Chapter 167 Almost stabbed into a hornet’s nest
"When the old man was here? Who were you outside the door?"

The man in black lifted the debris blocking the door with the clear purpose of opening the door and taking a look.

"That, that, is my old man's biological eldest brother!"

"The family has never separated, we have always lived together."

Mrs. Chen heard what Uncle Niu said outside the door just now, and what he meant was that this was his home!

Therefore, Aunt Chen could only make up nonsense, saying that Uncle Niu was her husband's brother!
Aunt Chen felt uneasy. She stared at the hand of the man in black, "There are only firewood behind this door. There is nothing interesting to see. Moreover, this door has not been there for a long time since the old man left..."

Mrs. Chen paused slightly, her nerves tense. She saw the man in black finished lifting the debris and opened the door. There were two bundles of firewood blocked in front of the door.

When she saw two bundles of firewood instead of Luo Jiuli's figure, Aunt Chen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, this breath did not last long, and his heart rose to his throat again.

I saw the man in black brandishing his knife and stabbing two bundles of firewood several times in succession!

No matter how sensible Chen Wang is, he is just a child, and he saw Luo Jiuli carrying someone on his back with his own eyes.

Now that he saw this scene again, he was frightened. He was really frightened. Tears flowed uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes, and he kept sobbing at the end of his nose.

Aunt Chen was also scared, but she was a person who had seen the world, so she could barely hold her own!

She hugged Chen Wang, separated his sight, let him nestle in her arms, gently touched his head and comforted him: "Ah Wang, be good, grandma is here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Chen, who had been holding back at first, saw his mother's soft embrace, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and cried loudly, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

"Ah Wang, be good. It's okay. It's okay. Grandma is here. Don't cry. Don't cry." Aunt Chen patiently coaxed her.

The man in black stabbed him several times. When he saw that there was no movement in the firewood and no blood on the knife, he put away the big knife.

The sword that was close at hand was taken back, and Luo Jiuli breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she hid inside, otherwise she would have been dug into a hornet's nest by the man in black.

Originally, she wanted to leave through the back door, but she didn't expect that the Chen family was backed by a mountain. The mountain was not high, but she couldn't climb out with bare hands, not to mention that she had someone with her!

The narrow gap between the mountain wall and the wooden house was filled with firewood.

If she wanted to leave, she could only go from the left and right sides, regardless of whether she could squeeze out of the gap filled with firewood.

Even if she squeezes out, the men in black guarding the left and right sides are not vegetarians and will definitely be able to see her.

Therefore, Luo Jiuli gave up his plan to leave, moved a few bundles of firewood to block the door, and hid behind with Jun Mohan.

Luo Jiuli suddenly felt heavy.

It was the man in black who was pushing the firewood with his hands worriedly.

"Is there anyone else inside?" A voice came from far away.

Luo Jiuli's breathing was slightly stagnant. Was he discovered? ?
A man in black came in from outside the door and glanced at Mrs. Chen and her son who were standing in front of the room.

"Since there are other people in the house, why won't the door be opened to us after we've been knocking for so long?"

Luo Jiuli secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he was not talking about her!
Uncle Niu followed the man in black in and explained: "The old one is too old and has bad legs and feet, and the young one is too young and ignorant. You knock on the door so hard and frighten them. Why do you dare to open the door?"

"Old man, if you think your life is too long, just keep talking!" the man in black threatened.

Uncle Niu shut up.

The man in black looked around the house and pushed the firewood, but found nothing unusual, and continued to search for the men in black in other locations.

He walked over and looked at Chen Wang with eyes full of anger, "Children, has anyone been visiting your house in the past two days?"

Chen Wang was still nestling in Aunt Chen's arms, his eyes were red from crying, "Yes." As soon as the word fell, everyone present changed their faces.

Aunt Chen frowned and said with a serious look, "Awang, what are you talking about? When did you have guests at home?"

"Where are they? Tell uncle, can he buy you some candies?" The man in black narrowed his eyes and offered candies as a lure.


As soon as Chen Wang opened his mouth, Mrs. Chen scolded her sternly, "A Wang! Don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Wang raised his head with confusion on his face, "Auntie, didn't you say we can't lie to others?"

Aunt Chen, "This..."

"Those uncles who came last night, aren't they guests?"

"Grandma told Awang not to lie, but now she doesn't allow Awang to tell the truth!"

"Hmph! Grandma is not good! Ah Wang will be angry!"

"However, since this is my first time making a mistake, Awang can forgive her once, but I can't make the same mistake next time!"

Chen Wang's words made Aunt Chen, Uncle Niu, and Luo Jiuli, who were hiding among the firewood, sigh in relief at the same time.

Aunt Chen didn't show any emotion on her face and kept saying, "Okay, okay, it's my fault, I promise to change it next time!"

"That's pretty much it!" Chen Wang grinned with satisfaction, tilting his head to look at the man in black in front of him, "Just after dinner last night, a few uncles came to the house, and they were wearing the same clothes as you, uncle! "

"Little brat! How dare you tease labor and management!"

The man in black was furious and raised his hand to slap Chen Wang.

Chen Wang was so frightened that he quickly shrank into Aunt Chen's arms.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uncle is a bad guy! My uncle is a bad guy! It was obviously you who asked A Wang to say it, and you also said that as long as A Wang said it, you would buy candies for A Wang!"

"But now Awang has said that not only did you not give Awang candy, but you also beat Awang! Wuwuwuwuwu, uncle is a bad guy! Uncle is a bad guy!!"

"Ha! Bad guy??"

The man in black sneered, put down his hand, and raised the knife, with a fierce look in his eyes, clearly intent on killing.

Aunt Chen and Uncle Niu's expressions suddenly changed, and just as they were about to beg for mercy, a cry for help suddenly came from outside the door, "Help, help!"

When the man in black heard this, he couldn't care less about Chen Wang.

He put down the knife, turned around and strode out. When he saw a man in black vomiting blood and dying in the courtyard, his face suddenly turned ugly, "What's going on!"

He stopped next to the man in black and looked down at him with an indifferent expression, showing no intention of helping him up or saving him.

The other two men in black who were searching the room also heard the noise and ran out.

One of them helped the injured man in black up, "What's going on? Who did it? How could you be injured like this???"

"Is it that person?!" Another man in black speculated: "Master said, he is in Chenjia Village. If there is any capable person in such a big place, he is probably the only one who can seriously hurt us!"

"Impossible!" The man in black who was supporting the man denied, "The man was poisoned. He might be dying now. How could we possibly hurt him!"

The man in black shook the injured man in black, "Tell me quickly, what's going on!?"


(End of this chapter)

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