Chapter 174 Do you know Tianshan Pavilion?
If I really have to describe it, it would be heroic!
It's getting dark and the food is on the table.

Luo Jiuli asked while eating, "Mrs. Chen, does she know where there is cinnabar nearby? Or black dog blood??"

"Cinnabar? Black dog blood?? What do you want these things for?" Aunt Chen put a piece of pheasant meat into Luo Jiuli's bowl, "Eat more, your Master Qiao brought this."

"Well, thank you, Mrs. Chen." Luo Jiuli ate his pheasant meat, "I just feel that I have been unlucky these days, and I just remembered that I met a wandering master a while ago."

"He taught me how to draw a talisman. I heard that it can ensure safety. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now that I think it might be useful, I thought of trying it with cinnabar."

In order not to expose his identity, Luo Jiuli told lies.

Aunt Chen did not doubt that she was there, "Well, there is no cinnabar. If you want the blood of a black dog, you have to kill him right away."

"Besides, it's troublesome to draw it yourself. In addition to cinnabar, you also need a yellow talisman." Aunt Chen fumbled in her arms for a while and took out a magic talisman folded into a triangle.

She put the magic talisman next to Luo Jiuli's hand, "Mom, she stays at home every day and nothing will happen to her. Just to keep her safe, take this and save yourself the trouble of drawing it yourself."

The edges of the talisman are old and it looks like it has some age.

Luo Jiuli knew that Aunt Chen was good to her, but being so good to her as a gift of a personal talisman made her feel guilty.

After all, she was full of lies when facing Mrs. Chen.

She put down her chopsticks and waved her hands, "No, no, no, this talisman looks old. It's an old thing. It must have been with you for many years. Don't give it to me!"

Luo Jiuli sent the magic talisman over, but was pushed back by Aunt Chen, "Hey! What's the big deal? I gave it to you as promised. Could it be that you dislike it and don't want it?"

"I'm telling you, this talisman is very powerful. Do you know who Bai Hua is?"

Why does this have anything to do with her master?

However, upon closer inspection, the writing strokes are very similar to Bai Hua's.

Could it be that this talisman was painted by Bai Hua?
Before Luo Jiuli could speak, Aunt Chen asked again, "Do you know Tianshan Pavilion?"

Luo Jiuli couldn't laugh or cry. She was from Tianshan Pavilion, how could she not know this.

However, she still shook her head, "I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

"What a shame, kids of your generation have never heard that it's normal."

Aunt Chen put down her chopsticks and pulled Luo Jiuli to sit down beside her. She seemed to be talking short and long stories.

"More than ten years ago, there was a severe drought and water was hard to come by. I don't know how many people died in Chenjiacun."

"Until one day, a man named Bai Qi came to our village. He claimed to be a member of Xuanmen, and he knew astronomy and geography."

"He said that our village will receive rain in less than half a month, but the rain is coming fiercely. If it is not handled well, the entire village will cease to exist."

"If you want to escape this disaster, you can either move away from Chenjiacun to higher ground, or dig a long river in the northwest of the village to connect with the downstream Hengshui. This way you can avoid this disaster."

Luo Jiuli, "So, you dug it?"

When I came back in the bullock cart today, the second sister-in-law Chen who talked to Uncle Niu was going to wash clothes by the river. It must be the same river that Bai Qi had people dig.Luo Jiuli also saw it from a distance at that time.

But she didn't expect that her master had someone dig the river.

Yes, Bai Qi is Luo Jiuli's master and Bai Hua's master.

"Alas!" Aunt Chen sighed, "How could it be possible to dig?"

Luo Jiuli, "That river in the village??"

"It's that river, but at the beginning everyone in the village thought Master Bai Qi was talking nonsense, and no one believed him at all."

"Even if some people believe it, it's only a few people who can't control the whole village. What's more, the third uncle Li Zheng at that time was deceived by that kind of pretending to be a Taoist man in the city."

"Third uncle has spoken. Anyone who dares to believe Master Bai Qi's words and dig a river channel will be against him and will be kicked out of the village."

"Moreover, at that time, not only Chenjia Village, but the entire Yuansheng Kingdom was suffering from drought. Water and food were in short supply, and even if you had money, you might not be able to buy them."

"In the village, everyone is a relative from the same hometown, and they can help out if they need anything. If you are kicked out of the village, if something happens to you, and there is no one to help you, you will really have no way to survive."

Aunt Chen took a sip of the soup and continued, "At that time, every household had no water, so they would line up at the dripping place on the edge of the cliff every day, picking up drops one by one. It was pretty good if each person could pick up a full can at a time. "

"The severe drought that has lasted for several months has even opened deep holes in the fields. The mud is as hard as rocks and can kill people."

"Even if Third Uncle had not spoken, no one would have given up collecting water and followed Master Bai Qi to dig a river channel with great efforts. What's more, any violent rain is just an unknown thing."

"What happened next? Why did you dig again?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"Alas! It's embarrassing to say that! Master Bai Qi really tried his best to persuade us to dig a river channel, but our people were almost driven out of the village."

Aunt Chen wiped the soup stains from the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief.

"Fortunately, Master Bai Qi is good at martial arts. With so many men in the village joining him, there is nothing we can do against him."

"It was at that time of chaos that Master Bai Hua came. He led a group of officers and soldiers to arrest all the men in the village who had done something."

"At that time, Master Bai Hua was accompanied by a man. The man was handsome and spoke in a very thin voice."

"I still thought it was strange at the time, how could a man speak so politely even if he was handsome? Just like a woman, I didn't know how such a handsome man could make those officers and soldiers respect him so much. He comes first.”

Aunt Chen couldn't help but laugh when she said this, "It was only on the day they left that I realized that the gentle man was really a woman!"

"I have to say that that woman is really amazing. I stayed in the village for more than ten days and I never heard her cry out in pain. I admire her so much. It's all because of the influence of that strong and persevering woman that I was allowed to live in the village. Every day after the old man left, he imitated her and learned how to be strong."

"Alas!" Aunt Chen sighed and glanced at Chen Tingting and Chen Wang, "Otherwise, with my old temper, how could I have dragged these two siblings to such an extent!"

"So, that woman is really a strange woman! But I don't know her name?"

Luo Jiuli was naturally curious about the women who had appeared beside his master.

(End of this chapter)

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