Chapter 163 A deeper understanding

"You're such a bastard, you dare to tease me!"

Luo Jiuli put one hand on his waist and tilted his little left head with a slap.

"Ouch!" Xiao Zuo cried out, holding his head in pain, with a look of grievance on his face, "I didn't want to tease you, it was obviously you who interrupted me!"

"Okay, you! You dare to be so tough!"

Luo Jiuli tried to slap Xiao Zuo again.

Xiao Zuo hurriedly held his head and ran inside, "Ah!!! Master, help me!!! Sister Luo, she hit me!!!"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

The brat is pretty good at complaining!

Qiao Su was carrying the medicine box and just came out of the room where Jun Mohan was.

He closed the door, put his hands behind his back, glanced at Xiao Zuo who was running towards him, snorted and twitched his beard, "What's wrong with hitting you? She is delicate and frail, and you are thick-skinned, so I'll hit you." What happened twice!"

Xiao Zuo, "Master......"

"Master, what master!" Qiao Su glared at Xiao Zuo, "Just stand there and stand upright! Xiao Liruo fell down because I was chasing you, let's see how I can deal with you!"

"Oh!" Xiao Zuo said with an aggrieved look on his face, but he actually stood still.

Luo Jiuli came in from outside and passed by Xiao Zuo, but had no time to pay attention to him.

She stopped in front of the door, "Master Qiao, sir, how is my husband?"

"You're such a heartless girl, you just know how to ask him. He stayed up all night for the teacher, but why don't you see that you care about the teacher!"

Qiao Su was satisfied. He walked down the steps, took out a medicine gourd from his arms, and threw it behind him. Luo Jiuli caught it firmly.

She looked over and over again, "Is this??"

"Su Jin Pills." Qiao Su pushed the medicine box to Xiao Zuo, stretched and yawned, "The poison has been cured after seven days of drunkenness. Take one of these Su Jin Pills in the morning and evening, and then decoct and take the medicine three times a day. You can wake up the day after tomorrow at the latest.”

"Thank you, Master Qiao!" Luo Jiuli beamed with joy, rushed over, hugged Qiao Su, and slapped him on the face, "I knew Master Qiao was the most powerful! Master Qiao is the most powerful person in the world!"

Qiao Su staggered two steps after being thrown, stood up, patted Luo Jiuli on the back, and laughed loudly: "Hahahahaha, okay, okay, master, I know, I know, stand firm quickly, don't fall! "

"You are such an adult, why are you still so arrogant?"

Luo Jiuli said, "I'm not in a hurry, I'm just happy!"

Qiao Su laughed and scolded, "You girl, you don't take any of the three words seriously. Yesterday you told my teacher that you wanted to make peace, and today you are so happy for him after the poison is gone! You don't even look like you want to make peace with me!" "

"Hehe." Luo Jiuli smiled, "It is said that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Master Qiao saved him, which means he has done a good thing. Even if he has done a good thing, Master Qiao should also be happy! "

"You are such a clever girl. You talk like a tongue twister. You are confused by the teacher!"

Qiao Su seemed to suddenly notice Xiao Zuo and said to Luo Jiuli, "Hey! Did this kid make you angry just now? Do you want to beat him up?"

Luo Jiuli, "No..."

"This kid has been running around with his master all year round. He has a rough skin and thick flesh. If you beat him, don't use your hands. You have to use a stick to avoid hurting your hands!"

Qiao Su made serious suggestions and provided props, "It's better to use this one. It's easier to hit people with a broom."

Xiao Zuo, "…………"

He came for help!Luo Jiuli looked at the broom handed over by Qiao Su in front of him, with a slight twitch in his mouth, "That..."

"Are you afraid that this kid will hold a grudge and not dare to fight?"

Luo Jiuli opened his mouth and before he could say anything, Qiao Su continued on by himself: "It's okay, don't be afraid. If you don't dare to hit me, I will fight for you! I am not afraid of being hated by others!"

As he spoke, Qiao Su waved his broom and said hello to Xiao Zuo, "You stinky boy, you've been running around with me for the past few years, right? Even your sister Luo dares to bully me! I don't think my teacher will fight me today. Damn you unfilial disciple!"

"Ouch!" Xiao Zuo screamed in pain, holding the medicine box in his hand, and was chased by Qiao Su all over the yard and beaten, "Ouch, woo, woo, master, I didn't, ouch! I didn't bully Sister Luo!"

"You haven't? You haven't yet?? The girl is the most reasonable. If you hadn't bullied her, she would have beaten you for no reason?! Master, stop! Stop!!"

The master and the apprentice ran and chased each other, causing a lot of noise in the yard.

Aunt Chen came out of the back room with a cane and a bag of sugar, "Hey! This...this...why are you still doing this? A Wang, what's going on??"

"I don't know." Chen Wang shook his head in confusion.

I didn’t expect Brother Zuo would also be beaten!
"Grandpa Qiao said Brother Zuo bullied Sister Luo." Chen Wang added blankly.

"Xiao Zuo bullies Sister Luo? What about your Sister Luo??"

Aunt Chen could ask this because she obviously didn't recognize that the man dressed as a man standing next to Chen Wang was Luo Jiuli.

"Isn't Sister Luo here?" Chen Wang took Luo Jiu Li's hand, took the same posture with her, and looked at the master's unilateral beating of his apprentice in the yard with the same eyes.

Even though Qiao Su is old, his body and bones are very good. He can beat Xiao Zuo until he is begging for mercy without using internal force, Qinggong, or poison.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Master, please stop fighting. I really didn't bully Sister Luo. Her martial arts skills are better than mine. How dare I bully her?"

"Okay, you brat, do you know that your sister Luo can't use her internal strength recently, so you took the opportunity to bully her, right?"

The more Qiao Su talked, the more he felt that this was the case, and he pumped harder and harder, "I let you bully her! Let you bully her! Let's see if you dare to fight her next time!"

"Ouch, it hurts, it hurts!!!" Xiao Zuo was about to cry but had no tears. He ran but couldn't win and didn't dare to fight back.

He had no choice but to take advantage of Qiao Su's breath and run towards Luo Jiuli with all his strength, hiding behind her, "Sister Luo, you, you speak! Even if I had a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare, either. I won’t bully you, right!?”

"That's not necessarily the case!" Luo Jiuli is a vengeful person.

Who told Xiao Zuo to tease her when she was full?
"You brat, you're hiding behind your sister Luo, right?"

"Do you think you can't hit you by hiding behind your sister Luo as a teacher?!"

"Ha! Daydreaming!"

Qiao Su sneered, raised his broom and threw it at Xiao Zuo.

Little Zuo was taller than Luo Jiuli. When he saw the broom flying towards him, he quickly crouched down to hide.

So, 'Bah! With a sound, the broom hit Luo Jiuli on the back of the head. When it fell down his back, Xiao Zuo leaned down again, perfectly avoiding the opportunity of close contact with the broom.

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

What does it mean to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot.

Luo Jiuli felt that she now had a deeper understanding of this sentence!
 Occasionally, I found that there are quite a few readers who have stayed here!But why is no one talking about it? (depressed face)

(End of this chapter)

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