Chapter 164 Kuang Yan
"Sister Luo, are you okay?" Chen Wang pulled the corner of Luo Jiuli's sleeve.

Although Aunt Chen couldn't believe it when she heard Luo Jiuli's voice, she also knew that the man standing next to Chen Wang wearing men's clothing was Luo Jiuli.

Seeing that Luo Jiuli was hit on the head by the broom, Aunt Chen quickly put down the sugar and walked to Luo Jiuli with her cane, "Oh! Why did it hit Jiuli!"

"Does it hurt? Come on, let me rub it for you twice. It won't hurt anymore!" Aunt Chen stretched out her hand to rub Luo Jiuli's head.

Wen Yi floated out of the room and looked at Luo Jiuli's funny look with a head full of chicken feathers. She covered her mouth in surprise, "Sister-in-law Wang, what's wrong with you!"

Qiao Su smiled awkwardly, "What the hell, girl! I didn't mean to be a teacher!"

He glared at Xiao Zuo, who popped up again from behind Luo Jiuli, "It's all this brat's fault for hiding behind you, hoping that I won't catch him out and give him a good beating!"

Qiao Suxiong walked over confidently, "You bastard, come out here! Don't hide behind your sister Luo!"

"I don't!" Xiao Zuo drooped his head, "I didn't mean it. It was obviously Master who hit Sister Luo with the broom, and it wasn't me who hit her, so why did you beat me!"

"Hey! You brat, you're itchy, and you still dare to talk back! Come out!"

"I won't!" Little Zuo shook his head like a rattle and refused to go out.

He's not stupid, how can he rush out and get beaten? !
"You brat! Are you coming out!?"

Qiao Su was so angry that his beard trembled. He picked up his sleeves and tried to grab Xiao Zuo from behind Luo Jiuli.

Of course, Xiao Zuo would not surrender. When Qiao Su caught up with him, he ran in front of him. When Qiao Su caught up with him, he hid behind him.

The two of them went back and forth, circling Luo Jiuli.

Qiao Su cursed, "You bastard, how dare you run away! Believe it or not, my master will poison you, a bastard disciple, with Five Poison Pills!"

Xiao Zuo, "Don't believe it! I know where you put the antidote!"

Qiao Su, "Stop for me! If the Five Poison Pills can't kill you, you will still be drunk for seven days as a teacher! Mantra Powder!"

Xiao Zuo, "I know how to interpret Mandosan"

"All right, all right, stop arguing!"

Luo Jiuli shot himself in the foot, obviously feeling very unhappy.

But looking at the master and apprentice talking, they were ready to take action.

She was afraid that she would suffer another unreasonable disaster for nothing, so she had to persuade her: "How could Xiao Zuo bully me? Even if I lend him a hundred courages, he wouldn't dare!"

Qiao Su stopped and said, "Really? I didn't bully you?"

"No." Luo Jiuli said firmly.

"Woooooo!" Xiao Zuo was moved to tears, "Sister Luo, you are finally willing to clear my name!"

"If you don't speak again, Master will really poison me to death with Five Poison Pills, Qianri Zui, and Mantra Powder."

Qiao Su snorted and said disdainfully: "With the three-legged cat skills you and your senior brother have, if my master really wants to kill you, do you still need poison?"

Xiaozuo: "."

Luo Yaozhi was despised as well, but he didn't dare to speak!

Luo Jiuli: "."

She now suspected that the two masters and apprentices were acting together!
Beating Xiao Zuo is fake, but beating her is real!
"Okay, okay, just make it clear! I just said that Xiao Zuo is a very well-behaved child, how could he bully Jiu Li." Aunt Chen acted as a peacemaker, "Let's go, go in the house, go in the house , Auntie, let me get you a bowl of sugar water to drink!" Luo Jiuli picked up the chicken feathers on the top of his head, "Auntie Chen, I won't drink anymore, I'll go in and see my husband first."

Aunt Chen nodded, "That's fine, I'll make you a separate bowl when you come out later, but your hair..."

"It's okay. Come out later and wash it."

Luo Jiuli waved her hand and plucked a chicken feather from her head. She pushed the door open and Wen Yi followed her into the house.

"I'll ask Ah Wang to boil some water for you in a moment." Aunt Chen looked at the two remaining people in the courtyard, "Mr. Qiao, Xiao Zuo."

"Sister Chen, I won't go. I stayed up all night last night and have to go back to catch up on my nap." Qiao Su yawned and walked out.

Xiao Zuo followed up holding the medicine box, "Ms. Chen, I won't drink anymore. Come back next time."

"Hey! Why are they all leaving!" Aunt Chen looked at the direction the three of them were leaving and muttered in a low voice, "Fortunately, I didn't transfer it directly, otherwise it would have been all wasted!"

"Mom, I want to drink sugar water."

Aunt Chen turned her head to look at Chen Wang who was speaking, and said with a smile: "Okay! Let's go, I'll get you a bowl to satisfy your craving!"

Chen Wang helped Aunt Chen walk to the main house. The courtyard returned to calm, except for the sound of cockcrows from time to time.

In the room, Luo Jiuli sat by the bed, looking at Jun Mo Hanyintang who was lying quietly on the bed. The dark fog had dispersed a little, and his face was relatively pale. His heart, which had been hanging for a long time, finally returned to his stomach. inside.

She brushed Jun Mohan's face with her fingertips, her eyes sparkling with tears, and she whispered softly, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Brother Wang is fine, don't worry Sister-in-law Wang." Wen Yi floated to the side, looking at Luo Jiuli's arm and asked curiously, "Sister-in-law Wang, what is the black mist wrapped around your arm?"

Before Luo Jiuli could say anything, the black mist transformed into a little boy, floating in the air, staring at Wen Yi with his hands on his hips, "Bah! Who are you!"

"Oh! It turns out he is a little brat!"

Wen Yi has been wandering around the world for many years. She has never seen any kind of ghosts. They are just ghosts that can take form, so she is not afraid of them.

"Bah! You're a little brat! I can't change my name, but I can't change my surname, Kuang Yan!"

"Kuang Yan?!" Wen Yi asked, "What is your relationship with the Kuang family and Kuang Xiuhe in the capital?"

Kuang Yan blinked, "He is my father."

Kuang Yan took Wen Yi's hand, raised his head and said cutely: "Sister, do you know my father? Then can you take me home? A Yan misses his father and mother so much!"

"Ha!" Wen Yi raised her chin and glanced sideways at him, "Her face changed very quickly. Just now she was arrogant and arrogant towards this princess, and now she calls me sister?!"

"I didn't mean it on purpose." Kuang Yan pursed his lips.

Luo Jiuli put down the hand holding Jun Mohan, stood up and looked at the two people floating in the air, "You guys know each other??"

"I don't know." Wen Yi shook his head, "But I know, there is some connection."

"Oh???" Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows, "Where do you start talking about this?"

"Kuang Xiuhe is the biological brother of my mother and concubine, that is, my biological uncle. However, because I have lived in the palace all year round, I have never seen him."

"When my mother-in-law passed away, I was only two or three years old and can't remember anything. Brother Wang told me these things as stories."

"Later, when I got older, I sneaked out of the palace with Brother Wang several times and wanted to see him. But I was unlucky and didn't meet him every time."

(End of this chapter)

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