Chapter 168 That hole is so long!
The man in black spat out a few words weakly, and blood poured out from his mouth.

After a while, he completely lost his breath.

"West of the village, Qiao Su?!"

For the death of their companion, the three men in black did not feel the slightest sadness.

"Qiao Su??!! Is he the poisonous doctor who was the only one in the world?! The poisonous ancestor who was said to be the poisonous ancestor who would avoid the poisonous widow whenever she saw him?!!"

"Is it just the same name? Otherwise, how could such a big shot appear in this small mountain village!"

"No! Qiao Su has retired from the world for more than ten years and just found an isolated mountain village to escape from the world. It's normal!"

"Then what should we do now? The people in the village are protected by Qiao Su. If this continues, we may not be able to continue searching!"

"How about asking the master?"

"It's not good! It's not good!!" A man in black hurriedly ran in, "Many brothers vomited blood and died outside!!"

"It's so deceiving!"

"Let's go! We have strength in numbers. He is just an old man who has retired from the world for more than ten years. I'm afraid he will do something serious!"

The man in black left, and Uncle Niu carefully poked his head out from the side to look around.

"How's it going? Have you all left?" asked Aunt Chen behind her.

"Let's go, let's go." Uncle Niu stepped out, gritting his teeth and struggling to hold up the kicked down door.

Aunt Chen nudged Chen Wang twice, "Quick, go and ask Sister Luo to come out."

"Oh, good!"

Chen looked over, but before he could shout, there was a rustling sound coming from the firewood, and it was Luo Jiuli who got out of it.

Chen Wang supported Luo Jiuli and patted the sawdust on her body, "Sister Luo, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Luo Jiuli shook his head. As soon as he stood still in the house, he didn't even have time to deal with the sawdust on his body, so he turned around to move away the bundles of firewood blocking the door.

Chen Wang was on the side to help, but he was still weak, so he could only help out from time to time.

Uncle Niu came in from the door and took a few steps over, "Oh! I'll come, I'll come!!"

Uncle Niu is very powerful. With his participation, we can get twice the result with half the effort!
The firewood blocked in front of me was removed in a short time.

Jun Mohan was leaning against the edge of the stone wall with his eyes closed. A few dead leaves fell on his head, and sawdust was everywhere on his body. He looked obviously embarrassed and was wearing coarse clothes. Being so precious makes people shy away and dare not climb high.

The man in black, Lao Wu, floated to the side and said twice, "I didn't expect that even after I died, I could still see the famous King Yi in such an embarrassing state!"

"In embarrassment? Oh, so what if Brother Wang is in embarrassment? Your best appearance is nothing more than this!"

Wen Yi didn't allow anyone to say bad things about Jun Mohan.

Well...of course...except Mrs. Wang!
"King Yi???" Kuang Yan stared at Jun Mohan curiously, "He is King Yi???"

"What? Do you know Brother Wang?" Wen Yi asked.

"I don't know." Kuang Yan shook his head.

However, the look in his eyes when he looked at Jun Mohan was a little more fiery and exciting.

"But my mother said he was a great hero who protected our family and country! She told me to learn from him when I grow up!"

Wen Yi felt comfortable hearing these words, and those who didn't know it thought it was her who was being praised.

She rolled her eyes with a smile and touched Kuang Yan's head, "Not bad, not bad!! Your mother has such good taste!!!"

"Of course!" Kuang Yan raised his head and looked at Wen Yi and said, "My mother is very beautiful and gentle!"

Uncle Niu helped Luo Jiuli carry Jun Mohan back to the house.Aunt Chen followed them with a cane and said to Chen Wang, "Go to the kitchen to get a basin of water."

"it is good."

Chen Wang ran in front of a few people and when he got water into the house, Luo Jiuli had already made Jun Mohan lie back on the bed with the help of Uncle Niu.

"According to what those men in black mean, they are looking for trouble with Mr. Qiao." Aunt Chen found a seat nearby and sat down, speaking worriedly, "Is there anything going on with Mr. Qiao?"

"No." Luo Jiuli said with certainty. She waved to Chen Wang and asked him to bring the water. "Master Qiao is very capable. Most people can't do anything to him."

Chen Wang carried the water over and put a handkerchief in the basin.

Luo Jiuli took out the handkerchief, wrung it out and folded it into squares, then wiped Jun Mohan's face.

"Those people are very powerful!" Uncle Niu's dark face wrinkled together, "Isn't Xiuying dead? When I took the cow back just now, I heard that she was killed with a knife!"

Uncle Niu gestured with his fingers on his neck, "That hole is quite so long!"

"They can even kill a crazy woman, I'm afraid she's not a good thing!"

"If it is really a good thing, why would it break into people's houses again and again!" Aunt Chen sighed, "Oh! That evil woman is usually very vicious, but I didn't expect that she would end up in such a situation now! "

"The man is gone, the son is gone, and now she is gone too!"

"Good fortune plays tricks on people!"

Luo Jiuli's hand washing the handkerchief paused slightly. She raised her head and glanced at Aunt Chen, then moved her gaze to Uncle Niu, "Kill with one knife?"

"Yeah." Uncle Niu nodded. He thought Luo Jiuli was scared, so he comforted him: "It's okay. They left and they probably won't come back. It's just Doctor Qiao's side..."

"Master Qiao will be fine!"

Qiao Su is very capable, and Luo Jiuli is not worried at all.

If he is in a good mood and wants to tease the man in black, then he will use force!
If he is in a bad mood and really wants the life of the man in black, then he will use poison!

If you put down a packet of poisonous powder, there will be no bones left and it will save trouble!

"The Xiuying you mentioned died last night?" Luo Jiuli wrung out the handkerchief and continued to ask.

"Yes!" Uncle Niu said, "Didn't those men in black come last night? They probably died at that time. What happened?"

Luo Jiuli shook his head, "It's okay, I was just asking."

She didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of her.

It seems that she needs to find a time to give him a break.

Anyway, for her, it’s just a piece of cake!

Aunt Chen went out at some point, and when she came back in she had two sets of clean clothes in her hand.

She said, "The clothes you wore this morning have not been washed and dried. They are still hanging on the bamboo pole. This suit was worn by Ating when she was at home before. The material is not as good as the previous one. You can make do with it first and wait for it to dry." Then change it back later.”

Luo Jiuli wiped Jun Mohan clean, threw the handkerchief back into the basin, stood up, and reached out to take the clothes from Aunt Chen's hand.

"What does it have to do with whether the material is good or bad? They are not all clothes, and they are not all for people to wear. What is appropriate or not?"

Moreover, for her now, having something to wear would be great!

No one has the right to be picky!
Aunt Chen laughed, "Hahahahaha, okay, as long as you don't dislike it!"

"The clothes below were worn by my old man before. He was thinner at that time, and I don't know if your husband can wear them."

(End of this chapter)

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