Chapter 16
Luo Jiuli stacked the five people on top of each other like throwing sacks, and twisted the feet he stepped on top of them, making several people scream in pain.

"Eating for a living and cheating for a living are two completely different concepts. Don't think that I don't know that the slate you gave me is made of special materials and cannot be broken at all!"

She let go of her feet, walked to a stone slab, raised her inner strength, and slapped it hard, causing the stone slab to shatter into pieces!



Several people were so surprised that they even forgot to scream in pain.

The stone slab they used was cut in the middle and then stained back, but... they didn't even have time to do anything with the piece that Luo Jiuli smashed! ! !
Seeing Luo Jiuli coming back, the tall man was afraid of being beaten again, so he endured the pain and took out 50 taels of silver from his arms, and handed it over with trembling hands, "Hero, we know we were wrong, we really know we were wrong, I will never dare to do it again. Your Excellency has a lot of them, so just spare us this time!"

"You're so brave, you still dare to go out and fool around!" Luo Jiuli lightly dusted off the dust on the edge of his robe, took the money bag and shook it, "There are still 20 taels."

"Huh??" The tall man thought that Luo Jiuli was missing 20 taels after flipping his money bag, and he cried with a sad face, "My hero, I am not, I am definitely greedy for you, no, I am definitely not greedy for your money. ! If you don’t believe me, search me, search me, I really didn’t take a penny from you, I even kept your money bag intact!”

"..." What kind of brain circuit is this!

Luo Jiuli reminded, "If there is a person who can break the boulder, he will be rewarded with 20 taels of silver."

They wrote this on the sign themselves, so now that she smashed it into pieces, they would naturally have to give her the money.

"Oh!! Yes, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" The tall man remembered and patted the person at the bottom hard, "Quick, quick, give the money to the hero! "

The man responded shakily and struggled to pull the silver coins out of his waist.

Luo Jiuli took it and shook it, confirming that it was 20 taels, and then turned around with satisfaction, "Don't let me meet you again next time, or I will beat you once I see you!"

"No way, no way, never again! Never again!"

On the other side of the alley, when the man in the silver-gray mask heard that the silence had returned, he raised the corners of his lips and said, "Ha! He's got a bad temper!"

"Only a princess like this can stand by the prince's side." Kang Xiang was very satisfied with the princess.

"Sir, the secret guards have searched all over the area, but they still can't find Mr. Li!" Shi Zixuan came running from a distance.

"I don't have one here either!" Wei Yan came over from the other side.

"Master, someone sent a letter to Li Mansion." The secret guard jumped off the wall.


The sun had already set when Luo Jiuli returned home, and the moon quietly climbed up the branches.

After bathing, there was no movement from Xiuzhuyuan. Luo Jiuli felt at ease and climbed into bed early.

When Zi Su came to turn off the lights, she said, "There are more Xuanjia troops patrolling the Xiuzhuyuan. I heard that the prince's condition has worsened today. He fainted in the morning and has not woken up. Would you like to go over and have a look, princess?"

"If you don't go, you won't die, don't worry!" Finally no one made any noise, so she didn't want to go over there and look for abuse.

Moreover, they were afraid that the people over there had not returned yet, and they were afraid that someone would sneak in and expose the secret, so more Xuanjia troops were patrolled.

After a good night's sleep without being disturbed, Luo Jiuli felt particularly good after a full sleep.

Breakfast is red bean and barley porridge specially prepared by Xinyi.

It tastes sweet in the mouth, but becomes sour and a little astringent after eating too much. tastes
Before she could think about it, Zisu came in from outside and said, "Master, Master Kang is here."

"Kang Xiang? Why did he come to me?" Luo Jiuli had a gut feeling that there was nothing good going on.

Could it be that the person came back?
Are you going to start acting like a monster again? ?
No way! ! ! !

"I don't know, slave, but can you go and have a look?" Zi Su asked.Luo Jiuli's first reaction was, don't go!

But if something really happens, I can't hide from the first grade of junior high school, but I can't hide from the fifteenth grade.

She calmly drank the last mouthful of porridge, wiped her mouth with a silk handkerchief, "Let's go!"

there is always a solution to a problem.

What she does best.

Kang Xiang was waiting under the pavilion and saw Luo Jiuli coming from a distance. He bowed to her and saluted, "My subordinate, please see the princess!"

Ah!old fox!
Luo Jiuli coughed weakly twice as usual, "Master Kang, there is no need to be polite."

"Yes." Kang Xiang stood up politely and his eyes fell on Zi Su with a pointed look.

It was obvious that he had something to say to Luo Jiuli, but it was not convenient for a third party to know.

Zi Su retreated.

"Master Kang, you can talk now." Luo Jiuli smiled softly.

"Your Majesty is in a hurry and won't be able to come back for the time being. The Emperor's Holy Chariot will arrive at Prince Yi's Mansion in at least a quarter of an hour. Please delay the visit. Your Majesty must not let the Emperor know about your absence from the Mansion."

Luo Jiuli was stunned by Kang Xiang's straightforwardness and outspokenness.

what's the situation! ! !
Why are you telling her this! ! !
How should she react now! ! ! !

Calm?Confused?Still surprised?

Yes, surprised, "What! Isn't the prince seriously ill? How come... he's not in the palace?!"

Faced with Luo Jiuli's pretending to be dumbfounded, Kang Xiang ignored it and said, "Princess, please be fully prepared. If necessary, your physical condition at this time can be the best weapon."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Did she agree?
Just make clear arrangements for her!

When the Emperor's Holy Chariot travels, the palace should be cheered in front of and supported by the royal guards, and the royal guards should accompany him.

But Jun Mozhe came quietly and changed into normal clothes with Xiao Ruoyan, just like a normal couple.

Behind him were Eunuch Chen, Pei Yong, the chief of the imperial guard, and Grandma Wang, who was personally serving Xiao Ruoyan.

The three of them are also dressed in ordinary entourage costumes.

"I'm here to see the Emperor and the Concubine Shu. I didn't know that Your Majesty was coming. Please forgive me." Luo Jiuli pretended to have just heard the news of His Majesty's arrival and came in a hurry from Xiuzhuyuan. He was probably walking in a hurry and his face was expressionless. The bloody cheeks were slightly red.

"Hurry up, we are all one family, why do the seventh princesses need to be so polite?" Jun Mozhe was wearing a mysterious robe, and the imperial green jade pendant around his waist instantly revealed his identity.

He gave Luo Jiuli a weak hand, and Luo Jiuli stood up, "Ahem, thank you, Your Majesty, and thank you, Concubine Shu."

hehe!The emperor’s family is really fake!

Since there is no need to be polite, why didn’t you say it earlier?
"I haven't seen you for a long time. I see that the Seventh Princess seems to be in better health."

As expected of a beloved concubine, Xiao Ruoyan's charming voice was full of charm, and her face was as beautiful as a fairy even without the embellishment of palace clothes.

"Concubine Shu has a good eye. Since the concubine's sister entered the palace, she has lightened a lot of burdens for me. With less pressure on me, I feel relaxed and my body will naturally recover." Who doesn't know what to say in the scene.

You're afraid you're blind!
Before labor and management went out, they specially asked Xin Yi to add a few more layers of powder!
 Important points: Please remember that this bowl of red bean and barley porridge tastes weird!ヾ^_^

  Starting today, [-] chapters have been updated, which is just two chapters! (Another chapter will be updated at ten o’clock later)
(End of this chapter)

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