Chapter 170 Wife, my husband is so hungry!
"Hiss~" Jun Mohan took a breath of air.

Luo Jiuli's hands tying the clothesline shook unconsciously.

She raised her eyes to look at Jun Mohan, her eyes full of worry, "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No." Jun Mohan's eyes quickly turned into a smile.

He liked the way she was worried and distressed for him now.

"What's wrong without you?" Luo Jiuli complained, but his hands softened their movements and did not tie the clothes too tightly.

That serious look made Jun Mohan involuntarily raise the corners of his lips, narrow his eyes and smile, "My wife is so kind to my husband."

When Luo Jiuli heard this, he seemed to have thought of something, his heart trembled, and he felt guilty. The blush on his cheeks finally faded away, and became hot again in the blink of an eye.

She sped up her fingertips, tied the last two clothes ropes, and said harshly: "Okay, okay, I, I'm just afraid that if you die, I won't be able to find someone to make peace with you."

She stood up and fluttered her eyelashes twice, "You haven't eaten since yesterday. You are hungry. You must be hungry. I will get you a bowl of porridge."

Before Jun Mohan could respond, he ran out of the door as if running away.


Jun Mohan's hearty laughter and his reminder came from behind, "My wife promised to be your husband last night, but you must never forget it!"

'boom! '

He was answered by the ruthless sound of the door closing.

In the main room, Aunt Chen heard the noise and raised her eyes to see Luo Jiuli in the courtyard.

She walked to the door with her cane and waved to Luo Jiuli, "What's wrong? You're still blushing after changing your clothes. Come on, I'll get you a bowl of sugar water. Come and have a drink."

"It's okay, Mrs. Chen." Luo Jiuli pretended to be calm on his face, but secretly cursed in his heart.

Jun Mohan, that dog, never forget what she said last night.

snort!She will forget!Just forget it! !
"It's okay, come here and have a bowl of sugar water."

Aunt Chen greeted Luo Jiuli, but Luo Jiuli did not go over, but asked, "Aunt Chen, is there still porridge on the stove?"

"Yes, there is some left after eating in the morning. What, are you hungry?" Aunt Chen returned to the table with her cane, picked up the things on the stool, and said with a smile, "If you are hungry, go get a bowl." Pad your belly and remember to eat less, it’s getting dark soon, so I’ll ask Ating to prepare something delicious for you tonight!”

"You eat first, and I'll go change the sheets and bedding for you."

"Hey, Mrs. Chen, your legs and feet are inconvenient. Leave these things for now. I'll change them myself later."

Luo Jiuli stopped Aunt Chen who was passing by, and reached out to take the sheets and quilts in her hands, "It's not me who is hungry, I'm not hungry, it's my husband. He's awake. I'm thinking about how he hasn't been since he fell into coma yesterday." After eating, I wanted to feed him some porridge."

"That's right!"

When people woke up, it was inconvenient for Mrs. Chen to go into the house to change, so she slowly walked to the main room with Luo Jiuli's support.

She asked Luo Jiuli, "Do the clothes still fit you?"

Jun Mohan is not fat, but he is tall and has a big frame. Both his arms and legs are longer than Chen Wang's father.Therefore, when I put on the clothes, a lot of my arms and legs are exposed, but I can still barely wear them. It just looks a little tight, but it doesn't matter. It's fine as long as it can be worn.

In line with the principle of not bothering others, Luo Jiuli nodded repeatedly, "It fits! It fits!"

"That's good. It's good news that he's awake. When Awang comes back later, I'll ask him to go for a run and tell Langzhong Qiao the good news, so that he can know about Yisu. The night was not in vain!”

"Awang is out?" Luo Jiuli helped Aunt Chen sit down and looked at the main room, which was empty except for the two of them, "Uncle Niu is gone too?"

"Well, his wife was the only one at home. Lao Niutou couldn't feel relieved, so she went back." Aunt Chen's eyes fell on the courtyard. "When she left, she helped drag out the corpses in the courtyard."

"The men in black haven't left the village yet. Wouldn't it be dangerous for them to go out like this?" Luo Jiuli was a little worried.

"It's okay. A relative just now said that all the men in black have gone to Qiao Langzhong. As long as we don't go there at this time, it's fine. But, Jiuli, Qiao Langzhong is so capable that even so many men in black can't do it." There’s nothing you can do about him???”

Aunt Chen picked up Luo Jiuli's hand and patted the back of her hand, "You must tell the truth to Auntie! If Mr. Qiao can't do it, Auntie will go to the village and call some strong men to get it." Go help me!"

"Don't worry! Master Qiao's skills are more than just medical skills!" Luo Jiuli chuckled, held Aunt Chen's hands and asked, "What do you think of Master Qiao's medical skills?"

"Of course that's good." Aunt Chen said without hesitation, "Awang's second cousin got an emergency last year. He had three doctors in a row but he didn't get any better. He also said that he would have people prepare for the funeral directly."

"If it hadn't been for Mr. Qiao's superb medical skills and a few needles to save the person, his second cousin would have been reduced to nothing!"

After finishing speaking, Aunt Chen felt that it was not enough, and added, "The medical skills of Dr. Qiao are absolutely unparalleled. He can come to our Chenjia Village. I don't know how much blessing our ancestors have accumulated throughout their lives to be able to achieve this." A living Bodhisattva comes to our Chenjia Village."

"That's it! I want to tell you, the medical skills you see are just one of Master Qiao's many abilities." Luo Jiuli emphasized the key words.

Without exaggeration, he continued: "Moreover, among the many skills, medical skills are not Master Qiao's best, so you can rest assured."

As for what Qiao Su's best skill was, Luo Jiuli couldn't reveal it conveniently, and Aunt Chen didn't ask, but she still felt relieved, "That's good, that's good."

In fact, Qiao Su had retired from the world for many years. If something like this happened, there was no need to confront the man in black.

He could just like ordinary farmers and let the men in black search, and they would leave after the search was done.

Qiao Su's life will return to peace again.

However, Qiao Su did not do this. Instead, he made a huge noise and gave the poisoned man in black a chance to escape and return to the village to report the news.

The reason why he did so many eye-catching things was of course to help Luo Jiuli.

As long as those people turn their attention to him, the risk of Luo Jiuli being exposed will be greatly reduced.

Luo Jiuli felt clear and warm about what Qiao Su had done.

Needless to say, everyone knows how much he cherishes his life as a person who doesn't care what his disciples learn, but demands that Qinggong must be the best!
However, how could Luo Jiuli not be heart-warmed by the fact that such a life-loving person could do so much for her?How could you not be moved! !How can you not be grateful! ! !

“Lady, I’m hungry for my husband~”

Jun Mohan's voice came from inside the house, with a slow and soft tone, quite a bit coquettish.

(End of this chapter)

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