Chapter 118 What a shameless logic!

As a lady, how could she do such indecent behavior as eating half an orange in one bite in public?

So Luo Jiuli silently took back half of the orange that was brought to his lips, divided it into small pieces with his hands, and ate it.

While eating, he said, "Xiao Ruoyan's uterus is dry and dull. Logically speaking, she is childless or has children in old age. I didn't expect that she suddenly became pregnant. I thought her pregnancy was also a false pregnancy, but from now on Look, it’s true.”

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's not your child or mine."

Jun Mohan's words made Luo Jiuli's cheeks heat up.

She gave him a look and said, "Get out of here!"

Luo Jiuli threw the remaining three orange segments into his mouth.

The look of him chewing hard with his mouth puffed out looked so cute to Jun Mohan.

He took out the handkerchief from his sleeve, took Luo Jiuli's hand, and wiped her palm carefully, "Since she is really pregnant, she has not cheated, so why is the lady still looking so sad?"

Luo Jiuli looked at the Juan handkerchief that Jun Mohan used to wipe her hands, "If you use my Juan handkerchief and don't return it to me, forget it, but you can also use it to wipe my hands. Do you think it's appropriate?"

"Husband and wife are one body. Everything that belongs to the husband belongs to the wife, and everything belonging to the wife naturally belongs to the husband. So, if the husband uses his own handkerchief, what's the problem?" Jun Mohan said without blushing. Jump.

After wiping Luo Jiuli's hands, he put the Juanpa back into his sleeve very naturally.

Luo Jiuli: "."

What a shameless logic!

She was speechless!

She took back her hand and returned to the topic that Jun Mohan had just talked about, "She is really pregnant. What does she do to me? Did you see my frown with your eyes?"

She has always looked weak and desperate!
How could he look so sad?

"The eyes can't see it, but the heart can."

The low and magnetic voice was soft, especially the last three words, which were almost completely drowned out by the vocal sounds in the hall. Although he couldn't hear it clearly, Luo Jiuli's heartbeat suddenly slowed down for a beat, and then resumed again. Gotta speed up.

What the hell!

This, this, this is so good!

Seeing Jun Mohan smiling at her, Luo Jiuli hurriedly took a few bites of fruit to calm down his shock.

"I, I'm not. She is really pregnant and has nothing to do with me."

"It's just that the Xuanmen forbidden arts have appeared more recently, and they have something to do with the palace, so..."

"So you are worried that she is pregnant because she used forbidden techniques?" Jun Mohan answered.

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli nodded.

If Xiao Ruoyan had a false pregnancy, she wouldn't be worried.

But if she is really pregnant, she must have taken away someone else's son, or it may be a vaginal fetus!
Either way is not a good thing, and it is inseparable from forbidden arts.

"It's okay. Jun Mozhe is here and he will take care of it."

While Jun Mohan was speaking, he peeled another orange and handed it to Luo Jiuli.

"I don't want to eat oranges." Luo Jiuli shook his head, "Why does Jun Mozhe care? If Xiao Ruoyan acts like a baby, he might not even know his last name."

Moreover, with the mother's body as a cover, even she couldn't tell whether the thing in Xiao Ruoyan's belly was a vaginal fetus or something.

"If you don't want to eat oranges, how about eating grapes?" Jun Mohan asked.


Luo Jiuli nodded, and Jun Mohan peeled off the grape skins with his own hands.

He fed the peeled grapes to Luo Jiuli's mouth, "Madam, don't think too much. Since she is pregnant without a child, it is a foregone conclusion. The damage that should be caused has been done, and there is no point in worrying." well!
Luo Jiuli let out a long sigh when he heard this, but said nothing more and bit down the grape in his mouth.

Jun Mohan is right, there is no point in worrying, just let everything happen!

She held her chin in her hands and watched the dance in the hall carefully. From time to time, there would be grapes that Jun Mohan had peeled and handed over to her lips.

She only needs to be responsible for eating and enjoying the dancing.

She didn't notice at all that because of her intimate actions with Jun Mohan, many women in the palace almost tore the silk handkerchief to pieces.

'A sick man is worthy enough to whisper to King Yi! ? '

"You will get over your illness. Why is King Yi so close to this woman?"Separate, separate! '

'How could King Yi be so gentle to this sick young lady and even peel oranges and grapes for her! '

'Sick Yangzi, why don't you die early!Please give up the position of Princess Yi as soon as possible and give up the throne to me! '

'King Yi belongs to me!It belongs to this lady!No one can take it away! ! '

A group of palace maids filed in from outside the palace, carrying delicacies in their hands.

Finally served!
The leading female officer saluted, announced a long list of dish names, and said many nice words. After receiving Xiao Hui's reward and approval, the female officer waved her hand, and the palace maids behind her immediately divided into two groups and presented dishes to each table. vegetable.

The empty table in front of everyone was soon filled with delicacies that were both delicious and delicious, and the melon seeds and fruit plates were taken away by the palace maid.

"I wish my mother to be as blessed as the East China Sea and live as long as the Southern Mountains!" Jun Mozhe toasted Xiao Hui.

The wine glass was empty, and Duke Fu beside him immediately filled it for him.

"All my dear friends! All my envoys! Today is my mother's birthday banquet. I am happy. I am happy. You don't have to be restrained. Eat well and drink well!"

Jun Mozhe raised his glass, and everyone also raised their glasses to drink with him.

He said to Xiao Hui the same birthday wishes as Jun Mozhe, "I wish the Queen Mother to be as blessed as the East Sea and live as long as the Southern Mountains!"

The voice was neat and loud, and Xiao Hui smiled and responded repeatedly, "Okay! Okay! Okay!"

"Madam, eat more." Jun Mohan put a chicken drumstick into Luo Jiuli's bowl.

Luo Jiuli did not eat, but first used a silver hairpin to test all the dishes for poison.

Seeing that the silver needle has not changed color, I can eat it with confidence.

"So careful?" Jun Mohan added a bowl of soup for Luo Jiuli and placed it not far nor close to her hand, so that it would not be easily knocked over.

"Of course." Luo Jiuli ate the chicken drumsticks in small bites. The rich soup filled her mouth with fragrance and made her index finger move.

If she hadn't been concerned about so many people around her, she would have started the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves and gobbling them down.

Jun Mohan raised his eyebrows, "Are you afraid something will happen to me?"

"..." Luo Jiuli was speechless for a moment, "Please put away your narcissism! I'm just afraid that something will happen to me!"

"The Queen Mother, I have been learning dance from my master these days and have achieved some success. I want to show the Queen Mother how I am doing!"

It’s coming, the long-awaited talent show is finally here!

Normally at times like this, those well-known mature women would secretly tease each other. It was a fight without smoke but full of gunpowder!
Luo Jiuli was already ready to watch the battle.

"Okay!" Xiao Hui looked at the woman who spoke with a smile, "If you dance well, the Ai family will be rewarded!"

"Thank you, Queen Mother!" The woman's face was filled with joy. When she lowered her head, she glanced in the direction of Luo Jiuli with a sarcastic look on her lips.

He is just a sick man, but he is worthy of King Yi who has the appearance of a heavenly man! ?
 Kavin is very angry!well! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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