Chapter 117 Green Sandalwood Comb
After being shouted at by Mu Hongzhuo, most people chose to shut up.

"No matter who made something, it's just a matter of passing hands. How can it make something valuable?"

The husband of the woman who is speaking is the left prime minister.

The left prime minister and the right prime minister have not dealt with each other all year round. People on both sides always talk and do things where they feel hurt.

"The green sandalwood comb is a good thing, but it is not very suitable to be used as a birthday gift today. Is it possible that the Right Prime Minister just doesn't allow people to talk about it just because he is a high official?" A woman commented.

"You, you women, when did I rely on..."

Mu Hongzhuo's face turned the color of pig's liver. Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Ren Dongrong, who was beside him, tugging on his sleeve.

Mu Hongzhuo thought that Ren Dongrong wanted to stop him from seeking justice for his daughter again, so he shook his sleeves and continued.

But at this time Ren Dongrong stood up.

Mu Hongzhuo didn't know why, "Madam, what is this?"

"Sit down." Ren Dongrong straightened his clothes, "Leave the quarrel to me. Just sit down. Don't lose your position!"

oh yo yo!
Domineering!Domineering! !

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Luo Jiuli would have wanted to applaud!
What a big fight!

What she was most fortunate about at this time was that there was a plate of melon seeds on the table!
However, unexpectedly, Luo Jiuli grabbed a handful of melon seeds in his hand before he could eat them.

A big fight was about to begin, but someone urgently stopped it!

"Shut up to the Ai family!" Xiao Hui said with a sullen face, "Everyone prides himself on being a scholarly family and a respectable family, but when they quarrel, the Ai family will look like that shrew in the market!"

"The Queen Mother calm down!"

Xiao Hui was angry, and the people who were about to quarrel all shut up, hunched over, lowered their heads, and did not dare to express their anger.

Mu Shishi wanted to intercede for Ren Dongrong, "Mother, please calm down! Mother, she..."

"Okay." Xiao Hui glanced over coldly and interrupted Mu Shishi's words.

"Mother, don't be angry. If you are so angry, your concubine and the emperor will feel bad for you." Xiao Ruoyan had already sat back down beside Jun Mozhe.

Her charming eyes glanced at Mu Shishi, then landed on the women below, "Since the right prime minister and his wife are so excited, I guess the green sandalwood comb given by my sister must have something unusual about it." Come on, why don’t you ask, Queen Mother?”

"My Yan'er is so smart!" Jun Mozhe held Xiao Ruoyan half in his arms and gently scratched her nose with his fingers, showing no trace of his affection.

He was so arrogant that Luo Jiuli couldn't help but ask Jun Mohan in a low voice, "Is it appropriate to give him your tiger talisman like this? Maybe one day it will become Xiao Ruoyan's boring toy."

Jun Mohan peeled off the orange and stuffed the slice into Luo Jiuli's mouth, "I have handed over the tiger talisman whether it is suitable or not. If I feel it is inappropriate, I will steal it back after the husband's banquet."


Luo Jiuli couldn't help but rolled his eyes this time.

"If you want to go, go by yourself. Don't rely on me for everything."

He thought the emperor was fatuous and the people around him were also fatuous?
As far as she knew, Pei An, who was always with the emperor, was not easy to deal with.

The Pei family was considered a wealthy family in the capital, but Pei An didn't use any of his connections. He just relied on his own talents and learned to become the top scholar in martial arts and returned home.

In the end, the emperor took a liking to her, and she became the captain of the imperial guard, going in and out with the emperor every day.

"Tell me!" Xiao Hui cast her eyes on Ren Dongrong, "What's so special about this green sandalwood comb? It can stop their mouths." The nanny holding the sandalwood box beside her came up. Take the first two steps to open the box and tilt it slightly so that everyone can clearly see the green sandalwood comb lying inside.

"Go back to the Queen Mother." Ren Dongrong was slightly blessed, neither humble nor arrogant, "The material of this wooden comb is not worth mentioning, but the paintings and carvings on the wooden comb are worth thousands of gold."

Xiao Hui picked up the wooden comb and looked at it carefully, "Well, continue."

"The paintings on the wooden comb were painted by the first painter Yu Feng, and then carved by the ancestor of the craftsman Zhong Suntian."

Yu Feng, the best painter in the world, is free and undisciplined. He has been wandering among mountains and rivers for a long time, and his whereabouts are erratic.

After the great calligrapher Yu Zhen.

The Yu family is a master of calligraphy. Several generations of their ancestors have been calligraphers. Only Yu Feng’s generation has a painter!

If the first half of Ren Dongrong's sentence is just surprising, then the second half of her sentence is simply jaw-dropping.

Although Yu Feng's whereabouts are uncertain, he is still active in everyone's field of vision.

Zhongsuntian was different. As the ancestor of craftsmen, in his twilight years, he announced early on that he had washed his hands in a golden basin and found a paradise to retire in.

Even if someone comes to visit, no matter how powerful the person is, he has never left the mountain.

But now a work by Zhongsuntian suddenly appears, which is really surprising.

"Yu Feng's paintings are hard to come by and are hard to come by. I didn't expect that the carvings were made by Zhongsuntian, the ancestor of the craftsmen. The Queen is so awesome!"

"Zhongsuntian was already over sixty years old when he retired. Now, after all these years, his carving techniques are still as good as before!"

"The right prime minister's wife's words of worth thousands of gold are all modesty. Zhongsuntian is old. If he passes away one day, then this wooden comb cannot be measured by money!"

"You kid, how come you put so much effort into it but don't know how to say it out loud!" Xiao Hui rarely had a genuine smile towards Mu Shishi.

"No matter how precious things are, they are not as important as the mother's later ones. The daughter-in-law dare not claim credit." Mu Shishi was unfazed. "The green sandalwood comb sandalwood fragrance lasts forever, and it can also nourish the hair with long-term use. The mother-in-law's hair fell out badly. There’s no harm in using it.”

"Hahahaha, okay, my mother will use it to comb her hair from now on."

A storm about Mu Shishi's gifts passed, and then it was time for envoys from various countries to present gifts.

Luo Jiuli was extremely bored after not watching the show. She put down the melon seeds, held her chin up weakly, and tapped her fingertips on the table.

After the envoys presented the gifts, the emperor invited people to toast and drink together, and the dancers came on the stage, swaying, singing and dancing together.

The atmosphere was really lively.

While everyone's eyes were attracted to the dancing girl, Luo Jiuli's gaze kept looking at Xiao Ruoyan calmly.

"What did you see?" Jun Mohan suddenly asked.

When Luo Jiuli heard this, he looked away and looked at Jun Mohan, his eyebrows raised slightly, "Do you know why I look at her?"

She remembered that she had never mentioned Xiao Ruoyan's uterus to him.

The corner of Jun Mohan's lips curled up slightly, and he peeled another orange and handed it over, "On the day Eunuch Fu came to the house, my wife was very shocked when she heard the news. Now she is staring at her again. It's just because she thinks it's strange that she's pregnant." ."

"I can't tell, you're quite smart." Luo Jiuli took the orange and split it in half. Just as he was about to take a bite, he suddenly remembered her gentle and frail ladylike persona.

(End of this chapter)

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