Chapter 175 The mysterious girl Xia

I don’t know if it’s because of that woman that Master never married.

If that woman is unmarried or her husband has died, maybe she can help find a good marriage for the master.

Just as Luo Jiuli was thinking happily, he heard Aunt Chen say, "I don't know, that woman is quite mysterious. She was dressed as a man when she came, and she didn't leave her name when she left."

Luo Jiuli was disappointed and asked without giving up, "Then what did you call her when she stayed in the village?"

After so many years, Aunt Chen can no longer remember clearly.

She thought for a moment and was not sure when she spoke, "Hmm... He seems to have a surname? No, no, it's Xia, yes, it's Xia. Those officers and soldiers called him Mr. Xia."

"I saw that the officers and soldiers were respectful to her. She must be a rich lady."

Mr. Xia? ? ?
A name suddenly appeared in Luo Jiuli's mind - Xia Qinghe.

Could it be that that girl is from the Xia family? ? ?

With the Xia family's power in the capital at that time, it shouldn't be difficult to mobilize a group of troops to dig rivers in Chenjia Village.

But, who is the woman who personally leads the troops and stands next to Bai Hua?
There has been a severe drought in the world for several months. If a person suddenly says that it will rain, and it will rain heavily, I am afraid that no one will believe it except those who are familiar with it.

Someone who is familiar with Bai Hua and the Xia family?Or a familiar woman? ?

Who will it be? ? ?
Luo Jiuli eliminated one on the left and one on the right, but the remaining one felt that it was completely impossible.

From Bai Hua's point of view, the Xia family at that time was too old and too young.

Excluding the old and young, they are the same generation as him.

If he is of the same generation, it is the generation of the current head of the Xia family.

At that time, the Xia family had three daughters and two sons of the same generation as the head of the Xia family. Not counting the men, there were only three women left. One of the three women had been named a princess and married to a foreign country more than twenty years ago.

Another one is said to have accidentally rolled down a hillside when he was a child and became a fool. He is still raising it in the Xia family’s backyard.

The last one is Luo Jiuli’s mother-in-law, Jun Mohan’s queen mother, Queen Yichun—Xia Qingci!

Xia Qingci is the most likely and the least likely.

Because Xia Qingci had been dead for more than ten years, Luo Jiuli was not sure of the specific year, but even if Xia Qingci was still alive at that time, as a queen of a country, how could she lead the troops in person.

"After the officers and soldiers came that year, they vigorously recruited people to dig river channels in the village and nearby villages. Except for those who were too old and those who were too young, everyone else was required. Regardless of men or women, the price was seventy or eighty yuan a day. Three meals a day are included!”

Aunt Chen continued, "With money and food, those who did not believe in and opposed the digging of river channels have now changed their minds to agreeing, and they are all rushing to sign up."

"Everyone who signed up took turns digging and repairing twelve hours a day. After more than ten days and nights, the river was finally repaired the day before Master Bai Qi said the heavy rain was coming!"

"After the river is repaired, will the heavy rain really come?" Luo Jiuli asked knowingly.

This knowing does not mean that she knew that there must have been a heavy rain in Chenjiacun.

But, she believed in her master!

If the master says it will rain, then it will definitely rain!
What's more, it is such a waste of people and money. If the master had not deduced it over and over again, he would never do it!

"Here it comes!" Aunt Chen is still a little scared when she thinks of this. "The rain came just after midnight on the night after the river channel was built." "We haven't seen rain for several months. When it first started raining, we were so happy. Very often, we ran out in the middle of the night, but by the next morning we were no longer happy."

Aunt Chen said, "You can go and see the river in the village, how wide and deep it is. We repaired it the day before. It rained that night, and the river was half full the next day. By the third In three days, the river was completely full, and the water gradually accumulated up to the knees."

"Due to the heavy rain, many thatched huts and houses in disrepair in the village were washed away by the rain."

"Master Bai Qi said that as long as you persist for the fifth day, the rain will gradually become lighter and fade away."

"Later, things turned out exactly as Master Bai Qi said. The non-stop heavy rain really became lighter on the fifth day, and it didn't subside until another half month later."

Aunt Chen's face was filled with happiness after the disaster. She said, "Fortunately, Master Bai Qi didn't give up on saving us because of our rudeness, otherwise..."

"Alas!" Aunt Chen sighed heavily, "I don't know how many more people in our Chenjia Village will be drowned!"

"Master Bai Qi is truly an expert! He is also a rare good person!"

Hearing someone praising his master, Luo Jiuli felt quite proud in his heart, "Master, no, it's Master Bai Qi. Master Bai Qi has always cared about the world, and he would not give up dozens or hundreds of things just because of some minor quarrels." No regard for life."

“In the face of big issues of right and wrong, we still need to be clear about what is light and what is important.”

"Yes!" Aunt Chen sighed with emotion, "Master Bai Qi's words have been confirmed. He saved the lives of everyone in several villages near us!"

"As a result, many people are embarrassed to ask for the money they earned from digging the river. After all, if it weren't for the river, we might have drowned that night when it first rained."

"So, everyone took the money and said they wanted to return it. As a result, no one accepted it, saying that it was the result of everyone's hard work and that they deserved it!"

"I was even afraid that everyone would feel uneasy about getting the money, so they lied to us and said that the money came directly from the treasury and that it was the court's money! Let us accept it with peace of mind."

"Why is it a lie?" Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows, "Maybe the money really belongs to the imperial court."

"Hey! This is impossible!" Aunt Chen waved her hand, "During the long time of digging the river channel, except for Miss Xia who disguised herself as a man, not even a decent official came to Chenjia Village. How could the court treat such a A lot of money is left in the hands of a weak woman."

"They refused to take back the money. In the end, in order to remember the three benefactors, everyone agreed to call the river in the village Baixia River!"

"There is also a monument erected by the river. You can see it if you walk a little higher. I'll take you to see it someday when I'm free."

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli nodded.

The monument was erected with the surnames of the master, master, and the mysterious woman. She had come here, so she wanted to see it.


Could it be that Mrs. Chen is happy to see the younger generation interested in these things.

"Master Bai Qi and Master Bai Hua are from the Tianshan Pavilion that I just told you about!"

Aunt Chen patted Luo Jiuli's hand holding the talisman, "This talisman was given to me by Master Bai Hua before he left. It's still alive!"

"Today you and your wife are in trouble, so I will give this talisman to you as a gift. Please keep it well!"

 Doing good deeds without asking for reward!

(End of this chapter)

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