Chapter 15 Jia Qi
Hearing this, Du Qing stopped making calculations and raised his head to look at her sadly.

Apparently she was right.

Luo Jiuli was shocked by what he saw, "Haha~ Well, I just said it casually at the time, but I didn't know you would actually go. You went alone. Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so miserable to get beaten like this!"

"But tell me, are you a tiger? After all, there are two biggest restaurants in the city. You go there bravely alone. If they don't beat you, who will beat you, right?"

Luo Jiuli couldn't stand the plaintive look in his eyes, so he rubbed the goosebumps on his arms and ran upstairs, "It's the same as before!"

Luo Yaozhi followed behind, glanced at Du Qing, and said slowly, "Well, this makeup is not bad!"

Du Qingfeng Zhongshihua: "."

Sin yo!
Luo Jiuli went upstairs and saw Wei Yan. He was standing there, obviously waiting for her.

"Master, my father invites you!"

"." The ghost lingers!How can I meet you anywhere!

She really wanted to ask if it was okay not to go.

But looking at Wei Yan's reckless attitude, I'm afraid it would be impossible not to go. She is still very aware of current affairs.

"Lead the way!"

"Why, you also like to eat the food of this restaurant?"

After entering the room, Luo Jiuli sat down directly opposite Jun Mohan, poured himself a cup of tea, drank it all in one gulp, and put on a gray robe, which still looked like an immortal.

"I've been here twice and I think it tastes good." Jun Mohan put on his mask and looked at Luo Yaozhi, who was sitting next to him, "Who is this?"

"My dear friend." Luo Jiuli didn't want to talk to him anymore, so he went straight to the point and asked, "Is there something wrong with the soul-raising lamp?"

The magic weapon Luo Jiuli gave Xia Qinghe was the soul-nurturing lamp.

Apart from Xia Qinghe's matter, she felt that her current status would have nothing to do with him.

"The soul-nourishing lamp is very good." Jun Mohan personally bought a cup of tea for Luo Jiuli, "It was just a coincidence and I wanted to treat Master Bai Xi to a cup of tea."

"Thank you very much, um." Luo Jiuli remembered that she probably didn't know his last name now, "What do you call him, sir?"

Jun Mohan's face was not red, his heart was not beating, "Jia Qi."

"Then thank you Master Jia." Luo Jiuli smirked.

Ah!It’s so false!

The only real number seven is a ranking!
"Master is always busy helping people catch ghosts?"

Jun Mohan's chatting attitude made Luo Jiuli feel that something was wrong with him today. Why was he so different from his cold attitude towards her before?
Could it be that he is also possessed by a ghost?
But I didn’t see any ghost in him!

When Luo Jiuli was puzzled, Jun Mohan spoke again, "Master, have you ever encountered any danger when catching ghosts?"

"Of course! Danger is everywhere, and what you see is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many extremely vicious and powerful spirits. I am not so strong that I can't stop them. There are even some ghosts who seek out mystical beings like us in order to improve their cultivation. The people in the door take action."

If she hadn't been in danger and fell from a 30-story building, would she have been able to get here?
"Really?" Jun Mohan looked slightly condensed, "Then Master Bai Xi must protect his own safety."

"Isn't Xuanmen specializing in collecting ghosts? Aren't they afraid? Why do you want to specifically look for people in Xuanmen?" Wei Yan asked curiously.

Shi Zixuan guessed, "Is it because the people in your Xuanmen practice, their souls are purer, and their cultivation has greatly improved, so they are willing to take risks?" "It is true that it has greatly improved their cultivation, but it does not It’s not because we cultivate and our souls are pure, but because every time we help a ghost, we will accumulate a certain amount of yin virtue. If we accumulate more yin virtue, it will be good for ourselves. For example, we can be reborn into a good child in the next life, or in this life. Less pain and stuff like that.”

"Of course, Yin Virtue does not mean that only those of us in Xuanmen can accumulate virtue. You can also do it. As long as you do more good deeds and help others, that is also a way to accumulate virtue."

Luo Jiuli felt that he now looked like a pyramid scheme leader, but instead of tricking people into doing evil, he was trying to trick people into doing good.

"Master must have accumulated a lot of evil spirits. Are there many ghosts who have come to you?" Shi Zixuan asked.

"No, no, it's just the opposite. Just because I have a lot of evil virtues, there are fewer ghosts that come to me. If a normal ghost wants to touch me, even if I don't do it, it will be counterattacked by the evil virtues I have accumulated and will be wiped out. .

If there is a ghost that dares to find me, it must be very powerful. "

Although Luo Jiuli is lazy, he will never sit idly by if he encounters someone, so he has really accumulated a lot of evil virtue.

Not long after the few people chatted, a man dressed as a secret guard came in and said something in Jun Mohan's ear. He immediately said goodbye to Luo Jiuli.

"Commander Wei!" Luo Jiuli called to Wei Yan, who was walking at the end.

Wei Yan looked at her, "Master, what's the matter?"

Luo Jiuli was annoyed because she didn't know Wei Yan's name, but she had already shouted, hoping they wouldn't pay attention.

She pretended to be calm, "You'd better not go out these days. If you really have to go out, be sure to bring a pack of realgar powder with you."

Wei Yan didn't know why, but he couldn't care less about asking at this time.

He kept these words in his heart and said, "Thank you, Master, for being vigilant."

After the people left, Luo Jiuli asked Du Qing to get pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and then he wrote a list and threw it in front of Luo Yaozhi, "I'll leave this matter to you."

"What is this?"

Luo Yaozhi had been eating since he sat down. He stretched out his greasy paw to pick up the list, looked at it, put it back, and continued to pick up a chicken drumstick to nibble, but Luo Jiuli cut him off and said, "List of victims." "

"What are you doing for me? I don't have any money, so I won't do it!"

"50 taels is not silver?"

"Aren't we all defeated by you!"

"It was you who pushed me up and forced me to gamble. I didn't do it voluntarily. Look at all these good girls who were ruined by that scumbag Chen Goudan. Can you bear to turn a blind eye and stand by? Your conscience It won’t hurt!”

"..." Luo Yaozhi said, "Didn't Ren Yinghun say that Chen Goudan has an elder brother who is a chamberlain? Even if I find evidence, no..."

"Bah! What's the big deal about a dog eunuch! You also have a sister who is a princess!"

"Okay! I'll go!" Luo Yaozhi was convinced. He pulled the corners of Luo Jiuli's robe under the table and wiped his hands. Before he got angry, he took the list and ran away through the window. .

Luo Jiuli gritted his teeth: "."

damn thing!Don't let me catch you!
After Luo Yaozhi left, Luo Jiuli didn't stay long. She went up after performing a performance of breaking a big stone in the chest downstairs.

He stopped the person in an alley, and after a fight, he heard bursts of begging for mercy coming from inside, "Hero, have mercy! Hero, have mercy!! We are just trying to make ends meet, and I will give you back the money!!" "

(End of this chapter)

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