Chapter 173 It’s like two people!
"Hahahahahahahahahaha, I know, I know, you two siblings! You are really my darlings!" Aunt Chen's eyes narrowed with laughter.


Chen Wang and Chen Tingting also laughed.

Chen Tingting did not forget to remind her, "Just remember it, but don't forget it after I leave. Then you will bully Awang when he is young and trick him into sneaking up the mountain by yourself."

Aunt Chen touched Chen Wang's head and said, "This little devil is very clever! Who can deceive him!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm very smart!" Chen Wang nodded repeatedly and assured Chen Tingting: "Don't worry, sister, I will definitely keep an eye on my mother-in-law and won't let her have the chance to sneak up the mountain!"

Chen Tingting said, "Okay! Sister, I believe you!"

"Hey! You two siblings really want to take this old lady seriously!" There was resentment in Aunt Chen's words, but there was a smile on her face that she couldn't hide. This kind of smile is called happiness.

Aunt Chen looked at Luo Jiuli and asked, "Jiuli, how are you? Has your husband finished the porridge?"

"Well, finished drinking." Luo Jiuli replied with a smile.

Chen Tingting froze on the spot, and her whole body was like a thunderbolt.

what! ! ! !

The prince is awake! ! ! !
Then she just knocked on the door... Didn't she... disturb the prince? ! !

Thinking of Jun Mohan's cold face and his ruthlessness when he scolded Concubine Xiao a few days ago, Chen Tingting was so frightened that her hands and feet became weak.

Especially since she entered the palace as the daughter of the He family.

If the prince knew about this, then she... wouldn't she die without a burial place!

"Just finish it, just finish it. Ating, when you make the lean mushroom soup later, remember to leave a separate portion for Mr. Jia, Ating? Ating??"

"Ah???" Chen Tingting came back to her senses, "Auntie?? What's wrong???"

"Why are you in such a daze, kid!" Aunt Chen repeated what she just said, "Can you hear me clearly?"

"I, know, know, grandma." Chen Tingting stammered, "Miss Luo, Wang, no, it's Mr. Jia, concubine, I, I..."

"Everything will be fine as usual!" Luo Jiuli seemed to know what she was thinking and comforted softly, "It's okay."

"My husband is not a picky person."

"Besides, we, husband and wife, are in trouble right now. You and Mrs. Chen are very grateful for taking us in. How can you make so many demands?"

Luo Jiuli's last few words were not only to make amends because he was afraid that Mrs. Chen would find out something was wrong, but also to remind Chen Tingting not to show off their identities and expose their identities.

Chen Tingting is a smart person. After hearing this, she calmed down and said, "Okay, I will just make dinner for that night."

Luo Jiuli said 'hmm', and Chen Tingting picked up the mushrooms in the small basket to wash.

She said, "I originally planned to wash the clothes first. I heard from Awang that you have some clothes in the house that you just changed out, so we can wash them together. But now that it's getting dark, I'd better wash the mushrooms first." Come out, it’s important to have dinner.”

"The pheasant that Xiao Zuo brought yesterday happened to be cooked together. I'll go in and get it." Aunt Chen walked in with her cane.

Luo Jiuli touched his waist, wanting to give Chen Tingting a talisman so that she could save her life at the critical moment.

The result is one can imagine...

The waist is empty!

Yes, the magic talisman she brought out this time has been used up!

She had no choice but to tell Chen Tingting, "If someone asks you to open the door in the middle of the night these days, remember, you can't open it!"

Chen Tingting didn't know why, but she still responded respectfully, "Yes." Chen Wang stood in the courtyard, looking at Chen Tingting on the left and Luo Jiuli on the right.

Why does he feel that something is wrong, but yet... nothing seems to be wrong...

Before Chen Wang could think about it, a smell of meat interrupted his already incoherent train of thought.

Mrs. Chen came out with a pheasant and put it on the chopping board. "It's enough to cook half of the chicken tonight. When you kill it later, remember to put the remaining half back in the cabinet for me."

"The wild cats in the village are very vicious, don't let them drag you away!"

Chen Tingting brought out a small bucket of water from the kitchen and sat on the eaves to clean the mushrooms. "I understand, Mom, I'll come back as soon as I finish."

Luo Jiuli went back to the room, said a few words to Jun Mohan, picked up the empty bowl next to him and walked out.

Behind him was Jun Mohan's resentful voice, "Madam, my husband wants you to accompany him..."

"I'll keep you company!" Luo Jiuli closed the door ruthlessly.

Chen Tingting raised her eyes and saw the bowl in Luo Jiuli's hand, "Miss Luo, just find a place to put the bowl. I'll wash it later."

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli replied, but he went into the kitchen and washed the dishes.

Although she doesn't know how to cook or stir-fry, she still has no problem washing dishes.

After washing the dishes, Luo Jiuli found an empty wooden bucket nearby, scooped out the warm water from the pot with a ladle, and added some cold water to adjust it to the appropriate temperature.

She took the barrel out of the kitchen. Chen Tingting saw this and wanted to help, but Luo Jiuli refused, "No, no, I can do it myself. Just help me get the things for washing my hair."

"Oh, okay!" Chen Tingting responded.

Luo Jiuli took the water and found a place where he could wash his hair and put it down.

Chen Tingting came over with soap locust and said sheepishly, "We only have soap locust at home. If you want to use soap..."

"Why are you so particular about it?" Luo Jiuli took the saponin in Chen Tingting's hand without any disgust on his face.

In Yuansheng, saponin was cheap and poor people used it to wash their clothes, bathe and wash their hair.

Rich people usually use polyporus, pancreatic juice and the like.

Rich people who are more particular about it will also separate the soaps used for washing hair, bathing and washing clothes.

Luo Jiuli was washing her hair. Chen Tingting sat back on the eaves and continued to wash the mushrooms. She would look up at Luo Jiuli from time to time.

Looking at her washing her hair, she was slightly distracted.

She felt that the current princess and the princess when she was in the palace seemed to have two completely different personalities.

It's like two people!
The princess in the palace coughed every three steps. She was delicate and frail, and she seemed to be out of breath even when she spoke.

Naturally, his temperament is also very good. Otherwise, how could he have allowed the emperor to stuff people into the mansion at will in these years.

On the surface, it sounds nice to say that the prince has made military exploits on the frontier, but in fact everyone knows that these beauties are just spies placed in Prince Yi's Mansion on behalf of the emperor!

After staying in the mansion for so many years, Chen Tingting always thought that Luo Jiuli looked weak, but now...she found that it didn't seem like this!

The current princess is neither coughing nor wheezing. She is not sick and weak at all when she was in the palace. Even her actions from time to time reveal a little... domineering? ? ?
No, no, no, is it neat? ? ?Simply? ? ?
Chen Tingting thought about several words in a row, but she felt that they were not enough to describe the Luo Jiuli in front of her now.

 嘤嘤嘤TT I want to stop updating every day......

(End of this chapter)

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