Chapter 166 You are here now

Luo Jiuli thought for a while and asked Aunt Chen, "Is there a back door at home?"

"Yes." Aunt Chen nodded, "It's just that there are piles of firewood there."

"Then go out here?" Luo Jiuli pointed in the direction of the house.

There were men in black at the door and on both sides, so she could only go to the back.

"Yes, yes, yes." Aunt Chen nodded repeatedly.

"Well, I'll help you, Mrs. Chen, to lead the way."

Luo Jiuli turned around and entered the house, struggled to help Jun Mohan and carried him on his back.

She couldn't use her internal strength yet, and Jun Mohan was like a huge mountain pressing down on her. It was obviously hard for her to even breathe, but her lower body was very stable, and she walked out step by step.

Wen Yi floated beside her and called out distressedly, "Sister-in-law Wang."

The man in black, Lao Wu, came out of the safety buckle and said, "How about I go and possess you like yesterday?"

Luo Jiuli shook his head, "The talisman on my body has been used up. They have a lot of yang energy. You are just a new soul. You can't possess them without external force."

"Then I'll go!" Wen Yi volunteered.

"You can't do it! Your soul body is weak to begin with, and now you are injured and you are not fully recovered. If it weren't for the magic weapon, you would have been out of your mind a long time ago. How could you withstand the masculinity of these people, and you would be possessed by that time? If you don’t succeed, you will be burned by the yang energy, and the gain outweighs the loss!”

Luo Jiuli carried Jun Mohan on his back and walked out of the room.

Upon seeing this, Uncle Niu hurriedly stepped forward to help him, "It's very difficult for your small body to carry him. You put him on my back and I will carry him!"

'Bang bang bang! ! ! '

The knocking on the door turned into the sound of kicking on the door.

"Open the door! Open the door! Open the door!!!"

"No need." Luo Jiuli rejected Uncle Niu's kindness, "However, I need you to delay for a while."

"Yes!" Uncle Niu agreed immediately, and shouted loudly at the door: "It's coming, it's coming!!! Don't panic, don't panic!!!"

He shouted, "Come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come," but the person stood still and did not move.

"Possessed? Sister Luo, can I go?" Kuang Yan asked.

"No." Luo Jiuli rejected it.

She walked into the courtyard, and Mrs. Chen poked Chen Wang beside her with her crutch, "Go and help Sister Luo, don't fall."

"Oh, okay." Chen Wang ran to Luo Jiuli's side and reached out to support Jun Mohan on his back, "Sister Luo, be careful with the steps."


Luo Jiuli walked into the main room, and Mrs. Chen was already standing at the door of her room with a cane.

She waved to Luo Jiuli, "Here, here."

Luo Jiuli turned left, and as soon as his figure disappeared from the main room, there was a "Bang!" outside the door! 'There was a sound - the door was kicked down!

'Cackle, cluck, cluck! ! '

'Woof woof woof woof! ! '

Cocks crow and dogs bark in chaos.

Uncle Niu pretended to be flustered and rushed over, with his hands tied around his waist as if they were tied with something.

Seeing the man in black stepping through the door, he grimaced, "Oh! Who are you? When I met you while carrying water, I didn't even dare to ask for a bucket!"

"Now that I finally got back home and moved into a hut, you guys came to the door. I really encountered a ghost!" "I told you it was coming. Why are you so anxious? You even kicked the door down!"

"I don't care! My family is so poor that we can't even open the pot. How can we have spare money to replace the door? You have to compensate! You have to compensate!!"

The man in black covered his face and frowned, "Noisy!"

They pushed away Uncle Niu who was blocking the way.

"Ouch!" Uncle Niu fell to the ground and wailed, "It's unjust to break into a house in broad daylight! I'm going to call the police to arrest you!! Arrest you!!!"

"Shut up!" The man in black put a big knife on Uncle Niu's neck, "Old man, if you talk too much, I will shut you up forever!"

Uncle Niu kept silent and did not dare to speak again.

The man in black took back his sword and said, "Search!"


The other two men in black responded and each entered a room.

One of the men in black entered the kitchen and stabbed two knives into the firewood in the corner.

The white knife went in and out, and when there was no movement, he put away the big knife, looked around, saw that there was no more hiding place in the kitchen, turned around, went out, and walked into the main room.

"Oh! Who are you, and what are you doing here at the old lady's house!" Aunt Chen looked at the man in black who suddenly broke into the house with a frightened look on her face.

The man in black ignored her, and after entering the house, he rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, even looking at the two large wine jars covered with thick layers of debris in the corner.

Aunt Chen's heart tightened when she saw this, but she also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Luo Jiuli didn't listen to her hiding in the big wine vat, otherwise she wouldn't have been caught.

Aunt Chen frowned as she watched the men in black using the tip of the knife to pick out the clothes and miscellaneous items in the house. "No, young man, just search. Don't mess up my things! Hey, hey, this cabinet But you can’t hack it! I have the key, I’ll open it for you! I’ll open it for you!!”

The man in black stopped splitting the cabinet and glanced at Aunt Chen who was standing there, "Open it, hurry up."

"Yes, yes, yes, open it, open it for you right away." Aunt Chen squeezed Chen Wang who was supporting her, "Awang, go quickly, the key is under the pillow, go take it out and open the cabinet. "

"Okay." Chen Wang seemed to be frightened and moved towards the bed step by step.

"Hurry up!" The man in black urged impatiently, swinging his knife to open the cabinet again.

"Hey! Don't, don't, don't! This is the old woman's dowry. You can't split it! You can't split it!!" Aunt Chen raised her hand to stop her. She didn't even care when the crutch fell to the ground. She leaned against the door frame and shouted urgently at Chen Wang. Urged: "Awang! What are you doing! Move faster! Move faster!!"

"Oh! Okay!!" Chen Wang walked over in two steps, opened the pillow, and took the key below to open the cabinet.

In addition to the pheasants and rabbits that Xiao Zuo brought last night, the cabinet contained a bunch of sundries such as sugar, needlework, and thread.

The man in black only glanced at it and then turned around and continued searching, under the bed and at the foot of the door.
Chen Wang locked the cabinet door and put the key back under the pillow.

He picked up the crutches on the ground and handed them to Aunt Chen, with a scared look on her face, "Auntie, didn't these uncles come here last night? Why are they here again?"

Aunt Chen shook her head, "Auntie doesn't know either, but it's okay. Awang, be good. These uncles are good people and they won't hurt us."

"Oh!" Chen Wang responded obediently, with a childlike face, as if he didn't understand anything and looked a little silly.

"What is this door for?"

The sudden question from the man in black made Aunt Chen and Chen Wang feel nervous.

The door and the wall were made of the same wood. After Luo Jiuli went out, Aunt Chen asked Chen Wang to hold a lot of sundries in front of her. Unexpectedly, the man in black saw it.

"Hehehehe, the young man has very good eyesight. There are all firewood behind this door." Aunt Chen said, "When my old man was here, in order to save trouble, I opened a door here specifically so that I don't have to pick it up every time. Chai has to go out from the gate, walking around in circles is wasting time, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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