Chapter 169 She actually did this to her husband!

"You try it first. If you can't wear it, I'll look for it again to see if there are any clothes that the old man wore when he was fatter."

"Okay, thank you, Mrs. Chen." Luo Jiuli put the clothes next to the bed.

"Hey, what's there to thank you for? Please change your clothes first. I'll come and change the sheets and quilts for you later." Aunt Chen walked out with her cane, calling to the other two people standing beside her as she walked, " Lao Niutou, Awang, let’s go out first and wait in the main room.”

"Auntie, please walk slowly." Chen Wang went over and held Aunt Chen's hand.

Uncle Niu walked behind and closed the door when he left.

Luo Jiuli raised his head and looked at the three ghosts floating in the air, "I want to change my clothes, what are you still doing here?"

"Oh oh, let me go, I go!!"

The man in black, Lao Wu, got into the safety buckle first, followed by Wen Yi.

When it was Kuang Yan's turn, he opened his big, watery eyes and looked left and right, with a silly look on his face, as if he didn't know where to go.

Finally, it turned into a beam of black mist wrapped around Luo Jiuli's arm.

Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly: "..."

Silly boy!

Why are you wrapping her arm around her?
So you can't see her changing clothes?
Feeling Luo Jiuli staring at him closely, Kuang Yan raised his head from the black mist and asked, "What's wrong with Sister Luo?"

The chubby fleshy face was full of doubts, and the innocent and cute look made Luo Jiuli's heart soften.

If a ghost had asked her such a stupid question, she would have just slapped him away.

But now she patiently took out the safety buckle from Jun Mohan's arms and said to Kuang Yan, "You can't wrap your arms around me anymore. You have to stay here like your sister Wen Yiyi, do you understand?"

"Got it." Kuang Yan nodded and entered the safety buckle obediently.

"So good." Luo Jiuli praised, and then put the safety buckle back under the pillow.

When Luo Jiuli changed Jun Mohan's clothes for the first time, he had no other thoughts because he was worried about his injury.

But now...  

Luo Jiuli looked at the tanned and extremely attractive abdominal muscles and couldn't help but touch them.

Tsk tsk tsk, this feeling is amazing!

Luo Jiuli grinned like a playful cat.

"Does it feel comfortable to touch?"

The magnetic voice was slightly hoarse. It was obviously unique and very pleasant, but it made Luo Jiuli freeze up.

She turned her head dullly and suddenly met a pair of phoenix eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

The banging sound in my mind exploded, leaving a blank space.

who I am? ? ?
Where am I? ? ?

What am I doing? ? ? ?

"I didn't expect that my wife would do such a thing to my husband while he was unconscious!" Jun Mohan said with disappointment.

However, he didn't mean what he said, and the slightly raised corners of his lips were obviously smiling happily!
Luo Jiuli's cheeks turned red quickly and visibly, and even his ears felt hot and tight.

Wuwuwu, his second uncle’s third uncle!

Is there any justice? !
He was actually caught again! ! !
Didn’t I agree that I would wake up after taking the medicine the day after tomorrow at the latest?
Why, why did she wake up before taking the medicine? ! !

This, this, this... Wuwuwu... What the hell is going on! ! ! !

"What??" Jun Mohan raised his eyebrows with a smile in his eyes, "My wife is not going to talk nonsense, or make up an excuse to cheat her husband???"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

What is the difference between nonsense and making up? ? ?
Uh-huh, that's so embarrassing!Why not give up her struggle? ! !
Of course, Luo Jiuli just thought this way.

After all, you can’t turn back time, and you can’t drill into cracks in the ground!
However, you still have to find face!
"Ahem." She coughed twice to relieve her embarrassment, pretended to be calm and retracted her hand, and said confidently: "What is nonsense! What is making it up!! What is it that I actually did this to you!!!"

"It's obviously your clothes that are dirty, I, I deigned to help you change your clothes!"

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes as he spoke, "I don't think you're too heavy yet. I'm tired of my beautiful jade fingers!"

Jun Mohan said, "My husband knows."

"It's good to know!" Luo Jiuli raised his head arrogantly, "You know I won't tolerate it..."

"I know that the lady is touching her husband's belly just to test the temperature. She is just afraid that he will be cold, catch a cold or catch the wind and cold. My husband knows the lady's good intentions."

The teasing meaning in Jun Mohan's words should not be too obvious.

It's just that he didn't directly say that Luo Jiuli was molesting him.


God stepped on the horse and touched his belly to check the temperature!
She is shameless?
How could she possibly admit that she was molesting him!

The tips of Luo Jiuli's ears were so red that they were bleeding. She stood up and crossed her arms, "Huh! A dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart. In this case, you can wear the rest yourself!"

"Did Madam misunderstand something?" Jun Mohan's eyes were filled with confusion, "Every word I say comes from my sincerity. I really understand Madam's good intentions!"

"Lady, please don't misunderstand your husband!"

Luo Jiuli drew a black line on his forehead: "..."

If he hadn't said the last sentence, she might have really believed it, and she would have misunderstood.

"Hmph!" Luo Jiuli pouted, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Who said that?" Jun Mo smiled coldly, "My wife is obviously the smartest!"

"You're being sweet! But it's useless. I hold grudges. You just slandered me and I expressed my displeasure. Therefore, you have to wear the rest of these clothes yourself!"

Luo Jiuli looked angry, which made Jun Mohan feel hot in his heart.

His wife is so cute even when she is angry!

In fact, Luo Jiuli had put on everything he should wear for Jun Mohan, except for his chest.

Jun Mohan lowered his head and glanced at the gauze wrapped around his chest. There were traces of blood on the gauze.

He tried to move his fingertips, but they were a little numb. He raised his arm slightly, and the wound hurt a little, but he could still bear it.

This small injury was nothing to Jun Mohan, who often fought bloody battles on the battlefield.

However, at this moment, it was this little injury that made him frown, and he screamed, "Ouch! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Ouch! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!!!"

"No! What are you doing?" Luo Jiuli's face suddenly changed, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly bent over to stop him from raising his hand, "Are you crazy? What are you doing raising your hand for nothing!"

"Put on some clothes." Jun Mohan said aggrievedly.

There was obviously no accusation in his words.

But those beautiful eyes looked at Luo Jiuli, as if she was saying that she didn't let him wear his own clothes!

Why is she still being mean to him now that he is wearing his own clothes?
"Hey! OK, OK!!! It's my fault, my fault!!!!" Luo Jiuli gave in, "I'll wear it for you, isn't it okay if I wear it for you!!!"

This ancestor!
He really owed him in his previous life!

Luo Jiuli held Jun Mohan's arm and carefully put it back in place. Then he resignedly pulled the two sides of his clothes together and tied the rope around them.

 My family is stuffing sausages today!It won’t be long before you can eat it!Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…………

(End of this chapter)

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