Chapter 165 Those men in black are back again!

"Later on, I got married far away and had no chance to meet."

Wen Yi glanced at Kuang Yan and said, "Speaking of which, you have to call me cousin."

"Cousin." Kuang Yan called obediently.

"Yes." Wen Yi nodded with satisfaction and reached out to touch Kuang Yan's head, "Good boy."

Luo Jiuli went to the table and sat down, opened the tea cup that was upside down, picked up the teapot and poured a glass of water, and asked Kuang Yan, "What's wrong with you? Why are you trapped on Huang Er's feet?"

Speaking of Huang Er, the first thing Kuang Yan thought of was the smelly athlete's foot, which was really nauseating.

His mouth was pursed and his eyes were moist, as if he had been bullied by someone.

"I don't know what happened. There were a lot of people on the street that day. I wanted to eat candy, so my mother went to buy it for me and asked me to stand there waiting for her and not move."

"As a result, I waited for my mother for a long time and she didn't come back. Then an uncle said he knew where my mother was and asked me to follow him and bought me a candy man."

"After eating the candy man, I fell asleep for some reason."

"When I woke up again, it was pitch black and I didn't know where I was. No matter how much I cried or made noise, no one paid attention to me."

"I stayed in that dark place for a long time, unable to go anywhere, until one day I heard something that sounded like it was being shattered."

"It was when that thing was smashed that I appeared on Huang Er's feet. I thought I was free and could go home to find my mother, and finally no longer had to be locked in the dark."

"How did I know that I didn't need to be locked in the darkness, but I was trapped on Huang Er's feet again. Just like when I was in the dark, I couldn't get out of the darkness, and I couldn't live without Huang Er."

"The only difference is that in the dark, I can't see anything, everything is black, but on Huang Erjiao, I can see wherever he goes."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you have left the darkness but welcomed athlete's foot!"

Luo Jiuli was joking on his face, but in fact he was secretly scolding him.

Damn human traffickers!

He didn't even let such a cute kid go!
Speaking of athlete's foot, tears gathered in Kuang Yan's eyes, as if if he blinked, the tears would fall.

Seeing this, Luo Jiuli hurriedly coaxed: "Hey, darling, I won't cry. Don't worry, my sister will definitely take you home to see your mother."

"Really?" Kuang Yan successfully stopped his tears.

Luo Jiuli said, "Of course it's true, but sister, I need you to promise me something!"

"What's the matter?" Kuang Yan said pitifully with tears in his eyes, "As long as I can see my father and mother, I can promise you anything!"

"Well, my sister wants you to promise me that after you fulfill your wish and see your father and mother, you will be reincarnated, okay?"

Kuang Yan had an innocent nature, and even though he was killed by a trafficker, he did not have any resentment on his body.

Reincarnating as soon as possible, for him, has only advantages and no disadvantages.

Moreover, in the cycle of cause and effect, the suffering he suffered in this life will be repaid by someone in the next life!
"I..." Kuang Yan's face bulged, "I don't want to be reincarnated!"

"The ghost has been wandering in the world for a long time, and will eventually dissipate slowly. As time goes by, when you wake up one day, you may not even be able to reincarnate. By then, it will be too late to regret! Think carefully..."

'Bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! ! '

There was a rapid knock on the door, interrupting Luo Jiuli's words.

"Who is it???" Chen Wang came out of the main room.

"It's me, Uncle Niu." Uncle Niu sounded a little anxious. He knocked on the door and urged: "Awang, open the door quickly."

Chen Wang opened the door and looked at Uncle Niu standing outside the door, "Uncle Niu, why are you here?"

Uncle Niu didn't have time to explain so much to Chen Wang. He hurried in and said, "Sister, something happened to Luo Yatou! Come out quickly! Come out quickly!"

"Old Niu Tou, what happened to you in such a hurry?" Aunt Chen was sitting on the bench in the main room. When she raised her eyes, she could see Uncle Niu coming in from the door. 'Squeak! 'There was a sound of opening the door.

Luo Jiuli came out of the house. She looked at Uncle Niu in the yard and said, "Uncle Niu, what happened? Don't be impatient and speak slowly."

"Ouch! Those men in black left last night, and now they're back!"

"They said they were looking for someone, and they are searching everywhere in the village!"

"Look at that posture, I'm afraid I won't stop until I find him!"

"I was fetching water from the well just now, and I was stopped by a man in black for questioning."

"They said they were strangers, a man and a woman, and they were seriously injured. They asked me if I had seen any."

"I pretended to be stupid and said I didn't know, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong. Maybe they are looking for you, little girl!"

After all, there is no other stranger in Chenjia Village except Luo Jiuli.

What's more, there was a seriously injured person in the room behind Luo Jiuli.

"No, I was so scared that I didn't even carry the water back. I dropped the bucket on the road and ran over to notify you. Hurry, think of a way to hide!"

As soon as Uncle Niu finished speaking, before anyone could react, several voices came from outside the door.

"Have you found it?"

"No, not here."

"Keep searching! Master said he is in Chenjiacun! Today we have to dig out for them even if we dig three feet into the ground!"


Then, 'Bang bang bang! ! ! ', the door knocked again.

Rough and violent, every blow made people's hearts tremble, as if they were trying to break down the door.

"Open the door! Open the door quickly!! If you don't open the door, you'll be rude!!!"

Luo Jiuli's face was ugly and his fists were clenched.

Why must they be killed!
The enemy was right outside the door. Luo Jiuli no longer cared about it and said directly to Wen Yi, who was floating beside him, "Wen Yi, go and see what's going on around you."

"Okay." Wen Yi walked out through the wall and quickly circled around the house, "There are five men in black, three at the door and one on each side."

"Bang bang bang!!! Open the door, open the door!!!!"

The knock on the door was deafening.

"Just come! Just come!!" Uncle Niu shouted, but in fact he stood there without moving.

"This, what should I do??"

Facing the soul-stirring knock on the door, Aunt Chen was so anxious that she didn't even care about what Luo Jiuli said to the air.

She came up with an idea and said: "I have two large wine tanks in my room. How about you guys hide in the wine tanks first??"

Luo Jiuli shook her head. It wasn't that she disliked it and didn't want to hide in the wine vat, but that these people knew that they were in Chenjiacun.

I have to dig out three feet of the ground. To be able to say this, I am afraid that it is too small to even let go of a vase, let alone a wine vat that is big enough to hide someone.

If she really got into the wine vat, she would not be hiding, but throwing herself into a trap!

The best way now is to go out!
Come back after others have searched it!

(End of this chapter)

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