The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 111: Except for me, whoever dares to marry my wife will be destroyed by me!

Chapter 111: Except for me, whoever dares to marry my wife will be destroyed by me!
Situ Yu couldn't stand firm and his butt touched the ground, "Ouch!" he said.

He quickly stood up, put his hands on his hips, and said to Jun Mohan fiercely like a young lion, "Huh! You are not worthy of being my sister's husband! You don't even give me food! You also beat me! That's not true!" My sister’s husband!”

"When did I stop giving her food? When did I beat her?" Jun Mohan's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Luo Jiuli was also confused.

To say that Jun Mohan beat her, she and Jun Mohan did have a fight that night.

Children can't understand who hit whom.

But, where can I start talking about not giving her food?

Luo Jiuli was puzzled, but Wen Yi, who was floating next to Situ Yu, was already laughing like crazy, "Hahahaha, little fat ball has a pretty good memory!"

Luo Jiuli looked at Wen Yi, "???"

Wen Yi suppressed her smile and explained: "On the day Mrs. Wang met Little Fatty Ball, you ate enough for three people at Ruyi Restaurant by yourself. Little Fatty Ball thought you didn't eat normally and thought someone was mistreating you. "

Luo Jiuli: "."

So, is it her fault that she eats too much?
Situ Yu felt a little scared when she saw Jun Mohan's darkened face.

He hummed and turned his head away from Jun Mohan, feeling really bold, "Anyway, Yu'er doesn't care, you are just not good to your sister, you just didn't give her food to eat, and you even beat her, all of this is Yu'er's fault I saw it with my own eyes! Don’t lie!"

As he spoke, Situ Yu walked around Jun Mohan, held Luo Jiuli's hand, and said with a sweet voice, "Sister, I'm fine now, can you leave this bad guy?!"

He patted his chest and said, "You and Yu'er go back to southern Xinjiang. When Yu'er grows up, Yu'er will marry you. From now on, Yu'er will protect you and won't let anyone bully you or deny you food!"

He looked at Jun Mohan with a fierce expression, "If anyone dares to deny food to my sister or bully her in the future, Yu'er will beat him away for my sister!"

Luo Jiuli'Pfft! 'I laughed out loud.

With Jun Mohan here, Wen Yi is not afraid that Luo Jiuli will be poached.

"Hahahaha! Little Fatty Meatball is afraid that he has eaten the guts of a dog, and he dares to say this to Brother Wang!"

"If I were Brother Wang, I would have beaten him long ago! Let him provoke him!"

Both of them were laughing, but Jun Mohan couldn't laugh.

My daughter-in-law is about to be abducted by someone, and the other person is still a little brat. What's so funny.

With a dark face, he roughly separated Situ Yu's hand from Luo Jiuli's.

Then he replaced Situ Yu and firmly held Luo Jiuli's hand.

He picked up Situ Yu with one hand and threw it far away, "Stay away from this princess!"

"Ouch!" Situ Yu fell to the ground again like a ball.

He rolled over without hesitation, glared at Jun Mohan, and ran to Luo Jiuli again, wanting to hold her other hand.

How could Jun Mohan let him succeed? He took a step forward and stopped in front of Luo Jiuli.

Situ Yu wanted to pass through from the other side, but Jun Mohan also blocked him from the other side.

The two of them were playing like an eagle catching chickens, neither giving way to the other.

At this time, a man's voice suddenly sounded, "Ayu!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the person who came was wearing a dark night blue floral soft satin straight jacket, with a dark crimson swirl belt tied around his waist. His black hair was naturally curly and braided, and there were unfathomable purple pupils under his eyebrows.

"Brother Emperor!"

Seeing the person coming, Situ Yu's face lit up, and he finally stopped entangled with Jun Mohan, turned around and ran towards Situ Qiao.

Situ Qiao caught Situ Yu, hugged him firmly, and knocked his head hard, "You brat, the emperor just turned around and you disappeared."

"Ouch!" Situ Yu held his head and cried out in pain, feeling aggrieved, "Yu'er left only after seeing her beautiful sister!" Situ Qiao glanced at Jun Mohan who was standing not far away. Jun Mohan was blocking a in front of people.

He couldn't see the face of the man behind him.

But from Situ Yu's words, Situ Qiao knew that the person must be Luo Jiuli without having to guess.

Situ Qiao put down Situ Yu, held his hand, and stopped a few steps away from Jun Mohan, "King Yi, Princess Yi."

Jun Mohan glanced at Situ Qiao and said nothing.

Luo Jiuli smiled helplessly and walked out from behind Jun Mohan, "Third Prince."

"My brother got used to being naughty when he was in southern Xinjiang. I wonder what he did just now to make Princess Yi Wang Yi unhappy?" Situ Qiao asked.

"I'm not naughty!"

Situ Yu retorted, causing Situ Qiao to knock his head again, "Shut up!"

"Ouch!" Situ Yu held his head and cried out in pain, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, the emperor is bullying me! Sister, the emperor is bullying me!"

Situ Yu walked to Luo Jiuli and asked for comfort.

Unexpectedly, less than two seconds after arriving, Jun Mohan blocked his sight again.

Situ Yu raised his head, looked at the huge creature blocking his way, pursed his lips, and really wanted to cry this time.

"You bad guy, why are you stopping me from seeing my beautiful sister? Get out of the way!"

Jun Mohan snorted and ignored Situ Yu.

"Nonsense!" Situ Qiao pulled Situ Yu back to his side, squatted down and looked at him levelly, "This is King Yi, not a bad person. Did you do anything to make King Yi unhappy just now?"

"Yu'er didn't!" Situ Yu pouted and refused to admit it, "This is so bad. King Yi didn't give his sister food and even beat her. Yu'er wanted to take her back to southern Xinjiang and marry her when she was old. A sister is a wife, and she stays with her for the rest of her life.”

Situ Yu almost blurted out that he was a bad guy, but under Situ Qiao's stern eyes, he changed his name in time and became Yi Wang.

"He is Princess Yi of King Yi. How could he come back to southern Xinjiang with us? Moreover, you are still young and have not yet married."

"How about the royal brother marrying his sister?"

Situ Yu interrupted Situ Qiao's earnest teaching.

"My king's wife! Apart from me, whoever she is with will be destroyed by me!" Jun Mohan said domineeringly.

"How can you say such nonsense!" Situ Qiao said in a serious tone to Situ Yu, "Hurry up and apologize to King Yi!"

"I don't!" Situ Yu refused, "He wants to bully my sister, so I won't apologize to him!"


Situ Qiao wanted to knock Situ Yu on the head again, but Luo Jiuli stopped him, "Okay!"

Luo Jiuli came out from behind Jun Mohan, and Situ Yu looked up at her with expectation in his eyes, "Sister, did you agree to return to southern Xinjiang with Yu'er?"

Luo Jiuli knelt down and gently touched Situ Yu's head, "My sister is already married. My sister's home is here, and I'm not going anywhere."

Situ Yu was disappointed and looked at Jun Mohan, "But he is a bad guy. He will bully my sister and deny her food!"

"No." Luo Jiuli shook his head, leaned close to his ear, and whispered, "He is very good to his sister. He never fails to give her food. Moreover, it was not him who beat her last time, but her sister who beat him."

When she and Jun Mohan fought, Jun Mohan really only focused on hiding and didn't fight back at all.

"Really?" Situ Yu opened his eyes wide, his black and white eyes filled with suspicion.

(End of this chapter)

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