Queen Yichun had a deep love for the late emperor and his wife, which was known to the whole world.

It is said that when Queen Yichun passed away, the late emperor became depressed and ignored the government affairs for several months.

It was the empress dowager at that time who personally stayed in the Chengqian Hall for three days and three nights, and persuaded the late emperor to come out with her persuasion.

Queen Yichun left behind a son, Jun Mohan, who was only six years old at the time.

After the late emperor came out, he put all his love for Queen Yichun on Jun Mohan.

He did not hand Jun Mohan over to any of his concubines, but took him to teach him personally. No matter how busy he was every day, he would visit Jun Mohan's palace and test his skills.

The late emperor's preference for Jun Mohan made everyone envious of him, especially the concubines and other children who could not see the late emperor for ten days and a half.

Therefore, Jun Mohan has made many enemies in the palace since he was a child.

I don’t know how many people want to kill him in their dreams!

But the late emperor arranged many masters around Jun Mohan, and no one could get close to him or hurt him.

However, there is always a gap in every hundred secrets.

That year, the late emperor went on a tour and brought with him the most favored seventh prince, Jun Mohan.

It was winter at that time, and there was a particularly serious snowstorm in one place. When the late emperor visited this place, he naturally wanted to see the people affected by the disaster.

Unexpectedly, not long after the late emperor left, Jun Mohan was kidnapped.

When he was found again, he was already dying.

The successor Xiao Hui was also appointed at that time, just because the Xiao family had done a good job in finding the seventh prince!
"Beautiful sister!"

A little kid suddenly ran over from a distance, interrupting Luo Jiuli's thoughts.

The little one skillfully hugged Luo Jiuli's thigh, "Beautiful sister, Yu'er misses you so much! Why don't you come to see Yu'er or play with Yu'er!"

Luo Jiuli lowered his head, dumbfounded, "Little fat ball!"

That's right, the person coming is Situ Yu.

Wen Yi heard the noise and came out of the safety buckle, circled around Situ Yu twice, and said with disgust: "The little fat ball has lost weight and doesn't look good."

"Pretty sister, Yu'er is not fat now, you can't call her..." Before Situ Yu could finish speaking, someone lifted her up from the back of her neck.

He turned to look at Jun Mohan who mentioned him, baring his teeth and claws, "Ahhhhh!!! You bad guy, let me go! Let me go!! Beautiful sister, please save Yu'er! Save Yu'er!" ! This bad guy wants to beat Yu’er! Woohoo!”

Jun Mohan let go in disgust and stood in front of Luo Jiuli, looking down at Situ Yu, "Little brat, she is my wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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