The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 176 It will take years and months to wait until you finish cooking.

Chapter 176 It will take years and months to wait until you finish cooking.

"No, no! I can't accept this!! I really can't accept it!!!" Luo Jiuli took Aunt Chen's hand and placed the talisman in her palm.

"Hey, what's wrong with this! Hurry up and take it! It's a good meal if you take it!!!!"

Luo Jiuli looked at the magic talisman that was put back in front of him by Mrs. Chen, dumbfounded.

Since you can't win by pushing and pulling, let's be reasonable.

She said, "Mrs. Chen, it's not that I don't want to accept your talisman. It's just that the talisman has spirituality. Each talisman can only protect one person. What's more, you have worn this talisman for so long and it has already recognized you as its master. If you give it to It doesn't recognize me, so it's not a good thing if I forcefully wear it on my body."

"A talisman protects one person?" Aunt Chen took a bite of food and turned her head to look at Luo Jiuli, "Is it true? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Then how come two people from our village went to Langshan together last time, and one of them took the other person's talisman and wore it. As a result, nothing happened to the person wearing the talisman, but the original owner of the talisman was seriously injured. "


Luo Jiuli felt that she couldn't keep talking nonsense!

There is indeed a talisman that protects one person, but it needs to be signed.

Otherwise, for ordinary magic talismans, whoever wears them will still protect whom.

"This... the person who was not injured is not necessarily the result of the spiritual talisman. Sometimes it is also related to his own luck."

No matter what, Luo Jiuli refused to accept the talisman.

When she lied to deceive Mrs. Chen, she already felt guilty. How could she accept the life-saving charm she had worn for many years?

What's more, it's probably impossible to conquer the ghosts with just this talisman.

Luo Jiuli didn't care about Sanqi 21, stuffed the magic talisman into Aunt Chen's hand and sat back down.

"Hey! You kid!" Aunt Chen also saw that it was impossible for Luo Jiuli to accept her magic talisman, so she had no choice but to take the talisman back into her arms.

Chen Tingting advised from the side, "Auntie, Miss Luo refuses to accept your magic talisman, just for your own good. We should not force the talisman to be given to Miss Luo. This is not good."

"Since she wants to paint by herself, I will go to the village tomorrow to ask if anyone has more yellow talismans and cinnabar. If I don't have a daughter, I will go to the town and buy these things back."

"It's okay, it's okay. Jiu Li won't accept it, so that's all we can do!" Aunt Chen gave Luo Jiuli a piece of meat and said to Chen Tingting, "You go to your third cousin's house tomorrow to see if he can I used to be a Taoist priest. Although I don’t do it now, I might still have these things at home. If not, let Lao Niutou take you on a trip to the town to buy these things back.”

"Yeah." Chen Tingting nodded.

Luo Jiuli looked at the many pieces of meat in the bowl and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Chen."

This Chen family is really kind.

She was in the mansion before, so she sometimes chose Chen Tingting to do things for her.

One is because she has a smart temperament.

The second reason is that even though she is a spy, she has never done anything extraordinary in the mansion.

Moreover, Luo Jiuli acted weak in the house, and anyone who looked at her would not want to bully her, although she did not succeed.

But Chen Tingting doesn't. At least she always treats Luo Jiuli with respect.

'Bang bang bang! ! ! '

Luo Jiuli had just finished eating when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it??" Aunt Chen asked loudly. Just as she was about to ask Chen Wang to open the door, the person outside the door opened the door and walked in.

"Aunt Chen, it's me, Xiao Zuo." Xiao Zuo stopped in front of a few people, scratched the back of his head, and said with a naive smile: "Hey, the door at the door is broken, and none of you came to open the door, so I just opened the door and came in. "

"Brother Xiao Zuo." Chen Wang raised his head from the bowl and called out obediently.

"Yeah, Ah Wang, be good." Xiao Zuo responded.

Aunt Chen put down her chopsticks and looked at Xiao Zuo, "Why are you so polite to me? They are all members of the same family. You come in as soon as you come in. Why should you be embarrassed?"

"That door was kicked in by those evildoers in the afternoon."

"After they left here, they heard that they went to your place. How was it? Nothing happened, right?"

Aunt Chen's eyes fell on the little left and right arms, where there was a gash cut open by a big knife.

This made the wrinkles on Mrs. Chen's face, which was already full of wrinkles, become even deeper, "Ouch! How did this happen? Did those people cut it?"

Luo Jiuli was also very worried when he first saw the hole on Xiao Zuo's arm.

However, when she saw that Xiao Zuo only had a cut in his clothes and was not actually bleeding, she felt relieved.

Xiao Zuo followed Aunt Chen's gaze and looked down, waving his hand, "It's okay, it's just a cut in my clothes."

"That's it, that's good, that's good!"

At night, Mrs. Chen couldn't see clearly, but now she felt relieved when Xiao Zuo said this, and asked, "What about Mr. Qiao? How is Mr. Qiao? But he's okay???"

"Master is very good, don't worry." Xiao Zuo said, "No, the men in black were all driven away by Master. I hope they won't dare to come again next time."

"That's good, that's good!" Aunt Chen laughed, "Do you think it's so late? Do you want to eat? Why don't we sit down and have something to eat together?"

"No, no, I just came here to give Sister Luo a message. I was afraid that she would be worried. The master is still waiting for me at home. I have to go back to cook."

Xiao Zuo said he was about to leave, but was stopped by Mrs. Chen, "Oh! Wait wait wait!!! It's so late. It will be a long time before you finish cooking the meal. Why don't you finish the meal here first and wait?" When you go back after eating later, why don't you just bring some back to Mr. Qiao?"

Xiao Zuo waved his hand, "No, Mrs. Chen, I've already cooked the rice on the stove, I just need to go back and cook."

"You kid, you are becoming more polite every day! Don't leave in a hurry. What's on the table tonight is the pheasant you brought yesterday."

As she spoke, Aunt Chen looked at Chen Tingting and said to her, "A-Ting, go to the kitchen and get two bowls and pack all the dishes so that Xiao Zuo can take them back."

"Well, okay." Chen Tingting stood up and walked into the kitchen.

" can this be done? It can't be done, it can't be done, it must not be done like this..."

"What's wrong with this?" Aunt Chen interrupted Xiao Zuo, "You brought this pheasant for Jiuli to eat, but the old lady still ate it as well."

"I'm not letting you take them all, I'm just sharing some with you and letting you take them back to taste. Is there anything I can't do?"

"Auntie asked you to stay for dinner, and if you don't agree, forget it, but if you still refuse to take this thing, Auntie will be really angry."

Chen Tingting came back from the kitchen with a bowl. Xiao Zuo had no choice but to respond, "Well... then okay!"

"Hey! That's right!"

(End of this chapter)

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