Chapter 116 Lotus Sutra

Xiao Ruoling stepped forward, grabbed one end of the scroll, and slowly opened it.

The content on the scroll made everyone gasp.

"This is the Lotus Sutra!"

"That's right! It's still the Lotus Sutra embroidered with gold thread!"

"The entire Lotus Sutra has more than [-] characters. Looking at its size and thickness, it must be that the entire Lotus Sutra has been embroidered!"


"Here, every word is sewn with gold thread. How many taels of silver would it cost to find all these gold threads?"

"Although you don't have gold thread if you want it, you can always find it. But with so many words, how many days and nights will it take to embroider them!"

Jun Mohan didn't pay attention to the commotion on the field, and raised his glass to drink, but Luo Jiuli raised his hand to stop him.

Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli, his eyebrows raised slightly, "Want to drink, my dear concubine?"

Luo Jiuli resisted the urge to glare at him, and took off the silver hairpin from her hair and stirred it in the wine. When she saw that the silver hairpin had not turned black, she let go and let him drink.

Luo Jiuli's actions made Jun Mohan feel a warm feeling in his heart. The corners of his lips curled up, and he raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

Luo Jiuli turned his head and looked at the Lotus Sutra that Xiao Ruoling was still opening.

Different from ordinary people, what ordinary people see is the shining appearance of golden threads.

But in Luo Jiuli's eyes, except for the light of the golden thread, the Lotus Sutra still glowed with a faint Buddhist light. It must have been worshiped in front of the Buddha and received blessings from eminent monks, so it seemed to have become a good magic weapon.

Amid everyone's exclamations, Xiao Ruoyan stood in front of the sutra and said softly, "From the preparation of materials to the completion of the embroidery, I have been preparing this Lotus Sutra for more than three years, every stitch and every thread. I try my best to do my best, and I am also praying for blessings with every injection, hoping that my mother will have long life and good health!"

"Oh! Good boy! Good boy!!" Xiao Hui was overjoyed. She came over and took Xiao Ruoyan's hand, patting her affectionately.

She carefully started to wipe the scriptures with her hands, "Okay! Okay! Did you embroider these by yourself?"

"Yes!" Xiao Ruoyan said, "I would never dare to do anything to pray for my mother."

"Put it away! Don't open it again!" After Xiao Hui ordered, he turned around and took Xiao Ruoyan's hand, took her to her chair, and sat down together, "I have suffered so much for Yan'er for the Ai family's birthday. !”

"It's not hard for Yan'er, as long as my aunt likes it, it's fine!" Xiao Ruoyan hugged Xiao Hui's arm affectionately and rested his head on her shoulder.

Xiao Hui touched Xiao Ruo's cigarette butt and said, "Hahaha, the Ai family likes it, I like it!"

Jun Mozhe and Xiao Ruoling put away the lotus and passed by.

Jun Mozhe said with a smile, "The Queen Mother loves Yan'er the most. She loves whatever Yan'er gives her!"

"The emperor is right! The Aijia will like whatever Yan'er gives her!" Xiao Hui said, "However, Yan'er is not allowed to do such troublesome things next time. If it hurts your eyes, the Aijia will punish you! "

"Yes, Yan'er won't do it next time!" Xiao Ruoyan responded with a smile.

Xiao Ruoling handed the Lotus Sutra to Xiao Hui's personal nanny. She also leaned on Xiao Hui's other arm and said coquettishly: "Auntie likes the birthday gifts from my sister and doesn't even look at Ling'er's. Ling'er also prepared a birthday gift for my aunt." Woolen cloth!"

"Oh? Hahaha, what birthday gift did Ling'er prepare for the Ai family? Come and show it to the Ai family."

The three aunts and nephews plus Jun Mozhe were chatting and laughing with Lele, just like a family that loves each other.

Mu Shishi, who was sitting next to them and closest to them, was so left out that she couldn't say a word.But, even so, Mu Shishi still maintained her motherly demeanor and the dignity and dignity that a queen should have.

The smile on his face has not diminished even a little because of their indifference.

She was fine, but Mu Hongzhuo, the right minister sitting next to him, had a dark face. If his wife Ren Dongrong hadn't suppressed her, he would have lost his temper and started complaining for his daughter.

"You do whatever you want! Sit tight! Shishi didn't say anything, so don't make trouble!"

"What did I do? I just can't get angry!" Mu Hongzhuo drank a glass of wine with a dark face, "Our Shishi is such a good child, why don't they want to see her so much! Shishi married into his royal family, it's not Go and be bullied! Why should you be so ignored by them! Forget it on weekdays, what kind of occasion is this today? It’s inappropriate to have sex with a demon concubine on top!"

Mu Hongzhuo was so angry that he wanted to stand up again, but was held tightly by Ren Dongrong, "Come back! Don't move! I tell you, what my daughter does and how to do it, she knows it herself, and she knows it in her heart, you are so I have suppressed my bad temper! If you dare to cause trouble and harm my daughter, I will break your legs!"

Looking at the movements of her parents below, Mu Shishi knew that the old couple must have had another argument because of her injustice.

Mu Shishi's eyes grew hot, but she forced it back.

She raised a smile, stood up, and bowed to Xiao Hui Yingying, "Mother, my daughter-in-law has also prepared a birthday gift for you, Grandma Sun."

"I'm here, old slave." Grandma Sun responded and stood up holding a sandalwood box.

"My daughter-in-law saw that her mother's hair was falling out badly, so she found the best green sandalwood and made a wooden comb for her mother. Do you like it?" Mu Shishi took the sandalwood box and handed it to Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui's smile faded a bit, and the nanny next to her stepped forward to take the sandalwood box for Xiao Hui with a wink, and opened it for Xiao Hui to see.

Xiao Hui rolled her eyes casually, no matter how dissatisfied she was, she thought Mu Shishi was the queen and said, "I like it, the queen is interested."

"As long as your mother likes it."

Mu Shishi said a few more happy birthday wishes before sitting back down.

They turned a blind eye to the comments below about the birthday gift she gave her.

"After all, she is the mother of a country. It would be too shabby to give her only a green sandalwood comb for her birthday!"

"That's it! It's just a wooden comb. No matter how expensive it is, how can it be worth anything?"

"They are both the daughters of the Prime Minister, one is on the left and the other is on the right. The gap is still too big!"

"How can the right prime minister be compared with the left prime minister! The left prime minister holds real power, and even the right prime minister has to be restrained by him at every turn. Even if his daughter is the queen, what will happen!"

"That's right, the emperor's favorite is still Concubine Shu!"

"Let me tell you, just because the queen gave her this birthday gift, there is a reason why the emperor doesn't love her! Envoys from various countries came to congratulate her, and for such a big occasion, she only gave her a green sandalwood comb. It really makes me angry!"

"No! She's the mother of a country! I'm afraid the birthday gift I sent you is not even one ten thousandth as thoughtful as Concubine Shu's."

"You know shit!"

Mu Hongzhuo couldn't bear it anymore and slammed the wine glass on the table. The wine overflowed and flowed down the wall of the glass, wetting the table and causing a ball of water to flow.

"Do you know who made that wooden comb?"

"Do you know how many times the Queen has come to beg for that wooden comb?"

"You don't know anything! You just whisper here and say whatever you want! If you have the ability, just say it out loud!"

 The number of words in the Lotus Sutra is Baidu!Don’t delve into it!
(End of this chapter)

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